John Nunn's Chess Puzzle Book

John Nunn, "John Nunn's Chess Puzzle Book"
Gambit Publications | 2009-03-10 | ISBN: 1906454035 | 335 pages | PDF | 5,2 MB

Most chess puzzle books put you in an artificial situation: you are told a combination exists, what the theme is and what you are required to achieve. This one is different. In a real game, a player may sometimes need to find a combination. On the other hand he may have to reject a tactical idea and simply find a good positional move. His task is to find the right move, whatever it may be. The 300 puzzles in this book put you precisely in that situation. Spectacular ideas abound in these positions, but it is for you to decide whether to go in for them, or whether you would be falling into a trap. If you need them, there are hints to help you on your way. The book ends with a series of tests to measure your skills against those of other players.

For this new edition, John Nunn, a top-class grandmaster and a solving world champion, has added 50 new puzzles (with hints and detailed solutions) to test your skills to the full. For ease of following, extra diagrams have been added to the solutions throughout. Overall the book is 60 per cent bigger than the first edition.




1001 Great Gambling Tips

1001 Great Gambling Tips By Graham Sharpe
Publisher: High Stakes 2008-11-01 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1843440431 | PDF | 1 MB

Gambling expert Graham Sharpe pulls from the insight of some of the biggest names in the betting industry in this ultimate handbook to learning how to beat the odds every time. Contributors include Jeremy Chapman, acknowledged master of golf betting; tournament-winning poker pro Julian Thew; and such general gambling tipsters as Dave Mitchell, Rolf Johnston, Tony Lewis. Alongside valuable insights and points of advice, some of the best secrets and stories from gambling lore are also included. Whether it’s horse or dog racing, sports betting, exchanges, spread betting, poker, or any other type of betting opportunity, this unique reference is your guide to smarter and more profitable gambling.

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Russian for Chessplayers

Russian for Chessplayers
Publisher: Thinkers' Press | ISBN: 0938650440 | edition 1995 | PDF | 49 pages | 12,9 mb

Nearly 30 years have passed since the introduction of Hanon Russell's "A Chessplayer's Guide to Russian." In print again with a revised and expanded format, this edition has twice as much vocabulary in the dictionary, is completely typeset in Cyrillic and English, and for the first time, a pronunciation guide of all the popular Russian chess players is included. Now you can be sure of yourself before getting caught in a tongue twister or putting the accent in the wrong place.

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Sex, Brains, and Video Games

Jennifer Burek Pierce, "Sex, Brains, and Video Games"
ALA Editions | 2009 | ISBN: 0838909515 | 140 pages | PDF | 1,3 MB

Library services to young adults should aspire to two fundamental objectives: to engage young people through meaningful and appealing responses to their recreational and informational needs, while supporting good developmental outcomes. How are those of us who work in libraries, who may see teens only sporadically and for short periods, supposed to work effectively with them? - From the Introduction. How do we best reach our teen patrons? Young adult librarians and others who serve them constantly strive to better understand this often-unpredictable audience. In this insightful guide, Jennifer Burek Pierce pres a fascinating look at today's teen through the lens of neurological, psychological and educational research. Putting this research in the context of library services, she challenges librarians to question their assumptions about teen patrons and pre new answers based on research finding. Much like early literacy research informed library services to youngest patrons, this provocative book outlines what others who work with adolescents have learned from their professional activities and how that knowledge can encourage new priorities and partnerships in youth services. Use this research to: help sort out the facts from fiction about adolescent brain development and sexuality; equip staff to understand and sensitively interact with teens; foster understanding about teens, technology, and multitasking; and, incorporate teen friendly services and activities into the library.

The Pot-Limit Omaha Book: Transitioning from NLHE to PLO

The Pot-Limit Omaha Book: Transitioning from NLHE to PLO by Tri Nguyen
DailyVariance Publishing, LLC 2009 | ISBN n/a | 81 Pages | PDF | 7.9 MB

Pot Limit Omaha has made a reputation in online poker circles as the high stakes game of choice over the last couple of years, but the mid and lower stakes have been slower to catch up. The game is certainly more complex than NLHE on some levels, more difficult to effectively multi-table, and has a more fearsome variance built in. As NLHE games become increasingly tougher and the market for training materials becomes more and more saturated, however, PLO is becoming a game that small to midstakes players are increasingly eying as a viable alternative to NLHE. It’s with those players in mind that Tri ‘SlowHabit’ Nguyen authored ‘The Pot Limit Omaha Book: Transitioning from NLHE to PLO’.

Poker book titles are awesome, insomuch that they generally tell you exactly what the exact focus of the book is. Nguyen’s is no exception – his core aim is to provide a text that will assist players making the transition from no limit holdem to pot limit omaha. The book can also just be read as a cold introduction to PLO, but the phrasing and examples in the book often provide readers with supplemental NLHE – PLO translations of certain concepts and ranges.

The book is only available as an eBook (DRM protected) and is about 80 pages long. Nguyen may be most familiar to some readers as the co-author, with Cole (CTS) South, of ‘Let There Be Range’, another eBook that focuses on mid-stakes NL online games.

