Next-Generation Web Frameworks in Python / PHP and Smarty on Large-Scale Web Development

Liza Daly, «Next-Generation Web Frameworks in Python»
O'Reilly Media | ISBN: 0596513712 | April 9, 2007 | 43 pages | CHM | .5Mb

With its flexibility, readability, and mature code libraries, Python is a natural choice for developing agile and maintainable web applications. Several frameworks have emerged in the last few years that share ideas with Ruby on Rails and leverage the expressive nature of Python. This Short Cut will tell you what you need to know about the hottest fullstack frameworks: Django, Pylons, and TurboGears. Their philosophies, relative strengths, and development status are described in detail. What you won't find out is, "Which one should I use?" The short answer is that all of them can be used to build web applications- the challenge for the reader is to find the one that fits his or her project or coding style best.

Bruno Pedro, Vitor Rodrigues, «PHP and Smarty on Large-Scale Web Development»
O'Reilly Media | ISBN: 0596513798 | June 2007 | 36 pages | CHM | .5 Mb

With web development now being considered a commodity, projects are getting larger every day.If you are dealing with large projects on a daily basis, you know that the most difficult task is to deliver products on time and within a budget. However, many factors can influence those variables, including the programming language development methods you choose. This Short Cut shows you what a good choice it is to use PHP and Smarty for large-scale web projects. If you follow the principles and methodologies described here, you'll achieve greater productivity in your development tasks.

Title: Inside SQLite
First Edition: April 2007
Series: Short Cut
Format: PDF
ISBN 10: 0-596-55006-5
ISBN 13: 9780596550066
Pages: 76

Title: How to Build an SMS Service
First Edition: June 2007
Series: Short Cut
Format: PDF
ISBN 10: 0-596-51513-8
ISBN 13: 9780596515133
Pages: 72

Thanks to caicai!