Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health (repost)

Gary Taubes, "Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health"
Anchor | 2008 | ISBN: 1400033462 | 640 pages | epub | 1,6 MB

For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet despite this advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Taubes argues that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates, like white flour, easily digested starches, and sugars, and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number. In this groundbreaking book, award-winning science writer Gary Taubes shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong.


A Book of Mediterranean Food

Elizabeth David, "A Book of Mediterranean Food"
Penguin (Non-Classics) | 1988 | ISBN: 0140467882 | 224 pages | epub | 3,5 MB

A collection of recipes the author made while living in the Mediterranean area, doing her own cooking and obtaining her information first hand. The majority of dishes do not require exotic ingredients, being made with everyday vegetables, herbs, fish and poultry but treated in unfamiliar ways.

Long acknowledged as the inspiration for such modern masters as Julia Child and Claudia Roden, A Book of Mediterranean Food is Elizabeth David's passionate mixture of recipes, culinary lore, and frank talk. In bleak postwar Great Britain, when basics were rationed and fresh food a fantasy, David set about to cheer herself --and her audience-- up with dishes from the south of France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Middle East. Some are sumptuous, many are simple, most are sublime.


The Leap: How 3 Simple Changes Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great

Rick Smith, "The Leap: How 3 Simple Changes Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great"
Portfolio Hardcover | 2009 | ISBN: 1616847093 | 224 pages | epub | 1,3 MB

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this it?"

Maybe you're trapped in a dead-end job that you're afraid to leave. Or maybe you already have a good job-one that gives you room to grow and exercise your talents-but you don't really feel like you're doing your best work. Your life is plain vanilla, yet you know in your heart that you can be a triple scoop banana split. You just don't know how to make that leap.
So what do you do?
Rick Smith knows firsthand what it's like to feel stuck in a career rut. He worked in a midlevel job where he had modest success. Then his life took an unexpected turn and he found himself creating a business that became successful beyond his wildest dreams. He unlocked a level of performance he did not know he had in him. After all, Smith was just a regular guy who didn't like to take chances or even step outside his comfort zone. But as he found out, those qualities don't have to be stumbling blocks. In fact, they're two of the keys to making the leap from good to great.

And after talking to others who had also transformed their careers from mundane to magnificent, he realized that the secret doesn't lie with some mysterious talent, trait, or affinity for risk. And it certainly doesn't require you to quit your job and start from scratch. Rather, it lies with your ability to harness your true strengths and passions-what Smith calls your Primary Color.

You'll meet remarkable people who've made the leap, such as:
• A soft-spoken middle manager who transformed her company, her industry, and her career with a simple-yet groundbreaking-idea.
• A door-to-door fax machine saleswoman who became a global fashion mogul after developing her own line of women's apparel.
• A Florida shrimp farmer who became a globally recognized genetics expert after both of his sons were diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder.
• A software designer who became a leading advocate for the homeless after volunteering part time at a local shelter and realizing his true calling.

Through powerful anecdotes, lessons from brain science, and tools for self-assessment, Smith shows how, with the right amount of passion, determination, and three simple steps, anyone can make the leap to a more successful and fulfilling life.


Knock'em Dead 2010: The Ultimate Job Search Guide

Martin Yate, "Knock'em Dead 2010: The Ultimate Job Search Guide"
Adams Media | 2009 | ISBN: 1598697811 | 373 pages | epub | 1,2 MB

There's no question about it--today's job market is crowded and the competition is stiff. Candidates need an edge; a way to get the right job at the right salary. In the latest edition of this classic guide, Martin Yate paves the way with his proven advice on everything from crafting resumes with keywords and leveraging social networking to the latest thinking on interview skills.

Featuring a new section, "Where the Jobs Are," Yate delves into the hottest fields such as education, engineering, and health care, and supplies info on the top job titles, and tips on how to land positions in those fields.

Armed with this book, you will gain the advantage you need to bring your "A" game--and secure a great job!


Career GPS: Strategies for Women Navigating the New Corporate Landscape

Ella L. J. Edmondson Bell, Linda Villarosa, "Career GPS: Strategies for Women Navigating the New Corporate Landscape"
Amistad | 2010 | ISBN: 0061714380 | 256 pages | epub | 1 MB

The workplace is constantly in flux, and even now there are new opportunities open to women. But to take advantage of these possibilities, it's essential to know the current rules for corporate success. This isn't your father's or your mother's workplace anymore!

Whether it's the CEO seat, an executive manager slot, or a more intrapreneurial position, women who follow Career GPS will have what it takes to gain their professional goals.

Dr. Ella L. J. Edmondson Bell, Ph.D., an authority on career development, has worked with women across a variety of fields and in different kinds of corporations, from Fortune 500s to start-ups. Here she offers guidelines to help women forge their own pathways to professional ascent, providing tips for maximizing a review, networking in a relevant way, and much more. According to Dr. Bell:

Think working hard is enough to be recognized? It's not enough to assume your effort will speak for itself. You have to socialize with the decision makers. It might not mean you have to pick up the golf clubs, but you do have to figure out what works in your own organization.

Parlez-vous FranÇis? Learning Mandarin? If you work for a global company and aspire to an extreme job or higher, make it known that you would take an overseas assignment to advance your career.

Nowhere to go right now? Even in hard times there are options. Learn a lateral skill—such as accounting—so when the company is firing on all engines again, you will impress through the breadth of your knowledge.

Drawing from her work as a consultant to some of the country's most prestigious Fortune 100 companies, Dr. Bell helps readers succeed at every level in a dynamic corporate marketplace. Career GPS combines Dr. Bell's academic knowledge and expertise with dozens of heartfelt first-person stories from smart women who rose through the ranks. Here is a book that will guide women of all cultures, ages, and levels of experience to their career goals.


The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing

Jason Kelly, "The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing"
Plume | 2009 | ISBN: 0452295823 | 320 pages | epub | 1,9 MB

The essential stock market guide updated with timely strategies for investing after the crash

Now in its fourth edition, Jason Kelly's The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing has established itself as a clear, concise, and highly effective guide for investing in stocks. This comprehensively updated edition contains tried-and-true investment principles to teach investors how to create and refine a profitable investment program. New strategies and content include:

•Basic tips on when to invest and how to reduce the amount of risk in this turbulent market
•A new core portfolio technique that shows readers a way to achieve 3 percent quarterly performance with the IJR exchange-traded fund
•An exclusive interview with legendary Legg Mason investment counselor, Bill Miller, including his thoughts on the financial crash of 2008

Accessible and intelligent, The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing is what every investor needs to keep pace in the current market.


Kalb İbresi - M. Fethullah Gülen

Kalb ibresi - M. Fethullah Gülen

Kalb İbresi - M. Fethullah Gülen
Epub | Mobi | 2,8 MB | RS, MF, Megaupload

Muhterem M. Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi elli küsur yıldır kendisini dinleyenlerin kalb ibrelerinin istikamet kazanması ve o istikamette devam etmesi için konuşuyor ve yazıyor. Bizi, bizim kalblerimizi bizden daha fazla düşündüğünde şüphe yok. Çünkü meselenin ciddiyetini bizden çok ama çok daha iyi biliyor. Beyanlarıyla ister meltem gibi ruhlarımızı okşasın, ister tembih ve ihtarlarla içimize havf ve haşyet hisleri salsın, ister iltifat ve müjdelerle reca duygularımızı tetiklesin; o, gözleri yaşartan, gönülleri titreten nağmeleriyle hep kalbimize sesleniyor ve kalbimiz için sesleniyor. Elbette sadece seslenmekle kalmıyor. Gözyaşı döküyor ve adeta bir mum gibi yanıp eriyor. Bizim kalb ibrelerimizin doğruyu göstermesi için çok zaman iki büklüm oluyor. Ve bunların hepsinden daha önce ve daha öte kalb ibrelerimiz hep hedefe kilitli kalsın mülahazalarıyla gece-gündüz Allah’a yalvarıp duruyor. Kalb İbresi işte bu derin düşüncelerin, dokunaklı nağmelerin, bereketli gözyaşlarının, iki büklüm oluşların ve Hakk’a yakarışların bir semeresi olarak gelip bizlere ulaşıyor.

Ayrıca lağviyat karşısında mümince duruş nasıl olur; insan yaşlanınca dine hizmet vazifesi sona erer mi; toplumda işlenen günahlardan dolayı bazı hususlarda mazur sayılabilir miyiz; Hocaefendi hangi husustan bîzar; sporun iffetli olanı hangisidir; Bozyaka ve Altunizade’yi diğer mekanlardan ayıran özellikler nelerdir; melekleşme ufku nasıl elde edilir; objektif ve subjektif mükellefiyeti nasıl anlamalıyız; aktüaliteye dalmanın kalb hayatımıza zararları var mıdır; akıl ve his dengesi nasıl kurulur.. gibi pek çok sorunun cevabı da yine bu kitapta. Ayrıca, Muhterem Hocaefendi Türkiye’ye dönecek mi, dönecekse ne zaman ve nasıl dönecek? En acılı ve en ızdıraplı yıllarını hayatının hangi zaman diliminde yaşadı? Bunlar gibi bazı hususî sorulara verdiği cevapların yer aldığı özel röportajı da bu eserin sayfaları arasında bulmak da mümkün olacak.

Dakikaları, saatleri, günleri, haftaları, ayları ve yılları gösteren ibreler aktıkça ömür gelip geçiyor ve herkes dünya yolculuğunun sonuna yaklaşıyor. Ömür gelip geçmeden o ibrenin nasıl sabit tutulabileceğini önce bu satırlardan okuyacak, sonra da inşaallah kendi kalbimize tatbik edeceğiz. Bu satırlara yansıyan o müstesna kalbin mualla soluklarını tam anlayabilmek için de o satırları kalb kulağımızla dinleyeceğiz.

Türkçe font eklendi, mobi ve epub'ın arapça desteği yeterli olmadığı için arapça yazılar resme dönüştürüldü.


Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi - Bütün Eserleri (2010)

Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi Pırlanta Serisi

Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi - Bütün Eserleri (2010)
Epub | Mobi | Lit | 186,5 MB | RS, MF, Megaupload

Pırlanta serisi, Gülen hareketi üzerine araştırma ve inceleme yazıları ve diğer kitaplarla birlikte tam 156 kitap.

Kur'ân ve sünnete dair hakikatlerin çağın idrakine uygun olarak aşk ve heyecan potasında ertilip takdim edildiği, çeyrek asra yakın zamandır, pek çok kalbin yaratılış gayesi doğrultusunda atmasına vesile olan bu seri ile yeni bir dünyanın kapıları önünüze seriliyor...

Bilgisayarda, ekitap okuyucularda, ipod'da, Ipad'de, cep telefonlarında hatta psp'de dahi okuyabilirsiniz. Hepsi türkçe karakter destekli.

Kitaplardan bazıları

Amerika'da Bir Ay
Asrın Getirdiği Tereddütler
Çağ ve Nesil
Buhranlar Anaforunda İnsan (Çağ ve Nesil-2)
Yitirilmiş Cennete Doğru (Çağ ve Nesil-3)
Zamanın Altın Dilimi (Çağ ve Nesil-4)
Günler Baharı Soluklarken (Çağ ve Nesil-5)
Yeşeren Düşünceler (Çağ ve Nesil-6)
Işığın Göründüğü Ufuk (Çağ ve Nesil-7)
Örnekleri Kendinden Bir Hareket (Çağ ve Nesil-8)
Sükûtun Çığlıkları (Çağ ve Nesil-9)
Çekirdekten Çınara
Dua Ufku
Enginliğiyle Bizim Dünyamız (İktisadî Mülâhazalar)
Fasıldan Fasıla-1
Fasıldan Fasıla-2
Fasıldan Fasıla-3
Fasıldan Fasıla-4
Fikir Atlası (Fasıldan Fasıla-5)
Fatiha Üzerine Mülâhazalar
Günümüzde Gençliğin Problemlerine Doğru
Hüzmeler ve İktibaslar
İ‘lâ-yı Kelimetullah veya Cihad
İnancın Gölgesinde
İrşad Ekseni
Kitap ve Sünnet Perspektifinde Kader
Kalbin Zümrüt Tepeleri
Kendi Dünyamıza Doğru
Kırık Mızrap
Kırık Testi
Kur‘ân‘dan İdrake Yansıyanlar
Ölçü veya Yoldaki Işıklar
Ölüm Ötesi Hayat
Kendi İklimimiz (Prizma-5)
Yol Mülâhazaları (Prizma-6)
Zihin Harmanı (Prizma-7)
Ruhumuzun Heykelini Dikerken
Sonsuz Nur
Takdim Yazıları
Varlığın Metafizik Boyutu
Yaratılış Gerçeği ve Evrim

Diğer kitaplar
Bu bölümde yer alan kitaplardan bazıları

Küçük Dünyam
Hitap Çiçekleri
Çağdaş Türkiye‘de İslam: Fethullah Gülen‘in Katkıları
Fethullah Gülen Hareketinin Analizi
Hocaefendi'nin Hayat Kronolojisi
Bir Portre Denemesi
Hocaefendi'nin Hayatından Kesitler
O‘nu Tanıyanların dilinden
Hakkındaki Görüşler
Gülen hareketi üzerine inceleme yazıları
Hoşgörü ve Diyalog İklimi
Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi'nin yayınladığı mesajları
Yayınladığı taziyeler
Gülen hareketi üzerine araştırma yazıları
Basın Açıklamaları
Fethullah Gülen Gerçeği
İki Çarpıtma Örneği
Mahkeme Kararları
Kursu [Ikindi Sohbetleri]
Bamteli Insanımız ve Milletimizle Alakalı Sohbetlerin çözümleri
Kırık Testi [Bütün Sohbetler]
Fethullah Gülen’in Eserlerinde Kavramlar

Ek kitaplar

Pırlanta Serisi Önceki Baskı
Yukarıdaki seride bazı kitapların konu sıralaması değişik, bazı kitaplar da birleştirilmiş şekilde verildiği için baskı sırasını takip eden eski baskı kitaplar da eklendi.
Pırlanta serisi eski basım


Gus Russo - The Outfit

Gus Russo - The Outfit
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA | 2003 | English | ISBN: 1582342792 | EPUB, LIT, LRF, MOBI, PDF, RTF | 214 Pages | 19.2 MB

“ Investigative reporter Russo (Live by the Sword: The Secret War Against Castro and the Death of JFK) offers an impressive in-depth history of Chicago's elusive crime syndicate. Unlike their trigger-happy East Coast counterparts, Chicago's gangsters stressed businesslike discretion following the chaotic Capone era, and they had a wide-ranging impact on American culture, entertainment and politics that has never been fully documented. Russo has new sources, ranging from entertainer Steve Allen's "crime files" to the widow of the book's most memorable figure, the Outfit's financial manager, "Curly" Humphreys. Others, like Paul "The Waiter" Ricca, will be known to Mob aficionados, but even they will note Russo's novel thesis, that the lucrative scams carried out during the group's 40-year heyday involved members of the respected "upperworld." These ventures ranged from the well known, such as the gambling operations that fueled Chicago's civic corruption, to the surprising (Mob-linked dairies were the first to use "sell by" dates). The Outfit started off-track betting and Top 40 charts and, in its declining years, the Outfit's "fixer," Sidney Korshak, vetted the cast of The Godfather. According to Russo, their "respectable" partners who publicly abhorred the gangster element included Joe Kennedy, MCA president Jules Stein, Bing Crosby, Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, and innumerable public servants. Russo humanizes the shadowy gangsters without denying their violent proclivities. He also examines them in the context of traditional immigrant ambitions. Russo's illuminating history may disorient some readers; still, this is the book to beat in examining this midcentury criminal empire. B&w photos not seen by PW. ”

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Kainatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı - Salih Suruç

Kainatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı - Salih Suruç

Kainatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı - Salih Suruç
Epub | Mobi | Lit | 2,75 MB | RS, MF, Megaupload

İki cilt bir arada!

O’na yolculuk yeniden başlıyor…

Günümüzde insanlığın asıl ızdırabı, kainatın efendisi Hz. Muhammed'i (a.s.m.) tam manası ile tanımamış, hakiki şahsiyetini bilememiş olmasından ve getirdiği, hayat bahşeden esaslara aşk ve şevk içinde kucak açmayışından gelmektedir. Dünyanın manevi sarsıntısı da, sıkıntısı da, anarşi ve huzursuzluk içinde bocalayışı da bundan doğmaktadır. Onu anlamadıkça sevmedikçe ve hayat bahşeden prensiplerini kendisine rehber edinmedikçe de insanlığın bu sıkıntı, sarsıntı ve buhrandan kurtulması mümkün değildir. İnsanlık onu anlamak zorundadır! Dünya Siyer Ödülü birincisi bu eserimiz, onun bir nebze olsun anlaşılmasına vesile olacaksa kendimizi bahtiyar addedeceğiz.

Mübarek hayatı en ince ayrıntısına kadar kayıt altına alınan Allah’ın Elçisi Hz Muhammed’in(sav) Hayatı, siyer ödüllü Salih Suruç’un kaleminden, tek cilt halinde ve zenginleştirilmiş metniyle siz değerli okuyucularla buluşuyor!

Ufuk peygamberinin tüm zamanı kucaklayan, sonsuz saadete çağıran tatlı sesinin, Allah’ın Elçisi Hz. Muhammed’in(sav) Hayatı isimli bu eserle yeniden yüreğinizde yankılandığını duyacaksınız. Peygamber Efendimizin hayatı, kronolojik bir disiplin içerisinde işlenirken, tarihi olaylar içerisinde O’nun ahlakî özellikleri de başarıyla vurgulanıyor.

Tüm yönleri ile Hz. Peygamberin hayatını “okumak” için, Allah’ın Elçisi Hz. Muhammed’in(sav) Hayatı, belki de hayatınızın yeni bir dönüm noktasını oluşturacak!


Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World

Liaquat Ahamed, "Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World"
Penguin Press HC | 2009 | ISBN: 159420182X, 0434015415, 0143116800, 1440697965 | 576 pages | epub | 1,3 MB

With penetrating insights for today, this vital history of the world economic collapse of the late 1920s offers unforgettable portraits of the four men whose personal and professional actions as heads of their respective central banks changed the course of the twentieth century

It is commonly believed that the Great Depression that began in 1929 resulted from a confluence of events beyond any one person’s or government’s control. In fact, as Liaquat Ahamed reveals, it was the decisions taken by a small number of central bankers that were the primary cause of the economic meltdown, the effects of which set the stage for World War II and reverberated for decades.

In Lords of Finance, we meet the neurotic and enigmatic Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, the xenophobic and suspicious Émile Moreau of the Banque de France, the arrogant yet brilliant Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, and Benjamin Strong of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose façade of energy and drive masked a deeply wounded and overburdened man. After the First World War, these central bankers attempted to reconstruct the world of international finance. Despite their differences, they were united by a common fear—that the greatest threat to capitalism was inflation— and by a common vision that the solution was to turn back the clock and return the world to the gold standard.

For a brief period in the mid-1920s they appeared to have succeeded. The world’s currencies were stabilized and capital began flowing freely across the globe. But beneath the veneer of boom-town prosperity, cracks started to appear in the financial system. The gold standard that all had believed would provide an umbrella of stability proved to be a straitjacket, and the world economy began that terrible downward spiral known as the Great Depression.

As yet another period of economic turmoil makes headlines today, the Great Depression and the year 1929 remain the benchmark for true financial mayhem. Offering a new understanding of the global nature of financial crises, Lords of Finance is a potent reminder of the enormous impact that the decisions of central bankers can have, of their fallibility, and of the terrible human consequences that can result when they are wrong.