A core advantage of this book is that it clearly fills a need in the market. You simply won’t find more than a handful of books on PLO strategy, and even fewer that are current. Of those, a few provide insights on short-handed play, one or two accommodate experienced no limit players, and none are aimed at modern online games.

Filling this need would be an irrelevant edge if Nguyen didn’t follow through with a well-executed text. From the point of view of a player who fits Nguyen’s intended audience (I’m currently in the early stages of making a partial transition from NLHE to PLO), I can confidently say he has. The book is a no-frills, information-packed primer for experienced poker players who are somewhat new to PLO. Concepts are explained in a tight, logical order, building upon and expanding previously introduced ideas. Nguyen does a good job of digging into the math behind PLO in a fairly accessible manner and provides quick analysis of real-world hand examples to illustrate and summarize core concepts.

The translations of PLO concepts and ranges for NLHE are especially helpful. There are some issues that NLHE players are uniquely likely to have when making the switch to PLO, and also some shortcuts that NLHE are uniquely equipped to employ. Nguyen does NLHE players a valuable service by repeatedly highlighting such points in clear, precise terms.

What about the scope of the content? That’s likely a concern for some potential readers, given the somewhat abbreviated length of the book at 80 pages. Again, Nguyen comes through with a table of contents that provides a comprehensive overview of PLO play on all streets (the river is abbreviated, but that’s not unusual for a PLO text, as river decisions are heavily player-dependent and not as complex as NLHE river decisions). While he certainly doesn’t (and realistically can’t be expected to) cover every possible line in every possible scenario, Nguyen excels at a smarter approach – digging into concepts that give readers the building blocks to analyze the game and construct responses to uncovered scenarios on their own.

Price: $367. You can also purchase just the first half of the book (covering core concepts and preflop play) for $47 and then purchase the second half for a little over the remainder of the price. The total number may put this text out of reach for a recreational or low-stakes player.

The text would certainly benefit from a quick pass by an editor and another pass by someone with layout experience. Minor grammatical errors and odd phrasing sometimes interrupts the flow for the reader. On the layout side: the blunt manner in which graphs and charts are inserted, along with a very spartan approach to headers and a lack of embedded quotes, results in a reading experience that’s a bit dry, even for a poker book.

If you’re in the target audience for this book – a NLHE player with limited PLO experience looking to transition to SSPLO – you’re unlikely to find a resource to rival it. Buy it now, or at the very least preview the first half on the cheap and make your mind up from there.

Focus: 9/10
Spartan, almost to a fault.

Quality of advice: 9/10
Feels dead on. Only missed a 10/10 because it’s not earth-shattering so much as a quality collection of rock-solid fundamental advice.

Examples: 7/10
They’re always appropriate, but there’s not always enough of them. Nguyen does a great job at cutting to the quick when reviewing hand examples, so it’s odd that there aren’t more included.

Readability: 7/10
Small errors are distracting, and the layout isn’t as inviting as it could be.

Overall (not an average): 9/10
We generally give our overall rating on the quality of the book for it’s intended audience, and by that metric this book excels.

VERDICT: Moving to SSPLO from NLHE? Buy the book. Want to learn PLO from scratch? Start with a cheaper book designed for that and graduate to this when you’re ready to move on and move up.

ThinkingPoker Review:

My One Minute Recommendation: The Pot Limit Omaha Book: Transitioning from NLHE to PLO scores a 9/10. There are probably better books for all-around poker noobs, but experienced NLHE players looking to get better at “the other big bet game” would be hard-pressed to find a better resource.

The Good: Advanced tactics, high-level strategy, strong theoretical grounding, well-explained, genuinely insightful, appropriately calibrated for its target audience

The Bad: Some concepts, including but not limited to certain basic skills, not covered in great detail

The Ugly: A little unpolished, with some typos and minor grammatical errors; feels pretty much like reading a Word document, albeit a nicely laid out Word document

Tri “Slowhabit” Nguyen’s Transition from NLHE to PLO delivers just what the title promises: a strong guide to Pot-Limit Omaha, delivered at a pace and level appropriate for a poker player with a fairly sophisticated understanding of No Limit Hold ‘Em. Though there is plenty of practical advice and hand examples, this is not a soup to nuts “how to” guide offering a ready-to-play strategy. In fact, it could stand to be a bit more comprehensive in its advice for specific, common situations. Rather, it is a rigorously mathematical theoretical framework for approaching the game. It will require a thorough understanding of poker to appreciate the depth of this book, but for someone with such an understanding, it should prove an invaluable text, certainly worth its not inconsiderable $375 price tag.

Nguyen could be more explicit about his intended audience, though the title and I imagine the marketing strategy will likely make this clear enough. The introduction does promise, accurately enough, to “teach you the nuances of PLO and what variables you should consider during hands to turn yourself into a more profitable player,” with the ultimate goal of getting the reader “crushing small and mid-stakes PLO.” The text assumes a sophisticated understanding of crucial poker concepts such as equity, hand ranges, semi-bluffing, and planning ahead. None of it should be beyond an active reader of 2+2 or my blog, but this is not a mass market book. The Glossary includes only two terms and offers a superficial description even of those.

The only time this affects the quality of the discussion is with Nguyen’s use of the term “outs”. I’ve generally understood the term to mean something like “cards that could come to win you the pot when you are not currently ahead”, but Nguyen sometimes uses it to talk about cards that will improve a hand, whether or not that improvement is actually enough to win the pot. Given that it is so important in PLO to distinguish between nut and non-nut draws, it couldn’t hurt to define these terms more explicitly.

Though the book is definitely written with a NLHE player in mind, it should be useful to any serious poker player. There are a lot of helpful analogies, though, where Nguyen considers similarities and differences between how specific concepts function in the two games or explains that holding X hand in PLO is akin to holding Y hand in NLHE. Being primarily a NLHE player myself, I found these very insightful and helpful tools.

It also helps that many of the hand examples, integrated into every chapter via convenient sidebars alongside the relevant text, seem drawn from the author’s own transition from NLHE to PLO. It is both welcoming and encouraging to see him admit to misplaying a hand as a result of a misunderstanding common to NLHE players learning PLO. I found I was able to recognize specific mistakes that I had made and begin to understand why my past forays into PLO had not gone as well as I hoped- and that was before I got to the “Common Mistakes” chapter.

Such reinforcement is nice, because while Transitioning from NLHE to PLO rekindled my excitement for the game, it also made me realize how much I don’t know and how much work will be required to master hand reading and equity calculation, both of which are far more complicated than their NLHE equivalents. It’s not that the tools aren’t there. The text provides plenty of examples and in-depth analysis of advanced concepts like blockers, backdoor draws, and floating. It just makes me realized what a tall mountain there is to climb. Thankfully, Nguyen also emphasizes how many players in today’s PLO games don’t have an inkling about any of this stuff, which is reassuring.

It does beg the question of the book’s longevity, though. There’s a mix of tactics that seem fundamental to playing the game well in any context and those designed to exploit mistakes and tendencies common in contemporary PLO games. It will be interesting to see how long the latter remain viable. Since Transitioning is an e-book, Nguyen could theoretically update it, though to my knowledge he hasn’t promised anything like this.

I’m not particularly familiar with e-book technology, but I would guess that Transitioning falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum with regard to balancing the reader’s convenience with the protection of the author’s intellectual property. The book is protected by LockLizard Safeguard, meaning that you need to download and install a special PDF viewer, then register your version of the book, before you can read it. This sounds like a hassle, but the instructions were clear, and it took me less than five minutes to set up. After that, I had full rights to read and print, though not copy and paste, the document indefinitely.

The other potentially intimidating aspect of the book is the math. It isn’t actually that complicated, and the author does a great job of explaining it, but there are a lot of graphs and calculations and even some algebra. Next to The Mathematics of Poker, it’s the most math-heavy poker book I’ve seen.

Not that that’s a bad thing. In fact, these were probably the best parts of the book. I particularly liked a chart enumerating the possible hands on each street in PLO vs. NLHE, and Nguyen’s quantification of the heretofore nebulous concept of “post-flop playability” struck me as pure genius. Understanding it does require interpreting a graph of hand equity on all possible flops, though. Again, the text offers a crystal clear explanation, but I’m sure a good high school math education helps.

The other concept I found very helpful, and which seems to motivate Nguyen’s general approach to the game, is equity realization. Basically, because hand values tend to run close together in PLO, Nguyen places a premium on bluffing, fold equity, and winning pots without showdown. He argues quite convincingly for making a lot of turn and river bluffs, often deferring aggressive action on an earlier street in order to make a better, often more aggressive, decision later in the hand.

Amidst all of the more advanced theory and strategy, certain concepts do feel a bit glossed over. Although the chapter on pre-flop hand selection is one of the longest, it still offers relatively vague advice about exactly which hands to play from which position and how to play them. It’s consistent with Nguyen’s general approach of “here are the key considerations, work through the specific situation yourself”, but readers will probably be accustomed to finding more specific starting hand advice in a poker book. That’s probably as much the nature of PLO as it is a flaw in the book, though.

More disappointing is the “River Play” chapter, which covers barely three pages. As much emphasis as Nguyen places on river bluffing, it was disappointing not to get more hand examples and an extended discussion of key concepts like value betting and inducing bluffs.

Nguyen’s writing style is less professional than I’m accustomed to seeing in a poker book. Some will find the casual tone welcoming, though nits like myself will be perturbed by minor grammatical errors, none of which influenced my understanding of the text.

Overall, Transitioning From NLHE to PLO is a fantastic book for a veteran No Limit Hold ‘Em player who wants to make a serious effort at learning Pot Limit Omaha. Nguyen requires a substantial investment of time, effort, and money from his readers, but it’s hard to imagine any smart poker player not getting very good at this quite complex game if he spent enough time working with this text.