The Devil's Casino: Friendship, Betrayal, and the High Stakes Games Played Inside Lehman Brothers

Vicky Ward "The Devil's Casino: Friendship, Betrayal, and the High Stakes Games Played Inside Lehman Brothers"
Publisher: Wiley (March 22, 2010) | 296 Pages | ISBN: 0470540869 | ePub | 1.6 MB

They were the Rat Pack of Wall Street. Four close friends: one a decorated war hero, one an emotional hippie, and two regular guys with big hearts, big dreams, and noble aims. They were going to get rich on Wall Street. They were going to prove that men like them ? with zero financial training - could more than equal the Ivy-League-educated white shoe bankers who were the competition. They were going to create an institution for men like them -- men who were hungry and untrained ? and they were going to win, but not at the cost of their souls.
In short, they were going to be the good guys of finance.
Under their watch, Lehman Brothers started to grow and became independent again in 1994. But something had gone wrong on the journey. The men slowly, perhaps inevitably, changed. As Lehman Brothers grew, so too did the cracks in and among the men who had rebuilt it.
Ward takes you inside Lehman's highly charged offices. You'll meet beloved leaders who were erased from the corporate history books, but who could have taken the firm in a very different direction had they not fallen victim to infighting and their own weaknesses. You will encounter an unlikely and almost unknown Marcus Brutus, who may have had more to do with Lehman?s failings than anyone?including Dick Fuld, who has widely been considered the poster-child for the mistakes and greed of all bankers.
What Ward uncovers is that Lehman may have lost at the risky games of collateralized debt obligations, swaps, and leverage but that was just the end of a bigger story. "Little Lehman" was the Wall Street shop known to be forever fighting for its life and somehow succeeding. On Wall Street it was cheekily known as "the cat with nine lives." But this cat pushed its luck too far -- and died, the victim of men and women blinded by arrogance. Come inside The Devil's Casino and see how good men lose their way, and see how a firm that rose with the glory and bravado of Icarus fell burning in flames not so much from a sun, but from a match lit from within.


Bir Müslümanın Yol Haritası - Akademi Heyeti

Bir Müslümanın Yol Haritası - Akademi Heyeti

Bir Müslümanın Yol Haritası - Akademi Heyeti
Epub | Mobi | Lit | 2,8 MB | RS, MF, Megaupload

Kitabımızda, inanç, ibadet ve ahlâk boyutuyla İslâm´ın getirdiği mesajları özlü ve kolay anlaşılabilir bir şekilde sunmak hedeflenmiştir.

İslam Dini´nin temeli olan iman esasları üzerinde etraflı ve derinlikli bir şekilde durulmaya çalışılmıştır. Zira her şey imana, inanca bağlıdır. İbadet, muamelat (davranış) ve ahlâk, İman temeli üzerinde gerçekleşir. Kitabımızda İman Esaslarından sonra İbadetler kısmı yani namaz, oruç, zekât, hac konuları işlenmiştir.

İlmihâlin hazırlanması esnasında mümkün olduğunca ihtilâfa ait detaylardan kaçınılmıştır. Hanefî mezhebinin fıkıh anlayışı esas alınmış fakat başta Şafiî mezhebi olmak üzere diğer mezheplerin yaklaşımlarına da atıflarda bulunulmuştur.

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Cep telefonlarında da okunabilir.


The Job Interview Phrase Book: The Things to Say to Get You the Job You Want

Nancy Schuman, "The Job Interview Phrase Book: The Things to Say to Get You the Job You Want"
Adams Media | 2009 | ISBN: 144050184X | 248 pages | epub | 1 MB

In today's marketplace it is critical that you stand out in a crowd."
?Eric Winegardener, Vice President, Monster Worldwide

In today's tightening job market, the interview is a key stage. But too often in job interviews, candidates freeze and can't find the words they need to make the best impression. Now this clear, concise guide shows the best way to answer all the essential questions, such as:

•How do you get along with others at work? "I value good support from my coworkers . . ."
•Where do you expect to be in five years? "Working for this company in a position of responsibility . . ."
•What motivates you? "I like working on a project all the way through, from conception to . . ."
•How do you manage your time? "I put aside the start of the day for major projects, and then . . ."
•How do you solve a problem? "I start by looking at all the possible causes . . ."
Also included: A breakdown of phrases by industry, giving you a leg up in some of the best job markets in today's economy. In a competitive market, interview skills are among the most important advantages job seekers can have. This book shows you how to hone those skills for success?one word at a time."


The Handbook of Financing Growth: Strategies, Capital Structure, and M&A Transactions

Kenneth H. Marks, Larry E. Robbins, Gonzalo Fernandez, John P. Funkhouser, D.L. Williams, "The Handbook of Financing Growth: Strategies, Capital Structure, and M&A Transactions"
Wiley | 2009 | ISBN: 0470390158 | 645 pages | epub | 11,1 MB

Praise for The handbook of Financing Growth

"Once again, Kenneth Marks and company have hit the mark with a comprehensive analysis of corporate and commercial finance, which is both readable and up-to-date. This book is a must for any entrepreneur, middle-market company CFO, or graduate student looking for a thorough presentation of real world financial solutions. I highly recommend it."
—Barry D. Yelton, Senior Vice President and Region Manager, Federal National Payables, Inc.

"This is a valuable tool to anyone raising capital. I've seen firsthand how the current environment is filled with dead ends for those seeking to grow their business. Having a blueprint for the process will save time and resources; two things any growth company can ill afford to spend. By looking at the process and explaining the various components of how capital forms, the authors provide necessary insight toward a productive effort. Anyone considering a capital raise should embark on that journey with this resource."
—Christopher Gaertner, Head of Technology Investment Banking, Managing Director, Merrill Lynch

"All principals involved in financing their growth should keep a copy of this book handy and refer to it frequently for guidance. It provides clear guidelines and case studies that can be used by any of the 27 million firms in the U.S. that want to grow."
—James F. Smith, PhD, Chief Economist, Parsec Financial Management

"Ken Marks and team have done a great service here to top management of middle-market companies, their advisors, as well as the investment community in understanding growth financing. This book is a perfect combination of being comprehensive (the glossary alone contains over 650 terms) yet very understandable. Too bad that more books written on this subject aren't written the way this one is."
—Bob Grabill, President and CEO, Chief Executive Network

"I am enthusiastic about this Second Edition of The Handbook of Financing Growth. The authors have updated chapters throughout and introduced a very useful, 'new project leadership' tool in Chapter 2. I can't imagine a more complete business financing guide. And, because of the tremendous amount of business wisdom contained herein, this book is valuable for its general business planning guidance alone. Highly recommended; a copy belongs in every entrepreneur's library!"
—Peter Pflasterer, entrepreneur and founder, JPS Communications, Inc.

"Considering the many financing challenges in the midst of our global recession, as a leading trade association for M&A professionals, we believe the new edition of The Handbook of Financing Growth is essential reading for any business owner, advisor, or investor. This ambitious sharing of 'hands on' experiences will surely prove to be very rewarding for any decision maker in the private capital marketplace today!"
—Michael R. Nall, CPA, CM & AA, and founder, Alliance of M&A Advisors


WordPlay: 550+ Words You Need to Know

WordPlay: 550+ Words You Need to Know by Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon, Paul Allman
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series; 2 edition (August 1, 2004) | ISBN: 0764177508 | Language English | Audio Cassette in MP3 & ACC for IPods 64Kbps + PDF | 332 MB

This popular vocabulary-building program, previously available in audiocassette tape format, is now being issued on compact discs. Based on Murray Bromberg and Melvin Gordon?s bestselling classroom book, 1100 Words You Need to Know, this program presents seven humorous dramatizations designed to build students? word power while preparing them for the SAT, ACT, and ESL tests. Dramatized stories include those of a hapless football team, a private eye, a chef with an accident-prone cooking show, and others. All stories keep their listeners amused while they introduce words and word meanings in the context of informal conversations. A 32-page booklet lists the words-to-learn from each dramatization and provides brief definitions for them all.
From the Back Cover
back cover


550+ Words You Need to Know Second Edition

FIVE AUDIO COMPACT DISCS with Vocabulary Booklet


1. The Rambling Panthers

A high school football team doesn’t have much talent but the players all have high SAT scores

2. Slap Monahan, Private Investigator

A tough private eye gets help from a talking computer

3. The Furious Cook

The world’s most patient chef loses his cool every time something goes wrong during his cooking show

4. High School University

A soap opera flourishes as four romantically involved teens muddle through their misunderstandings

5. Big Mike

News making interviews from the most unlikely places—inside a basketball, behind a refrigerator, under a toupee, and other peculiar locations

6. The Meter is Running

A college professor’s amusing encounter with a cab driver whose English skills are limited

7. City of Gold

Distinguished scholars search across three continents for a fabulous treasure

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Starting Over: How to Change Your Career or Start Your Own Business

Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine, "Starting Over: How to Change Your Career or Start Your Own Business"
Grand Central Publishing | 1997 | ISBN: 0446671665 | 256 pages | epub | 1 MB

This invaluable guide offers a definitive game plan for anyone seeking to redefine his or her work status--for finding a new career or even starting a personal business


The Career Within You: How to Find the Perfect Job for Your Personality

Elizabeth Wagele, Ingrid Stabb, "The Career Within You: How to Find the Perfect Job for Your Personality"
HarperOne | 2010 | ISBN: 0061718610 | 368 pages | epub | 7,5 MB

Find the Perfect Career Just for You!

The Career Within You Includes:

* A Quiz to Determine Your Personality's "Career Type"
* Worksheets That Fit a Selection of Jobs to Your Strengths, Needs, and Objectives
* Extensive Tables of the Careers That Currently Offer the Most Money, the Most Opportunities, and the Greatest Flexibility
* Sample RÉsumÉs That Will Catch an Employer's Attention
* Detailed Tips on Preparing for a Successful Interview
* Success Stories of People Just Like You


The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Resume, 5th Edition

Susan Ireland, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Resume, 5th Edition"
Alpha | 2010 | ISBN: 1592579574 | 304 pages | epub | 12 MB

Resumé: revamped for the times, technology, and the recession...

The recession has made finding a job harder than ever. Everything now takes place online, and a resumé's preparation is different than even a few years ago. This new edition has changed with the times, focusing on what's most important in an electronic resumé. Full of successful resumé samples and cover letters
, the book also focuses on the key words and phrases that will bring readers' resumés to the top of the HR pile.

•More than 100 samples of real-life resumés and cover letters, many of them new

•Founded in real-life experience without the rigid resume-writing rules of other guides

•Ideal for all job seekers, from new grads to the laid off worker, new mothers to senior citizens


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Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

Miracles of Prophet Muhammad by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (Translator: Ali Unal)
Epub| Mobi | PDF | Sony Reader | iRex iLiad | Cybook Gen 3 | 3,47 MB | RS, MF, Megaupload

This book discusses some of the extraordinary incidents that support Muhammad's prophethood, and his divine mission of calling people to Islam with references to authenticated resources.


The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles, Book 1)

The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles, Book 1)

Rick Riordan , "The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles, Book 1)"
Hyperion Book CH | 1 edition (May 4, 2010) | ISBN: 1423113381 | 528 pages | PDF / RTF / LIT / LRF / ePUB / PDB / TXT / Mobi-AZW | 4,9 MB

“ Since their mother’s death, Carter and Sadie have become near strangers. While Sadie has lived with her grandparents in London, her brother has traveled the world with their father, the brilliant Egyptologist, Dr. Julius Kane.
One night, Dr. Kane brings the siblings together for a "research experiment" at the British Museum, where he hopes to set things right for his family. Instead, he unleashes the Egyptian god Set, who banishes him to oblivion and forces the children to flee for their lives.
Soon, Sadie and Carter discover that the gods of Egypt are waking, and the worst of them--Set--has his sights on the Kanes. To stop him, the siblings embark on a dangerous journey across the globe--a quest that brings them ever closer to the truth about their family, and their links to a secret order that has existed since the time of the pharaohs. ”

Download The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles, Book 1)

Nutrition for Dummies

Nutrition for Dummies By Nigel Denby
Publisher: Wiley 2005 | 352 Pages | ISBN: 0764570587 | EPUB | 5 MB

Nutrition For Dummies doesn’t aim to send you back to the classroom, sit you down, and make you take notes about what to eat every day from now until you’re old and grey. Instead, this book means to give you the information you need to make wise food choices – which always means choices that please the palate as well as the body. Some of what you’ll read here is about the basics: the roles of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and even plain water. You’ll also read tips about how to put together a nutritious shopping list and how to include all the foods you enjoy as part of a healthy balanced diet.
For those who know absolutely nothing about nutrition except that it deals with food, this book is a starting point containing sound information you can trust. For those who know more than a little about nutrition, this book is a refresher course to bring you bang up to date on what has happened in the field since you last checked.


Metro 2033

Metro 2033

Metro 2033 (iPad)
Publisher: Gollancz | ISBN: 0575086246 | March 18, 2010 | ePub | 464 pages | 720 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ The year is 2033. The world has been reduced to rubble. Humanity is nearly extinct. The half-destroyed cities have become uninhabitable through radiation. Beyond their boundaries, they say, lie endless burned-out deserts and the remains of splintered forests. Survivors still remember the past greatness of humankind. But the last remains of civilisation have already become a distant memory, the stuff of myth and legend. More than 20 years have passed since the last plane took off from the earth. Rusted railways lead into emptiness. The ether is void and the airwaves echo to a soulless howling where previously the frequencies were full of news from Tokyo, New York, Buenos Aires. Man has handed over stewardship of the earth to new life-forms. Mutated by radiation, they are better adapted to the new world. Man's time is over. A few score thousand survivors live on, not knowing whether they are the only ones left on earth. They live in the Moscow Metro - the biggest air-raid shelter ever built. It is humanity's last refuge. Stations have become mini-statelets, their people uniting around ideas, religions, water-filters - or the simple need to repulse an enemy incursion. It is a world without a tomorrow, with no room for dreams, plans, hopes. Feelings have given way to instinct - the most important of which is survival. Survival at any price. VDNKh is the northernmost inhabited station on its line. It was one of the Metro's best stations and still remains secure. But now a new and terrible threat has appeared. Artyom, a young man living in VDNKh, is given the task of penetrating to the heart of the Metro, to the legendary Polis, to alert everyone to the awful danger and to get help. He holds the future of his native station in his hands, the whole Metro - and maybe the whole of humanity. ”

Download Metro 2033 (iPad)

Spoken from the Heart

Spoken from the Heart

Laura Bush - Spoken from the Heart
Publisher: Scribner | ISBN: 1439155208 | 1 edition (May 4, 2010) | PDF / RTF / LIT / LRF / ePUB / PDB / TXT / HTML / Mobi | 456 pages | 11,2 mb

“ Born in the boom-and-bust oil town of Midland, Texas, Laura Welch grew up as an only child in a family that lost three babies to miscarriage or infant death. She vividly evokes Midland's brash, rugged culture, her close relationship with her father, and the bonds of early friendships that sustain her to this day. For the first time, in heart-wrenching detail, she writes about the devastating high school car accident that left her friend Mike Douglas dead and about her decades of unspoken grief.

When Laura Welch first left West Texas in 1964, she never imagined that her journey would lead her to the world stage and the White House. After graduating from Southern Methodist University in 1968, in the thick of student rebellions across the country and at the dawn of the women's movement, she became an elementary school teacher, working in inner-city schools, then trained to be a librarian. At age thirty, she met George W. Bush, whom she had last passed in the hallway in seventh grade. Three months later, "the old maid of Midland married Midland's most eligible bachelor." With rare intimacy and candor, Laura Bush writes about her early married life as she was thrust into one of America's most prominent political families, as well as her deep longing for children and her husband's decision to give up drinking. By 1993, she found herself in the full glare of the political spotlight. But just as her husband won the Texas governorship in a stunning upset victory, her father, Harold Welch, was dying in Midland.

In 2001, after one of the closest elections in American history, Laura Bush moved into the White House. Here she captures presidential life in the harrowing days and weeks after 9/11, when fighter-jet cover echoed through the walls and security scares sent the family to an underground shelter. She writes openly about the White House during wartime, the withering and relentless media spotlight, and the transformation of her role as she began to understand the power of the first lady. One of the first U.S. officials to visit war-torn Afghanistan, she also reached out to disease-stricken African nations and tirelessly advocated for women in the Middle East and dissidents in Burma. She championed programs to get kids out of gangs and to stop urban violence. And she was a major force in rebuilding Gulf Coast schools and libraries post-Katrina. Movingly, she writes of her visits with U.S. troops and their loved ones, and of her empathy for and immense gratitude to military families.

With deft humor and a sharp eye, Laura Bush lifts the curtain on what really happens inside the White House, from presidential finances to the 175-year-old tradition of separate bedrooms for presidents and their wives to the antics of some White House guests and even a few members of Congress. She writes with honesty and eloquence about her family, her public triumphs, and her personal tribulations. Laura Bush's compassion, her sense of humor, her grace, and her uncommon willingness to bare her heart make this story revelatory, beautifully rendered, and unlike any other first lady's memoir ever written. ”

Download Laura Bush - Spoken from the Heart

A Mighty Fortress (Safehold Book 4)

A Mighty Fortress (Safehold Book 4) By David Weber
Publisher: Tor Books 2010 | 720 Pages | ISBN: 076531505X | EPUB | 1 MB

Young Cayleb Ahrmahk has accomplished things few people could even dream of. Not yet even thirty years old, he’s won the most crushing naval victories in human history. He’s smashed a hostile alliance of no less than five princedoms and won the hand of the beautiful young Queen Sharleyan of Chisholm. Cayleb and Sharleyan have created the Charisian Empire, the greatest naval power in the history of Safehold, and they’ve turned Charis into a place of refuge for all who treasure freedom.

Their success may prove short-lived. The Church of God Awaiting, which controls most of Safehold, has decreed their destruction. Mother Church’s entire purpose is to prevent the very things to which Charis is committed. Since the first attempt to crush the heretics failed, the Church has no choice but to adopt some of the hated Charisian innovations for themselves. Soon a mighty fleet will sail against Cayleb, destroying everything in its path.

But there are still matters about which the Church knows nothing, including Cayleb and Sharleyan’s adviser, friend, and guardian— the mystic warrior-monk named Merlin Athrawes. Merlin knows all about battles against impossible odds, because he is in fact the cybernetic avatar of a young woman named Nimue Alban, who died a thousand years before. As Nimue, Merlin saw the entire Terran Federation go down in fire and slaughter at the hands of a foe it could not defeat. He knows that Safehold is the last human planet in existence, and that the stasis the Church was created to enforce will be the human race’s death sentence if it is allowed to stand.

The juggernaut is rumbling down on Charis, but Merlin Athrawes and a handful of extraordinary human beings stand in its path. The Church is about to discover just how potent the power of human freedom truly is.


The Quran Translation with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English by Ali Unal (epub, mobi, pdf, lit)

The Qur'an Translation with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English by Ali Unal

The Quran Translation with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English by Ali Unal (epub, mobi, pdf, lit)
Epub | Mobi | Pdf | Lit | 10,2 MB | RS, MF, Megaupload

A timely addition to the literature on the holy book of Islam, this translation provides extensive explanations and interpretations in modern English. Additional commentary is offered on the the social and historical aspects of Islam, as well as the existence and unity of God, the concept of resurrection, and other theological complexities. Several special glossaries detailing the names of God and Qur'an vocabulary are also included.