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World Cup Chess

World Cup Chess
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | ISBN: 0747504954 | edition 1990 | PDF | 292 pages | 14,6 mb

The newly-created Grand Masters' Association, which comprises the world's top 25 players, has initiated a world championship based on the motor-racing Grand Prix circuit. This book by Grand Master Lubomir Kavalek provides an illustrated analysis of the competition's top 100 games. A detailed, illustrated analysis of the moves is accompanied by a commentary by the leading players, together with exclusive photographs.

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Notes on Rubik's 'Magic Cube'

Notes on Rubik's 'Magic Cube'
Publisher: Enslow Pub Inc | ISBN: 0894900439 | edition 1981 | PDF | 80 pages | 10,4 mb

Rubik's cube is a toy puzzle designed by Erno Rubik during the mid-1970s. It is a cube-shaped device made up of smaller cube pieces with six faces having differing colors. The primary method of manufacture involves injection molding of the various component pieces, then subsequent assembly, labeling, and packaging. The cube was extremely popular during the 1980s, and at its peak between 1980 and 1983, 200 million cubes were sold world wide. Today sales continue to be over 500,000 cubes sold world wide each year.

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A Brief History of the Olympic Games

A Brief History of the Olympic Games
Wiley-Blackwell | ISBN: 1405111291 | January 5, 2004 | 200 pages | PDF | 1.6 MB
For more than a millennium, the ancient Olympics captured the imaginations of the Greeks, until a Christianized Rome terminated the competitions in the fourth century AD. But the Olympic ideal did not die and this book is a succinct history of the ancient Olympics and their modern resurgence.
Classics professor David Young, who has researched the subject for over 25 years, reveals how the ancient Olympics evolved from modest beginnings into a grand festival, attracting hundreds of highly trained athletes, tens of thousands of spectators, and the finest artists and poets.



Winning With the King's Gambit

Winning With the King's Gambit
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co | ISBN: 0805026312 | edition 1993 | PDF | 194 pages | 13,1 mb

This is, to date, the most exciting book about the King's Gambit that I've read. It really does make you want to play! Unfortunately, when up against opponents who maintain good opening knowledge, some of the lines won't be very helpful. Still Gallagher does a good job explaining the concepts - e.g. benefits and drawbacks of trading an e4 pawn for the f4 pawn, how white's queenside majority can be an asset come endgame, etc - which makes the book excellent for those who want to dig deeper.

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Mass Effect 2 Prima Official Game eGuide

Mass Effect 2 Prima Official Game eGuide
Prima Games Publishing | January 26, 2010 | English | ISBN : 0307467082 | PDF | 289 Pages | 27 MB

• Full walkthroughs for every mission.
• Exclusive maps created especially for this guide. Fully labeled to make sure you see it all!
• Every special assignment detailed so you won't take a wrong step.
• Power evolution trees to make unstoppable heroes.
• Complete planetary database to help you mine elements smarter not harder.
• Mass Effect: Redemption comic book preview!

Mastering the Najdorf

Mastering the Najdorf
Publisher: Gambit Publications | ISBN: 1904600182 | edition 2004 | PDF | 224 pages | 12,3 mb

The Najdorf is the most popular line of the Sicilian Defence for a very good reason: Black can play for a win without taking undue risks. The Najdorf's fundamental soundness has been confirmed in countless top-level games, and in particular by Garry Kasparov's successful use of it throughout his career. White has tried a wide variety of approaches against the Najdorf, including quiet positional lines and the traditional main line with 6 Bg5. Recently the idea of a rapid kingside pawn advance has found favour. The Najdorf's landscape changes rapidly, and this presents its devotees with a complex task: they must not only keep up-to-date with sharp theoretical lines, but must also have a firm grasp of the strategies that underpin the main systems, both old and new.

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Modern Chess Strategy

Ludek Pachman Allen S. Russell: Modern Chess Strategy
Publisher: Dover Publications | Edition: 1971 | ISBN: 0486202909 | PDF | 314 pages | 11.22 MB

Modern classic offers thorough, systematic analysis of the use of the queen, active king, exchanges, seven different uses of pawns, minority attack, dynamic elements, much more. Analyses of 129 great games featuring Capablanca, Alekhine, Lasker, Botvinnik, Reshevsky, Bronstein, Smyslov, Spassky, other masters. Indexes of games and openings. 298 diagrams.

El Cid

James Morris - El Cid
Warhammer Historical Wargames | 2003 | ISBN: 1841544205 | 68 pages | PDF | 13.12 MB

El Cid - Warfare in the Spanish Reconquista 900-1250 AD is a sorce book for Warhammer Ancient Battles. Rodrigo Diaz, better known as "El Cid', is one of the most famous warriors of the Middle Ages. His deeds are legendary and his adventures in a world of Moors and Christians, castillos and caballeros, provide ideal territory for games of Warhammer Ancient Battles. This source book contains an historical overview and detailed chronologies outlining the important events and battles of the time.