Review from Amazon
"One of the best English translations of the last few decades. The language is both lucid and faithful to the original Arabic." —Scott C. Alexander, PhD, associate professor, Islamic Studies; director, Catholic-Muslim studies, Catholic Theological Union

"Present[s] a clearly Islamic understanding of the text which neither panders to political correctness nor seeks unnecessary conflict or confrontation with non-Muslim communities." —Robert Hunt, director, global theological education, Southern Methodist University

"Readers who are new to the study of the Qur'an, as well as those who are already immersed in its beauty, will benefit immensely from Ünal's annotated translation." —Dr. Bernadette Andrea, University of Texas–San Antonio


The Physics of Superheroes: Spectacular

The Physics of Superheroes: Spectacular By James Kakalios
Publisher: Gotham 2009 | 448 Pages | ISBN: 1592405088 | EPUB | 5 MB

A complete update to the hit book on the real physics at work in comic books, featuring more heroes, more villains, and more science

Since 2001, James Kakalios has taught "Everything I Needed to Know About Physics I Learned from Reading Comic Books," a hugely popular university course that generated coast-to-coast media attention for its unique method of explaining complex physics concepts through comics. With The Physics of Superheroes, named one of the best science books of 2005 by Discover, he introduced his colorful approach to an even wider audience. Now Kakalios presents a totally updated, expanded edition that features even more superheroes and findings from the cutting edge of science. With three new chapters and completely revised throughout with a splashy, redesigned package, the book that explains why Spider-Man's webbing failed his girlfriend, the probable cause of Krypton's explosion, and the Newtonian physics at work in Gotham City is electrifying from cover to cover.

About the Author
James Kakalios is a professor of physics at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. He has published more than one hundred physics papers and has conducted research on a variety of obscure physical phenomena. He serves as a science consultant on the adaptation of the graphic novel Watchmen into a major feature film.


Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted

Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted By Daniel G. Amen
Publisher: Harmony Books 2010 | 384 Pages | ISBN: 0307463575 | PDF + EPUB | 2 MB

Fifty percent of the brain is dedicated to vision.
How you look plays a large role in how you feel. Both matter
to your success at work and in your relationships.
It is not just vanity, it is about health.
To look and feel your best, you must first think about and
optimize your brain.

I live in Newport Beach, California. We have often been called the plastic society, because we have more plastic walking around our streets and beaches than almost anywhere else in the world. One of my friends says that God will never flood Newport Beach because all of the women will float. Most people throughout the world, not just in Newport Beach, care more about their faces, their boobs, their bellies, their butts, and their abs than they do their brains. But it is your brain that is the key to having the face, the breasts, the belly, the butt, the abs, and the overall health you have always wanted; and it is brain dysfunction, in large part, that ruins our bodies and causes premature aging.

It is your brain that decides to get you out of bed in the morning to exercise, to give you a stronger, leaner body, or to cause you to hit the snooze button and procrastinate your workout. It is your brain that pushes you away from the table telling you that you have had enough, or that gives you permission to have the second bowl of Rocky Road ice cream, making you look and feel like a blob. It is your brain that manages the stress in your life and relaxes you so that you look vibrant, or, when left unchecked, sends stress signals to the rest of your body and wrinkles your skin. And it is your brain that turns away cigarettes, too much caffeine, and alcohol, helping you look and feel healthy, or that gives you permission to smoke, to have that third cup of coffee, or to drink that third glass of wine, thus making every system in your body look and feel older.

Your brain is the command and control center of your body. If you want a better body, the first place to ALWAYS start is by having a better brain.

My interest in the brain-body connection started more than thirty years ago. As a college student, my thinking was influenced by the work of O. Carl Simonton, the oncologist who taught people to use visualization to boost their immune system in order to fight cancer. In medical school, I became trained in the use of medical hypnosis and began to see the powerful effect it can have on healing the body. I personally saw that it was helpful for treating headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, pain, weight loss, insomnia, a Parkinsonian tremor, and heart arrhythmias. I then became trained in a treatment technique called biofeedback and found that when I taught my patients to use their brains to warm their hands or breathe with their bellies, their whole body went into a relaxed state, which was helpful in decreasing stress, lowering blood pressure, and combating headaches.


Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know

Alexandra Horowitz, "Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know"
Scribner | 2009 | ISBN: 1416583408 | 368 pages | epub | 2,1 MB

What do dogs know? How do they think? The answers will surprise and delight you as Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, explains how dogs perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human.

Inside of a Dog is a fresh look at the world of dogs -- from the dog's point of view. As a dog owner, Horowitz is naturally curious to learn what her dog thinks about and knows. And as a scientist, she is intent on understanding the minds of animals who cannot speak for themselves.

In clear, crisp prose, Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs' perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draws a picture of what it might be like to be a dog. What's it like to be able to smell not just every bit of open food in the house but also to smell sadness in humans or even the passage of time? How does a tiny dog manage to play successfully with a Great Dane? What is it like to hear the bodily vibrations of insects or the hum of a fluorescent light? Why must a person on a bicycle be chased? What's it like to use your mouth as a hand? In short, what is it like for a dog to experience life from two feet off the ground, amidst the smells of the sidewalk, gazing at our ankles or knees?

Inside of a Dog explains these things and much more. The answers can be surprising -- once we set aside our natural inclination to anthropomorphize dogs. Inside of a Dog also contains up-to-the-minute research -- on dogs' detection of disease, the secrets of their tails, and their skill at reading our attention -- that Horowitz puts into useful context. Although not a formal training guide, Inside of a Dog has practical application for dog lovers interested in understanding why their dogs do what they do.

The relationship between dogs and humans is arguably the most fascinating animal-human bond because dogs evolved from wild creatures to become our companions, an adaptation that changed their bodies, brains, and behavior. Yet dogs always remain animals, familiar but mysterious. With a light touch and the weight of science behind her, Alexandra Horowitz examines the animal we think we know best but may actually understand the least. This book is as close as you can get to knowing about dogs without being a dog yourself.


Life or Debt 2010: A New Path to Financial Freedom

Life or Debt 2010: A New Path to Financial Freedom By Stacy Johnson
Publisher: Pocket 2009 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1439168601 | EPUB | 2 MB


If your answer is "free" or "secure" or even "happy," then this step-by-step guide to eliminating debt forever is the book for you. Stacy W. Johnson, the creator of the personal finance news series Money Talks, has already helped millions of people get out of debt, achieve financial freedom, and earn from wise investments. Now, just by reading this down-to-earth book filled with no-nonsense facts, you too can share the secrets of an amazing program that will allow you to regain control and win you financial freedom for the rest of your life.
Practical worksheets (each with detailed examples) will help you figure out the real numbers you need to know:
How much do you really earn?
How much do you really owe?
How do you create a personalized DEBT DESTROYER?
And finally, when you are free of debt forever, learn the ultimate tool that will transform the rest of your to convert your Debt Destroyer into a Money Machine that will keep you solvent and happy even after you retire.

About the Author
Stacy Johnson a CPA and former stock broker realizes that all of the "things" that he "had to have" were shacking him with debt not making him happy. He took a hard look at his life and decided what really made him happy and took steps to get out of debt and live his life for himself not to pay the bills.
He is also the host of Money Talks the personal finance news series that is the choice of NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC and YAHOO.


The Complete Idiot's Guide to Recession-Proof Careers

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Recession-Proof Careers By Jeff Cohen
Publisher: Alpha 2010 | 352 Pages | ISBN: 159257971X | EPUB | 2 MB

Keeping your job is job one.

In these uncertain economic times, secure employment is more important than ever.

The Complete Idiot's Guide(r) to Recession-Proof Careers presents all of the information needed to make an informed decision about choosing a career that ensures your continued employability.

•Wide range of career fields presents a plethora of ideas for career paths

•Each career is described in detail so that the reader has a clear picture of the job requirements, salary, and experience and schooling needed

•Handy appendices outline the best careers by growth, salary, and geography as well as resources for job sites, fairs, and organizations

About the Author
Jeff Cohen runs, a company that inspires people to take action toward working less, earning more, and living a better life through books, live seminars, and personalized consulting. He's the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide(r) to Working Less, Earning More.


The Wall Street Journal. Complete Small Business Guidebook

The Wall Street Journal. Complete Small Business Guidebook By Colleen DeBaise
Publisher: Three Rivers Press 2009 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 0307408930 | EPUB | 8 MB

Because starting a small business is not only a huge financial risk but also a complete lifestyle change, anyone who wants to be his or her own boss needs to approach entrepreneurship thoughtfully and with careful planning. That’s why there is no better resource than The Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook, a practical guide for turning your entrepreneurial dreams into a successful company, from America’s most trusted source of financial advice. It answers would-be business owners’ biggest question—how do I fund my venture?—then explains the mechanics of building, running and growing a profitable business. You’ll learn:

• How to write a winning business plan
• Secrets to finding extra money during the lean years and beyond
• Ways to keep your stress in check while maintaining a work/life balance
• How to manage your time, including taking vacations and dealing
with sick days
• Strategies for keeping your business running smoothly—from investing
in technology to hiring the right people
• Marketing and management basics
• When angel investors or venture capital might be an appropriate way
to grow
• How to execute your exit strategy

Running the show may not always be easy, but the rewards can be tremendous. You may be on the job 24/7, but you have the freedom to call the shots, to hire whomever you want, to work when you want and to take your business as far as you want to go.


The President's House: 1800 to the Present The Secrets and History of the World's Most Famous Home

The President's House: 1800 to the Present The Secrets and History of the World's Most Famous Home By Margaret Truman
Publisher: Ballantine Books 2005 | 271 Pages | ISBN: 0345472489 | EPUB | 2 MB

Bestselling novelist and first daughter Truman brings readers inside the White House, taking them on a notably reverential tour of its storied history, its well-known architecture and its intricate behind-the-scenes workings. There's a lighthearted jaunt through the White House kitchen, where one strong-willed housemaid kept serving President Truman brussels sprouts, though he hated them. The tour then goes to the White House garden, where Lincoln's gardener offered the first lady tips on hiding her excessive shopping expenses. Much of Truman's narrative is history lite aimed at the Martha Stewart set. Yet it contains just enough interesting anecdotes and stirring pageantry to be of interest to the general reader who's curious about how the White House functions. Truman dishes the gossip, especially about the White House as a social setting. For example, she describes Madame Chiang Kai-shek (wife of the Chinese general) as one of the most insufferable houseguests ever. Truman devotes separate chapters to the household staff, the political staff, the press corps, the security staff, White House weddings, first ladies, first children and even first pets: after the Clinton-era rivalry between Socks the cat and Buddy the dog, Socks ended up with a staffer while Buddy stayed with the Clintons. Despite the breeziness of this account, Truman does a fine job of evoking America's most famous residence as a place with "a unique combination of history, tragedy, comedy, melodrama and the ups and downs of ordinary living.


New Job, New You: A Guide to Reinventing Yourself in a Bright New Career

Alexandra Levit "New Job, New You: A Guide to Reinventing Yourself in a Bright New Career"
Publisher: Ballantine Books; Original edition (December 29, 2009) | 192 Pages | ISBN: 0345508807 | ePub | 2 MB

If you're dissatisfied in your current position, fantasize about doing something else with your life, or have just unceremoniously been given a pink slip, take heart. It's never too late to start fresh and forge ahead on a fulfilling new career path. Alexandra Levit, career columnist for The Wall Street Journal, has interviewed dozens of individuals who have successfully switched careers—many of them more than once—and provides practical, empowering, and action-oriented steps for figuring out your next move with clarity and confidence. Organized by the seven major motivations that lead people to seek career changes—family, independence, learning, money, passion, setback, and talent—New Job, New You shows you how to
• research careers that best reflect your new direction
• stand out in this competitive job market
• market yourself to a particular (most ideal) position
• create a financial plan to maintain income during your transition
• use the power of networking to put you exactly where you want to be
Complete with compelling personal stories, helpful questionnaires, and savvy, down-to-earth advice, New Job, New You gives you the resources you need to turn your wildest pipe dream into a solid reality and obtain the rewarding, invigorating career that you deserve.


The Great Depression Ahead: How to Prosper in the Debt Crisis of 2010-2012

The Great Depression Ahead: How to Prosper in the Debt Crisis of 2010-2012 By Harry Dent
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Export 2009 | 416 Pages | ISBN: 141658899X | EPUB | 2 MB

The first and last economic depression that you will experience in your lifetime is just ahead. The year 2009 will be the beginning of the next long-term winter season and the initial end of prosperity in almost every market, ushering in a downturn like most of us have not experienced before. Are you aware that we have seen long-term peaks in our stock market and economy very close to every 40 years due to generational spending trends: as in 1929, 1968, and next around 2009? Are you aware that oil and commodity prices have peaked nearly every 30 years, as in 1920, 1951, 1980 -- and next likely around late 2009 to mid-2010? The three massive bubbles that have been booming for the last few decades -- stocks, real estate, and commodities -- have all reached their peak and are deflating simultaneously.
Bestselling author and renowned economic forecaster Harry S. Dent, Jr., has observed these trends for decades. As he first demonstrated in his bestselling The Great Boom Ahead, he has developed analytical techniques that allow him to predict the impact they will have. The Great Depression Ahead explains "The Perfect Storm" as peak oil prices collide with peaking generational spending trends by 2010, leading to a more severe downtrend for the global economy and individual investors alike.
He predicts the following:
• The economy appears to recover from the subprime crisis and minor recession by mid-2009 -- "the calm before the real storm."
• Stock prices start to crash again between mid- and late 2009 into late 2010, and likely finally bottom around mid-2012 -- between Dow 3,800 and 7,200.
• The economy enters a deeper depression between mid-2010 and early 2011, likely extending off and on into late 2012 or mid-2013.
• Asian markets may bottom by late 2010, along with health care, and be the first great buy opportunities in stocks.
• Gold and precious metals will appear to be a hedge at first, but will ultimately collapse as well after mid- to late 2010.
• A first major stock rally, likely between mid-2012 and mid-2017, will be followed by a final setdback around late 2019/early 2020.
• The next broad-based global bull market will be from 2020-2023 into 2035-2036.
Conventional investment wisdom will no longer apply, and investors on every level -- from billion-dollar firms to the individual trader -- must drastically reevaluate their policies in order to survive. But despite the dire news and dark predictions, there are real opportunities to come from the greatest fire sale on financial assets since the early 1930s. Dent outlines the critical issues that will face our government and other major institutions, offering long- and short-term tactics for weathering the storm. He offers recommendations that will allow families, businesses, investors, and individuals to manage their assets correctly and come out on top. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can take advantage of new wealth opportunities rather than get caught in a downward spiral. Your life is about to change for reasons outside of your control. You can't change the direction of the winds, but you can reset your sails!


Let the Great World Spin: A Novel

Let the Great World Spin: A Novel By Colum McCann
Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks 2009 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 0812973992 | EPUB | 2 MB

Colum McCann has worked some exquisite magic with Let the Great World Spin, conjuring a novel of electromagnetic force that defies gravity. It's August of 1974, a summer "hot and serious and full of death and betrayal," and Watergate and the Vietnam War make the world feel precarious. A stunned hush pauses the cacophonous universe of New York City as a man on a cable walks (repeatedly) between World Trade Center towers. This extraordinary, real-life feat by French funambulist Philippe Petit becomes the touchstone for stories that briefly submerge you in ten varied and intense lives--a street priest, heroin-addicted hookers, mothers mourning sons lost in war, young artists, a Park Avenue judge. All their lives are ordinary and unforgettable, overlapping at the edges, occasionally converging. And when they coalesce in the final pages, the moment hums with such grace that its memory might tighten your throat weeks later. You might find yourself paused, considering the universe of lives one city contains in any slice of time, each of us a singular world, sometimes passing close enough to touch or collide, to birth a new generation or kill it, sending out ripples, leaving residue, an imprint, marking each other, our city, the very air--compassionately or callously, unable to see all the damage we do or heal. And most of us stumbling, just trying not to trip, or step in something awful.
But then someone does something extraordinary, like dancing on a cable strung 110 stories in the air, or imagining a magnificent novel that lifts us up for a sky-scraping, dizzy glimpse of something greater: the sordid grandeur of this whirling world, "bigger than its buildings, bigger than its inhabitants." --Mari Malcolm
Amazon Exclusive: Frank McCourt on Let the Great World Spin

Frank McCourt (1930-2009) was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Irish immigrant parents, grew up in Limerick, Ireland, and returned to America in 1949. For thirty years he taught in New York City high schools. His first book, Angela's Ashes, won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award and the L.A. Times Book Award. In 2006, he won the prestigious Ellis Island Family Heritage Award for Exemplary Service in the Field of the Arts and the United Federation of Teachers John Dewey Award for Excellence in Education. McCourt also wrote Tis and Teacher Man, both memoirs. Read his exclusive Amazon guest review of Let the Great World Spin:

Now I worry about Colum McCann. What is he going to do after this blockbuster groundbreaking heartbreaking symphony of a novel? No novelist writing of New York has climbed higher, dived deeper.

Trust me, this is the sort of book that you will take off your shelf over and over again as the years go along. It’s a story of the early 1970s, but it’s also the story of our present times. And it is, in many ways, a story of a moment of lasting redemption even in the face of all the evidence.
There are dozens of intimate tales and threads at the core of Let the Great World Spin. On one level there’s the tightrope walker making his way across the World Trade Center towers. But as the novel goes along the “walker” becomes less and less of a focal point and we begin to care more about the people down below, on the pavement, in the ordinary throes of their existence. There’s an Irish monk living in the Bronx projects. There’s a Park Avenue mother in mourning for her dead son, who was blown up in the cafés of Saigon. There are the original computer hackers who "visit" New York in an early echo of the Internet. There’s an artist who has learn to return to the simplicity of love. And then--in possibly the book’s wildest and most ambitious section--there’s a Bronx hooker who has brought up her children in “the house that horse built”--“horse” of course being the heroin that was ubiquitous in the '70s.
All the voices feel realized and authentic and the writing floats along. This was my city back then--and now. McCann has written about New York before, but never quite as piercingly or as provocatively as this. This is fiction that gets the heart thumping.
The stories are interweaved so that it is one story, on one day, in one city, and yet it is also a history of the present time. In Let the Great World Spin, you can’t ignore the overtones for today: suffice it to say that the novel is held together by an act of redemption and beauty. I didn’t want to stop turning the pages.
I’m really not sure what McCann will do after this, but this is a great New York book, not just for New Yorkers but for anyone who walks any sort of tightrope at all. And yes, it doesn’t surprise me that it takes an Irishman to capture the heart of the city...


Fierce Leadership: A Bold Alternative to the Worst 'best Practices' of Business Today

Fierce Leadership: A Bold Alternative to the Worst 'best Practices' of Business Today By Crispin Wright
Publisher: Piatkus Books 2001 | 336 Pages | ISBN: 0749952520 | EPUB | 3 MB

Fierce Leadership is a solid reminder not to fall into the traps of the so called "best practices" that permeate even smaller but bureaucratic companies. In a nutshell the proscriptive advice is to have frank and open conversations with colleagues both above and below instead of hunkering into a shell or trying to work around people in the organization that, at least in your eyes, do not pull their weight. It is an excellent diagnosis of what is wrong with the leadership in many companies, and offers a way to insert yourself into the process.

While some of the advice in the book may be harder to follow given the culture of a company or where you are in the food chain, I highly recommend it for some insights into how to be more proactive and a leader in your job.