Super Mario Galaxy Collector's Edition (Prima Official Game Guides)

Super Mario Galaxy Collector's Edition (Prima Official Game Guides)
By Fletcher Black
Prima Games | November 9, 2007 | ISBN: 9780761557135 / 076155713X
English | 352 pages | HQ PDF | 257.7 MB | RS

Reach for the Stars

·Find all 120 stars that unlock the super-secret ending.
·We shine the light on every hidden star in the cosmos with a complete star checklist.
·Full-color maps give you the layout of the galaxy before you even blast off.
·Clothes make the Mario--all of the hero's newest suits detailed.
·Locate tons of hidden 1-Up Mushrooms to keep Mario in action.
·Giant glow-in-the-dark poster included!
·Special concept art.
·A signed note from Mr. Shigero Miyamoto!


Chess Tactics for Advanced Players

Chess Tactics for Advanced Players
Publisher: Caissa Chess Books | ISBN: N/A | edition 2004 | DJVU | 289 pages | 12,8 mb

960 diagrams with tactical motifs for advanced players, sorted by themes into 20 chapters. Four language text (English, German, French, Hungarian), solution in figurine algebraic at the end.

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Player's Guide [Nintendo Official]

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Player's Guide [Nintendo Official]
By Nintendo Power
Nintendo | November 19, 2006 | ISBN: 9781598120042 / 1598120042
English | 192 pages | HQ PDF | 111.7 MB | MU

The ONLY official guide from the insiders at Nintendo!
Unleash the beast!

Don't let the creatures of the Twilight Realm drive you howling mad! Use the Official Nintendo Player's Guide to ward off the darkness and become the hero of the biggest Zelda adventure yet.

Complete, detailed walkthrough!

Maps of every region and dungeon for Wii and Nintendo GameCube versions!

Detailed boss-slaying strategies!

Find every Piece of Heart, insect and Poe's soul!

Giant collectible poster inside!

Complete strategy for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Wii and Nintendo GameCube!


Super Paper Mario Player's Guide [Nintendo Official]

Super Paper Mario Player's Guide [Nintendo Official]
By Nintendo Power
Nintendo | April 2, 2007 | ISBN: 9781598120134 / 1598120131
English | 144 pages | HQ PDF | 87.1 MB | RS

Don't Fall Flat! Make sure you tear it up on both the Flipside and Flopside of Count Bleck's mindbending geometric gauntlet with our Official Nintendo Power Player's Guide! Super strategies for pounding all of your flattened foes! Awesome flipping tips to power up your platforming! Detailed maps of every chapter and all hidden item locations revealed! Complete strategy for Super Paper Mario for Wii!


Game Design

Game Design
Course Technology PTR | September 16, 2004 | English | ISBN: 1592004938 | 450 pages | PDF | 6.8MB

"Game Design, Second Edition" offers a behind-the-scenes look at how a game gets designed and developed—from the day the idea is born to the day the box hits the shelves. This new edition offers information on the latest techniques and development models, interviews with 12 top game designers, document templates that can be used during product development, and numerous industry resources. It is a practical guide that covers everything from the fundamentals of game design, to the trade-offs in the development process, to the deals a publisher makes to get a game on the shelves. No matter what your role is in the industry, understanding this entire process will help you do your job better. And if you ’re looking to break in, you ’ll find knowledge here that is usually attained only after years in the trenches.

Updated and expanded with a wealth of expert information and real world case studies, while still maintaining the value that made the first edition so successful.

Written by a well-known industry expert with 18 years of game design experience. Appeals to a broad audience, from students to individuals ready to break into the business to seasoned professionals. Contains practical information that can be put to use by readers in a variety of game development roles.


Game Scripting Mastery

Game Scripting Mastery
Course Technology PTR | December 26, 2002 | English | ISBN: 1931841578 | 1272 pages | PDF | 52MB

Game Scripting Mastery is your key to the complicated issue of scripting. It provides a detailed guide to the design and implementation of a full-featured game scripting system. This book focuses on the design of procedural, C-style languages and their compilation to virtual machine code. Alternative scripting methods are discussed as well, including dynamic linking and simple, command-based languages. This is the first book to provide you with complete, comprehensive, and highly accessible information on game scripting. The CD includes the DirectX SDK, all source code from the book and other tools to turn you into a scripting master.


Game Character Design Complete: Using 3ds Max 8 and Adobe Photoshop CS2

Game Character Design Complete: Using 3ds Max 8 and Adobe Photoshop CS2
Course Technology PTR | June 16, 2006 | English | ISBN: 1598632701 | 216 pages | PDF | 13.5MB

A game is only as intriguing as the characters that inhabit its world. Game Character Design Complete demonstrates each step of modeling, texturing, animating, and exporting compelling characters for your games. You’ll learn how to model in 3ds Max from sketch references, texture in Adobe Photoshop, rig bones, and animate a character back in 3ds Max. Game Character Design Complete covers all aspects of character creation-from the technical to the artistic. Don’t worry if your artistic ability isn’t awe-inspiring. You’ll cover every aspect of the design process in easy-to-follow steps, including texturing and animating your character. If you have a working knowledge of 2D and 3D graphics, then you have all of the skills you need to begin creating cool characters for your games.


Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX

Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX
Course Technology PTR | January 2, 2002 | English | ISBN: 1931841098 | 974 pages | PDF | 7.2MB

Amazing graphics, kickin' tunes, and an awesome story--these are the makings of a great role playing game and now they're all covered in one book! Programing Role Playing Games with DirectX covers all aspects of creating role playing games--from storyline development to hard core programming techniques that bring landscapes, music, and graphics to life. It offers more technical information than some of the theory-based books on the market and gives you the information you need to know regarding character building--the main component of computer-based role playing games.


Beyond Reality: A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming

Beyond Reality: A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming
Course Technology PTR | July 8, 2005 | English | ISBN: 1592007376 | 304 pages | PDF | 31.5MB

This is not a game-or is it? Alternate reality games (ARGs) ask players to ignore barriers that separate the real world from the virtual-Web sites, television ads, movie credits, and even game-generated phone calls can be clues to uncovering the mystery the game represents. ARGs have become the fascinating new compulsion for the people who participate in them, as they share information and collaborate to solve the game's challenging puzzle. "Beyond Reality" uncovers the mysteries behind this new form of gaming. It discusses the intriguing implications of blurring the lines between the real world and the virtual. Interested in trying your hand? This book takes you beyond the ARG basics, teaching you how to focus your critical thinking skills into an ARG context as you discover how to play the game. You can examine how an actual ARG was played out and then participate in an ARG simulation yourself as you step inside the world of alternate reality gaming.


Starting Out: The Caro-Kann

Starting Out: The Caro-Kann
Publisher: Everyman Chess | ISBN: 1857443039 | edition 2002 | PDF | 192 pages | 10,6 mb

The Caro-Kann Defence has a well-deserved and established reputation as an incredibly solid and, at the same time, dynamic defence to 1 e4. The Caro-Kann appeals to all types of players, but is especially useful to Black players who prefer a sound platform on which to build and who are resourceful in both defence and counter-attack. Star players who enjoy using the Caro-Kann include Vishy Anand, Michael Adams and the legendary Anatoly Karpov. In this easy-to-read guide, Grandmaster Joe Gallagher goes back to the basics of the Caro-Kann, studying the key principles of its many variations. Throughout the book there is an abundance of notes, tips, warnings, and exercises to help improving players, while important strategies, ideas, and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated.

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Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator's Guide, Second Edition

Stephen Cawood, Pat McGee "Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator's Guide, Second Edition"
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | English | 2009-04-23 | ISBN: 0071614060 | 560 pages | PDF | 3,2 MB

Bring your PC, Zune, and Xbox gaming visions to life with Microsoft XNA Game Studio

Develop complete 2D and 3D games with step-by-step hands-on instruction, advice, and tips from two industry professionals. Fully revised to cover the latest features, Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator's Guide, Second Edition lays out the essentials of game programming alongside exciting examples and C# code samples. Learn how to create 3D models, virtual worlds, and add stunning animation. You'll also discover how to incorporate 3D audio into your projects and handle PC and game controller input devices.

• Create, draw, and update XNA game windows and 3D objects
• Add dazzling animation and fluid character motion
• Render photorealistic terrains, landscapes, skies, and horizons
• Program custom lighting and shading effects using HLSL
• Integrate sound effects, game dashboards, and stat tracking
• Work with game cameras, keyframes, sprites, and loaders
• Design natural collision detection, ballistics, and particle effects
• Develop, import, and control Quake II models using MilkShape

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Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition Collection

Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition Collection
Green Ronin Publishing | October 12, 2005 | English | 256 pages | 1932442529 | RPG | 442.49 MB

Mutants & Masterminds has been called "the best, most exciting superhero RPG in years." It sets "new standards in design and presentation." It has won multiple ENnie and Pen & Paper Awards and it appeared on every critic's "best of" list for 2002. Now the World's Greatest Super-hero Roleplaying Game is even better! Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, takes the best of the original edition and supercharges it to make it the most complete, detailed, and fun super-hero game yet! In this 256-page hardcover with a stunning new cover by Ramon Perez, you'll find a complete roleplaying game that's a perfect starting point for your own comic book adventures. Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, has everything you need to create your own super-heroes and villains. It also offers more than a dozen ready-made super-hero archetypes and even more ready-to-use super-villain archetypes, plus two introductory adventures so you can start playing right away. Don't let your super-powers fall behind! Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, will take your game (and your heroes) to the next level!

Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Massively Distributed Systems

Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw, "Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Massively Distributed Systems"
Addison-Wesley Professional | 2007 | ISBN: 0132271915 | 384 pages | CHM | 9 MB

"Imagine trying to play defense in football without ever studying offense. You would not know when a run was coming, how to defend pass patterns, nor when to blitz. In computer systems, as in football, a defender must be able to think like an attacker. I say it in my class every semester, you don't want to be the last person to attack your own system--you should be the first.

"The world is quickly going online. While I caution against online voting, it is clear that online gaming is taking the Internet by storm. In our new age where virtual items carry real dollar value, and fortunes are won and lost over items that do not really exist, the new threats to the intrepid gamer are all too real. To protect against these hazards, you must understand them, and this groundbreaking book is the only comprehensive source of information on how to exploit computer games. Every White Hat should read it. It's their only hope of staying only one step behind the bad guys."