Get into College (Paperback)

Rachel Korn, Jennifer Yetwin Kabat "Get into College (Paperback)"
Publisher: Hundreds of Heads Books; Second Edition edition (April 7, 2009) | 560 Pages | ISBN: 1933512156 | epub | 3.5 MB

Getting into college is one of life’s most daunting challenges. Why not let the experts help? The experts in this case include dozens of college consultants, admissions officers, parents, and, best of all, hundreds of students who have experienced the process firsthand. Individual chapters cover such topics as getting started, preparing for the SAT, deciding which colleges to apply to, perfecting applications and essays, putting one’s best foot forward in an interview, and what to do for extracurricular activities and summer vacations. Additional chapters explain what to look for when visiting schools, how to get financial aid, getting support from counselors and parents, dealing with rejection and acceptance, and how to pick the right school. This expanded edition includes special “Counselor’s Corner” features, material on “How to Survive Getting Your Kid into College,” Harvard Law grad Jay Brody’s discussion of how to write the best application essay, and much more.


Cat of the Century: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery (Mrs. Murphy Mysteries) (iPad)

Cat of the Century

Cat of the Century: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery (Mrs. Murphy Mysteries) (iPad)
Publisher: Bantam | ISBN: 0553807072 | 1 edition April 6, 2010 | ePub | 240 pages | 953 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ Shady money dealings fuel Brown's solid 18th mystery featuring Mary Minor Haristeen and her cat pal, Sneaky Pie (after 2008's Santa Clawed). Aunt Talley Urquhart is looking forward to celebrating her 100th birthday at her Fulton, Mo., alma mater, real-life William Woods University, but all is not well at WWU. Stockbroker Flo Langston, class of '74, is sure her hated classmate, Mariah D'Angelo, who heads the WWU Alumnae Association, has mishandled university funds. Mariah misses Aunt Talley's party and vanishes. Then someone shoots Flo dead at home in St. Louis after Flo reveals that Mariah has been selling fake high-end watches. Taunting messages (e.g., Catch me if you can) begin arriving in computer in-boxes of various WWU alumnae, including Inez Carpenter, Aunt Talley's 98-year-old best friend. Faithful fans already familiar with the characters will enjoy the cozy antics, but others may struggle to pay attention until people start dying. ”

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Sold to the Highest Bidder (iPad)

Sold to the Highest Bidder

Sold to the Highest Bidder (iPad)
Publisher: Samhain Publishing | ASIN: B003DX0IA8 | 1 edition April 13, 2010 | ePub | 288 pages | 241 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ For Ella, marrying Devin had seemed like a good idea at the time. Friends since childhood and in love with him for as long as she could remember, marriage had been the next logical step. Then the real world called, and Ella-s feet had itched to get out of Backwards Gulch, Colorado.

Now, with a new opportunity on the East Coast beckoning, it-s time to put her past behind her once and for all. When she sees Devin standing on a charity auction block, she decides it-s the perfect opportunity to finally get his signature on the divorce papers he never signed.

Devin-s certain about one thing when he sees Ella for the first time in twelve years-she-s not the girl he married. The way she left him still stings, and if she wants him to sign on the dotted line he-s going to make her work for it-for the full forty-eight hours she paid for.

When the old attraction flares between them, the years apart disappear and resolve melts faster than high-country snow in summer. But when Ella awakens with the same determination to get back to Denver, divorce papers in hand, she has a problem-

Devin still hasn-t signed them.

Warning: Bourbon shooters, shirtless cowboys, and a hot rendezvous or two- ”

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Robin and Ruby (iPad)

Robin and Ruby

Robin and Ruby (iPad)
Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corporation | ISBN: 0758232187 | 1 edition (April 1, 2010) | ePub | 288 pages | 352 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ Robin, the protagonist of Soehnlein’s well-received The World of Normal Boys (2000) is now 20 and has just broken up with his lover, Peter, when his younger sister, Ruby, goes missing. Robin immediately sets off for the Jersey shore in search of her, accompanied by his longtime best friend, George. The irony is that Robin is in search of himself, too, and of the truth about his deepening romantic feelings for George, who is African American and is on his own journey toward political activism. Meanwhile, Ruby has re-connected with a troubled, drug-abusing boy from her past. So much drama, all of it overlaid—it being the early 1980s—with the desperate fear of AIDS. The issue-laden story alternates between Robin and Ruby, whose actions sometimes seem stage-managed by the author in an attempt to heighten the drama (of course, Robin does aspire to be an actor). Nevertheless, readers will appreciate the nicely realized sense of time and place and—perhaps despite themselves—will also develop a sneaking fondness for the characters. ”

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His Darkest Hunger (iPad)

His Darkest Hunger

His Darkest Hunger
Publisher: Avon | ISBN: 0061808776 | edition March 30, 2010 | ePub | 384 pages | 416 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ Jaxon Castille: jaguar shifter, warrior, assassin. He has long hungered for the chance to make his former lover, Libby Jamieson, pay for her deadly betrayal. After three long years he's finally found her. The hunt is over . . .

But the Libby that he finds is not what he expected. She has no memory of their tumultuous affair, of her treachery, of anything beyond her own name. A shadowy and deadly clan has marked them both for death, and in an instant, he game changes: the hunter has become the hunted.

On the run, with the ghosts of their past between them and a dark, desperate hunger quickly reclaiming their bodies and souls, Libby and Jaxon must discover the truth behind the dark forces working against them. Together, they must grab hold of a destiny that has the power to either heal them or destroy them.

But the truth is far more shattering than anyone could imagine . . . ”

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Beautiful Assassin: A Novel (iPad)

Beautiful Assassin

Beautiful Assassin: A Novel
Publisher: William Morrow | ISBN: 0061691216 | 1 edition (March 30, 2010) | ePub | 464 pages | 476 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ In 1942, heroic Red Army sniper Tat'yana Levchenko, the eponymous heroine of this mildly compelling WWII-era thriller from White (Soul Catcher), travels to America as a goodwill ambassador. Her ostensible mission is to drum up financial and material support for the U.S.S.R. and to persuade FDR to open a second front in Europe. Stalin's secret police have other goals in mind, but Tat'yana wants only to return to her beloved homeland and continue killing German soldiers. Eleanor Roosevelt takes a shine to the young woman, who becomes the darling of the American press. Reluctantly, the beautiful sniper goes along with her espionage agent handler's demand that she spy on the first lady. In the end, Tat'yana must make a fateful choice involving an American army captain she's grown to love. Some readers may find Tat'yana's ethical and romantic struggles in the U.S. a letdown after the first part of the novel detailing her actions in the battle of Sevastopol. ”

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Infamous (iPad)


Publisher: Putnam Adult | ISBN: 0399156305 | edition April 15, 2010 | ePub | 416 pages | 307 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ Set in 1933, Atkins's winning fourth history-based novel focuses on two figures who, as the author explains in an introduction, have been undeservedly lost in the shuffle of Depression-era gangsters: George Kelly, who ironically gets saddled with the nickname Machine Gun, and his wife, Kathryn. The fast-moving narrative spans a three-month period, starting with a fatal ambush in a parking lot outside Kansas City's Union Station in which hoods gun down several lawmen and the prisoner they were about to drive to Leavenworth. This massacre leads to the FBI obtaining the authority to make arrests and carry weapons. The bulk of the action concerns the Kellys' kidnapping of Charles Urschel, a wealthy Oklahoma oilman, and its aftermath. Atkins (Devil's Garden) brings to vivid life the henpecked George and the bloodthirsty Kathryn as he convincingly conjures up a past era. Not just for crime fans, this should appeal to a wide readership. ”

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Herman Wouk - Die Caine war ihr Schicksal [Ger]

Herman Wouk - Die Caine war ihr Schicksal | Ebook
German/Deutsch | PDF,RTF,Epub | 13 MB

Die Caine war ihr Schicksal
Publisher: Ullstein 1970)
508 Seiten
Format: PDF,RTF,Epub
Downloader: Rapidshare, 13 MB

2. Weltkrieg, Pazifik. Der frischgebackene Faehnrich Keith kommt auf den alten, heruntergekommenen Minensuchzerstoerer "Caine". Kurze Zeit spaeter uebernimmt Kapitaen Queeg das Kommando. Er versucht, Schiff und Mannschaft mit aller Strenge und drastischen Massnahmen wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen. Im Grunde ist er jedoch unsicher, im Dienst begeht er Fehler und verscuht diese vor seinen Vorgesetzten zu verheimlichen. Bei einem Gefechtseinsatz zeigt er Feigheit vor dem Feind, Offiziere und Mannschaft bekommen es mit. Der intelligente Nachrichtenoffizier Keefer, der Queeg hasst, verbreitet die Theorie, dass Queeg geisteskrank sei und beeinflusst den 1. Offiziwer Maryk, Queeg unter Berufung auf das Marinegesetz des Kommandos zu entheben. Maryk weigert sich strikt. In einem schweren Taifun schliesslich, als Queeg die Nerven und die Kontrolle ueber das Schiff zu verlieren scheint, enthebt der 1. Offizier Queeg des Kommandos. Das Schiff wird gerettet. Die darauf folgende Verhandlung vor dem Kriegsgericht ist hervorragend geschildert. Maryk scheint wenig Chancen zu haben, sein cleverer Anwalt Greenwald erkennt jedoch in dem Nachrichtenoffizier Keefer den wahren Urheber der "Meuterei". Er beschliesst, fuer Maryk einen Freispruch zu erreichen, indem er Queeg vor Gericht unmoeglich macht. Bei der anschliessenden Siegesfeier der Offiziere analysiert Greenwald den Fall, wie er wirklich war. "Wenn ihr zu Queeg gehalten haettet, statt ihn zu verspotten", fragte er, "glaubt ihr, dass es dann noch noetig gewesen waere ihn abzuloesen?". Ein brillanter und spannender Roman der von ausgezeichneter Sachkenntis zeugt.

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The Messenger of God Muhammad - An Analysis of the Prophet's Life (epub, mobi, pdf, iRex iLiad, Sony Reader, Cybook Gen 3)

The Messenger of God Muhammad - An Analysis of the Prophet's Life

The Messenger of God Muhammad - An Analysis of the Prophet's Life by M. Fethullah Gulen
Epub | Mobi | PDF | Sony Reader | iRex iLiad | Cybook Gen 3 | 11,6 MB | RS, MF

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, has been a topic for many books and studies. Gulen's approach to the life of Rasulullah, "the pride of humanity." is not cronical biography. It differs from other books on the Prophet in the sense that Gülen assumes a psychological and sociological analysis on the various aspects of the Prophet's life portraying him as a compassionate father, a profound spiritual leader, a wise statemen, a courageous commander, a loving husband, a most reliable and trustworthy person.

Reviews from
I believe, when a Christian reads the book thoroughly, he will also realize the true wisdom of Christ. (Huiqiu Huang, Dept. of Religion Chair, Fu-jen, Catholic University, Taiwan)

The author has written the work with deep love for the Messenger of God, a love which suffuses every line. (Ahmed Bahgad, Al Ahram, Egypt)

Customer Review from
I have bought a number of books about Prophet Muhammad's life before. By far this is the best I have come to own. It sets the scene before his arrival in Makkah and relates about the characteristics of prophets in general and linking a whole generation of them to make a point that it is not a coincident that Muhammad was chosen by God to be the final prophet of God.

Narrations of his relations with his companions and events surrounding his life is the most authentic I have found. I really like reading this book. It's language is also simple.

Over all it is a great book to have.


ReVamped (Void City, Book 2) (iPad)

ReVamped (Void City, Book 2)

ReVamped (Void City, Book 2)
Publisher: Pocket | ISBN: 1439102287 | edition 2009 | ePub | 400 pages | 408 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ Vampire fans who like their blood and gore leavened with humor should enjoy the campy sequel to 2008's Staked. Eric Courtney, strip club owner and operator in Void City, is coming to terms with existence as a ghost vampire after dying in an explosion that totaled his place of business. His former fiancée, Marilyn, tells Eric that his best friend betrayed him, but the demon J'iliol'lth collects her soul before she can explain further. Worse yet, Eric's beloved Mustang somehow gets turned into a vampire. Eric accepts a commission from J'iliol'lth to find the Stone of Aeternem, which enables its holder to raise the dead, in exchange for immortality and the return of Marilyn's soul. The jokes are far from subtle, but Lewis's creativity elevates this above similar outings. ”

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Staked (Void City, Book 1) (iPad)

Staked (Void City, Book 1) (iPad)

Staked (Void City, Book 1)
Publisher: Pocket | ISBN: 1416547800 | edition 2008 | ePub | 384 pages | 388 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ "A pedal-to-the-metal demolition derby of sex and violence. Werewolves and vampires were never so much fun."
-- Mario Acevedo, author of X-Rated Bloodsuckers

"[A] fast-paced story with a heady mixture of humor, violence, and sex." ”

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Voices in the Dark: The Last Descendants #2 (iPad)

Voices in the Dark

Voices in the Dark: The Last Descendants #2
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers | ISBN: 0375838775 | edition 2009 | ePub | 464 pages | 500 kb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ Anselm Andros has clearly defined roles in his family and they are roles he plays very well—he is confidante to his mother, Maria. He is the confessor to his stepfather, Leo, a man haunted by the secrets of his past. And Anselm is also the patient, caring brother to his precocious sister, Jasmine. When the political landscape of Malonia starts to shift, this unassuming family begins to unravel. Even though they’ve spent the past fifteen years leading a quiet life, Maria and Leo’s actions are forever linked to the turbulent history of Malonia and its parallel world, modern-day England. With so much uncertainty at home and in his world, it is more important than ever for Anselm to put all the pieces of the past together. He must listen to his own voice and acknowledge his fears and desires—whatever the cost. ”

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The Eyes of a King: The Last Descendants #1 (iPad)

The Eyes of a King: The Last Descendants #1

The Eyes of a King: The Last Descendants #1
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers | ISBN: 0375838767 | edition 2009 | ePub | 448 pages | 1,8 mb
For iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY!

“ In a fantasy marked by invention rarely seen from authors this young (Banner, currently 19, started the novel when she was 14), 15-year-old Leo learns that his kingdom’s lost prince may have been exiled to a “fairy story” land called England. The novel’s complicated structure, mixing Leo’s first-person memoir with legendlike snippets from an enchanted book, showcases Banner’s ability to create distinct narrative voices. She also makes some bold choices, from casting contemporary reality as a foreign, faraway realm to strongly focusing on characters on the periphery of the large-scale political machinations. At times, Banner’s dissection of Leo’s inner life, which turns unremittingly grim following several hard turns of fate, slows the novel’s momentum. Even so, readers who don’t necessarily crave tidy, joyful closure will find much to relish in this textured fantasy, well cued to fans of Megan Whalen Turner (for her character-driven political plots) and Garth Nix (for the Sabriel series’ fresh interplay between parallel realities). In the bargain, they’ll get a sneak peek at a rising talent in the bargain. ”

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The Essentials of the Islamic Faith

The Essentials of the Islamic Faith

The Essentials of the Islamic Faith by Fethullah Gulen
Epub| Mobi | PDF | Sony Reader | iRex iLiad | Cybook Gen 3 | 6,5 MB | RS, MF

Essentials of the Islamic Faith is a selection from some of the speeches M. Fethullah Gülen has given to large audiences over a life-time of dedicated service. In these speeches, he explains the principal elements of Islamic belief - belief in the existence and Unity of God; in Resurrection and the Day of Judgment; in Divine Scriptures and other familiar themes of Islamic discourse. What is special and unique about the presentation of them in this book is that the author is constantly aware of the encroachment (and the seductive appeal) of cultural attitudes which are hostile not to Islam only but to any religious and contemplative way of life.

About the Author
Known by his simple and austere lifestyle, Fethullah Gulen, affectionately called Hodjaefendi, is a scholar of extraordinary proportions. This man for all seasons was born in Erzurum, eastern Turkey, in 1941. Upon graduation from a private divinity school in Erzurum, he obtained his license and began to preach and teach about the importance of understanding and tolerance. His social reform efforts have made him one of Turkey’s most well-known and respected public figures during the 1960s. Though simple in outward appearance, he is original in thought and action. He embraces all humanity, and is deeply averse to unbelief, injustice, and deviation. His belief and feelings are profound, and his ideas and approach to problems are both wise and rational. A living model of love, ardor, and feeling, he is extraordinarily balanced in his thoughts, acts, and treatment of matters. Turkish intellectuals and scholars acknowledge, either tacitly or explicitly, that he is one of the most serious and important thinkers and writers, and among the wisest activists of twentieth-century Turkey or even of the Muslim world. But such accolades of his leadership of a new Islamic intellectual, social, and spiritual revival—a revival with the potential to embrace great areas of the world—do not deter him from striving to be no more than a humble servant of God and a friend to all. Desire for fame is the same as show and ostentation, a "poisonous honey" that extinguishes the heart’s spiritual liveliness, is one of the golden rules he follows. Gulen has spent his adult life voicing the cries and laments, as well as the beliefs and aspirations, of Muslims in particular and of humanity in general. He bears his own sorrows, but those of others crush him. He feels each blow delivered at humanity to be delivered first at his own heart. He feels himself so deeply and inwardly connected to creation that once he said: "Whenever I see a leaf fall from its branch in autumn, I feel as much pain as if my arm had been amputated."


The Qur'an Translation by Yusuf Ali (epub, mobi, pdf)

The Qur'an Translation by Yusuf Ali

The Qur'an Translation by Yusuf Ali
Epub| Mobi | PDF | Sony Reader | iRex iLiad | Cybook Gen 3 | 6,0 MB | RS, MF

The Qur'an is a book of directions, showing man the right path to tread. It is a Light which guides his faltering steps, giving him timely reminders of Allah's will, awakening his sleeping nature and conveying the Lord's admonition. It is a book that, in giving him the moral sense to distinguish right from wrong, cures him, and his society, of all ills.

In that sense, it is a book of wisdom, full of every expression of correct understanding. More, it is a book of laws, laying down for us the very foundations on which to build and organize society.
In short, it provides everything that man-as an individual and as member of society-can ever need. Without this, man can never be the gainer, no matter how hard he tries.

The Our'an explains that it is this One God alone who sustains us throughout our lives here on this earth.
Through Him our hearts are set at ease, for it is He who provides true warmth in life. He rescues us in times of peril, assists us in the hour of need. All power rests in His hands: honour and glory will be the rewards of any nation who looks to Him for support, while only-disgrace and humiliation will be the lot of those who abandon Him. To know this is to hold the key to all the treasures in life: He who possesses this key gains all; he who loses it, loses all.

Abdullah Yusaf Ali’s translation of the Qur’an was first published in 1934 in Lahore, Pakistan.


Jim Butcher - Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12)

Jim Butcher - Changes

Jim Butcher - Changes
Publisher: Roc Hardcover | ISBN: 045146317X | edition 2010 | PDF / RTF / LIT / LRF / TXT / PDB / ePUB / HTML | 448 pages | 2,9 mb

"The fast-paced and compelling 12th book in Butcher's bestselling series (after 2009's Turn Coat) is aptly titled. Beginning with the revelation that wizard detective Harry Dresden has a daughter, Butcher throws one high-stakes curveball after another at his hero. Harry's ex-girlfriend, Susan Rodriguez, discloses young Maggie's existence after vampire Red Court duchess Arianna Ortega kidnaps the child. Ortega holds Harry responsible for the death of her husband and is planning to offer Maggie as a human sacrifice. With a fragile peace in place between the Red Court and the White Council of wizards, Harry is unable to count on them for support in his rescue mission, and he must compromise almost everything he believes in to save his daughter. Butcher is deft at relieving some of the tension and grimness with bursts of gallows humor that keep readers coming back for more."

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