--Aviel D. Rubin, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer Science
Technical Director, Information Security Institute
Johns Hopkins University

"Everyone's talking about virtual worlds. But no one's talking about virtual-world security. Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw are the perfect pair to show just how vulnerable these online games can be."

--Cade Metz
Senior Editor
PC Magazine

"If we're going to improve our security practices, frank discussions like the ones in this book are the only way forward. Or as the authors of this book might say, when you're facing off against Heinous Demons of Insecurity, you need experienced companions, not to mention a Vorpal Sword of Security Knowledge."

--Edward W. Felten, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs
Director, Center for Information Technology Policy
Princeton University

"Historically, games have been used by warfighters to develop new capabilities and to hone existing skills--especially in the Air Force. The authors turn this simple concept on itself, making games themselves the subject and target of the 'hacking game,' and along the way creating a masterly publication that is as meaningful to the gamer as it is to the serious security system professional.

"Massively distributed systems will define the software field of play for at least the next quarter century. Understanding how they work is important, but understanding how they can be manipulated is essential for the security professional. This book provides the cornerstone for that knowledge."

--Daniel McGarvey
Chief, Information Protection Directorate
United States Air Force

Farmville Secrets

Farmville Secrets
Publisher: Tony ‘T Dub’ Sanders | ISBN: N/A | edition 2009 | PDF | 53 pages | 10,6 mb

Farmville lets you create your own private oasis away from the chaos of everyday life. You have total control of how your farm looks and what crops you choose to plant. In Farmville, the sky is always blue, the grass is always green, and the sun is always shining. It's easy to see why so many people have gotten hooked on this game.

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Kramnik: My Life & games

Kramnik: My Life & games
Publisher: Everyman Chess | ISBN: 1857442709 | edition 2000 | PDF | 272 pages | 10,3 mb

Since he arrived on the chess scene in 1992 at the age of 16, Vladimir Kramnik has been tipped as a future World Chamption. Here, he annotates 100 of his best games, and talks about his life and unusual childhood.

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49 explosive games for the ZX-81

Tim Hartnell, «49 explosive games for the ZX-81»
Reston Pub. Co | ISBN: 0835920860 | 1982 | PDF | 140 pages | 12.16 MB

Books as solid as this one don't just spring out of the Spectrum without a serious investment of time and e ffort.

The Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Knights

The Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Knights
Publisher: Alfred A Knopf | ISBN: 039451467X | edition 1981 | PDF | 172 pages | 12,9 mb

In this collection of problems, Raymond Smullyan transports the game of chess to the world of the Arabian knights. The White King is Haroun Al Rashid, the White Bishop is his Grand Vizier, Archie. They are out to counter the Black King Kazir's attempts at invisibility, and to unmask the disguised Queen Medea. In addition, using the deductive logic that is the hallmark of these exercises in retrograde analysis, Haroun and Archie discover pawns who've robbed the royal treasury, lazy knights who refuse to move more than once or twice, and buried castles, as well as encountering any number of phantoms, genii, magicians, philosophers, and hermits.

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Learning with Digital Games: A Practical Guide to Engage Students in Higher Education

INicola Whitton,
«Learning with Digital Games: A Practical Guide to Engage Students in Higher Education»

Routledge | ISBN: 0415997755 | 2009 | PDF | 232 pages | 3 MB

Learning with Digital Games enables readers to quickly grasp practical and technological concepts, using examples that can easily be applied to their own teaching. The book assumes no prior technical knowledge but guides the reader step-by-step through the theoretical, practical and technical considerations of using digital games for learning.

Prince of Persia Prima eGuide

Prince of Persia Prima eGuide
Prima Games | English | December 2, 2008 | ISBN: 0761560424 | PDF | 192 pages | 117MB

Maps Poster: Huge pullout map poster of the entire Prince of Persia world.
Combos: Pro-tips and strategies will teach you every grapple, combo, and daring acrobatic.
Secrets: Every secret location and hidden item revealed.
Puzzles: Pro-Tips and strategies will teach you the tricks to mastering every puzzle.
Graphic Novel: Excerpts from the Prince of Persia graphic published by First Second



Mass Effect 2 - Prima Official Game Guide

Mass Effect 2 - Prima Official Game Guide
Prima Games | English | January 26, 2010 | ISBN: 0307467066 | PDF | 288 pages | 70.4MB

Product Description
• Full walkthroughs for every mission.
• Exclusive maps created especially for this guide. Fully labeled to make sure you see it all!
• Every special assignment detailed so you won't take a wrong step.
• Power evolution trees to make unstoppable heroes.
• Complete planetary database to help you mine elements smarter not harder.
• Mass Effect: Redemption comic book preview!


Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion

Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion
Publisher: Princeton University Press | ISBN: 0691090653 | edition 2002 | PDF | 320 pages | 18,6 mb

In 1997, a computer developed by a team of researchers at IBM shocked the world by defeating world chess champion Gary Kasparov in a six-game match. Hsu began developing Deep Blue, the first computer to achieve such a feat, as a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University. Here he focuses on the events in his career that led to his involvement with the project. He tells the story of how the basic technical ideas took shape in the computer science department and describes the further evolution and culmination of the project at IBM. Not merely a rehashing of the engineering that was poured into creating the "mother of all chess machines," Hsu's account goes beyond the typical man vs. machine angle and attempts to capture the true essence of the contest between men in two distinct roles: Kasparov as performer and Hsu's team as toolmaker. The result is an intelligent, well-written account of a milestone in the history of computer science that stands out from the other books on Deep Blue. Recommended for general readers attracted to the history of chess and computing.

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Starting Out: Sicilian Grand Prix Attack

Starting Out: Sicilian Grand Prix Attack
Publisher: Everyman Chess | ISBN: 1857445473 | edition 2008 | PDF | 176 pages | 12,3 mb

Starting Out: Sicilian Grand Prix Attack is a further addition to Everyman’s best-selling Starting Out series, which has been acclaimed for its original approach to tackling chess openings. International Master Gawain Jones revisits the fundamentals of this opening, elaborating on the crucial early moves and ideas for both sides in a way that is often neglected in other texts.

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Chess for you and me

Chess for you and me
Publisher: D. McKay Co | ISBN: N/A | edition 1948 | PDF | 150 pages | 12,5 mb

Chess books (and, in particular perhaps, games collections) can be divided into two main classes – those that are the product of a genuine devotion of the author to the subject and those that are, in the main, made to order to meet a real or supposed topical demand. It is not intended to scorn or disparage unduly the second class; given a competent and conscientious author, an excellent book will probably be produced. Nonetheless, it is in the first category that the true masterpieces are likely to be found and it is high in this class that we must rate.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Signature Series Strategy Guide (Paperback)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Signature Series Strategy Guide (Paperback)
Publisher: BRADY GAMES | 2009 | ISBN-10: 0744011647 | PDF | 304 pages | 187.56 mb

Play "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" and win. Be prepared for anything with this guide. "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Signature Series Strategy Guide" features a complete step-by-step walkthrough of each single-player mission in the game. You can find detailed maps which call out intel locations, alternate routes, flanking manoeuvres and more. There's in-depth multiplayer coverage including custom maps showing vital locations in each mode of gameplay, as well as expert tactics for each team-based game. You'll find information on every feature, special weapon, camouflage, challenge and achievement. Plus, a bonus foldout and more! This title covers PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Mathematical Go: Chilling Gets the Last Point

Mathematical Go: Chilling Gets the Last Point
Publisher: A K Peters Ltd | ISBN: 1568810326 | edition 1997 | PDF | 247 pages | 11,6 mb

Develops the mathematical techniques for solving late-stage endgame problems in the game Go. As a typical game of Go approaches its conclusion, the active areas of play become independent of one another and the overall board position may be regarded as a sum of disconnected partial board positions. The authors apply combinatorial game theory to solving Go-related problems with a bewildering choice of similar-looking moves and subtle priority relationships. The theory in this book assigns each active area on the board an abstract value and then shows how to compare them to select the optimum move or add them up to determine the ideal outcome. Some of the values are familiar numbers or fractions, but most are bizarre objects not seen before in Go literature. From these abstractions, the reader learns that positions seeming to have the same numerical value can be crucially different, while positions that appear completely different can be mathematically identical.




The grand tactics of chess

The grand tactics of chess
Publisher: Roberts brothers | ISBN: N/A | edition 1898 | PDF | 462 pages | 13,1 mb

In this volume is presented a complete system of chess-play. This system is deduced from the play of the greater Masters; and those processes by which they gained their renown are herein formulated and put into language for the first time. The principles which govern these processes are simple and clearly stated. These comprehend every situation possible on the chess-board.

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Paul Morphy: A Modern Perspective

Paul Morphy: A Modern Perspective
Publisher: Russell Enterprises | ISBN: 1888690267 | edition 2006 | PDF | 164 pages | 11 mb

In 1857, a soft-spoken genius from New Orleans burst upon the chess scene. Paul Morphy dazzled the chess world with breathtaking combinations that seemed to arise from thin air. In his brief chess career, he was universally recognized as the best in the world. International grandmaster Valeri Beim takes a close look at the play of the mid-19th century champion, putting his games under a modern, 21st-century analytical microscope. The result is a fresh and instructive look at the strategy and tactics of the American legend, and their relevance to the modern approach to the royal game.

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My System: 21st Century Edition

My System: 21st Century Edition
Publisher: Hays Publishing | ISBN: 1880673851 | edition 2001 | PDF | 270 pages | 42,7 mb

My System, is a book on chess theory written by Aron Nimzowitsch. The book — one of the early works on hypermodernism — introduced many new concepts to followers of the modern school of thought.
The book is divided into three parts: The Elements, Position Play, and Illustrative Games.
In The Elements, Nimzowitsch writes about the basics of his "system". He covers topics such as piece development, play in the center, control of the 7th and 8th ranks, the development of passed pawns, etc.
The next part, Position Play, is based largely on the "elements" taught in the first part. In it, Nimzowitsch tells how to play for a positional advantage. In particular, he argues that the center can be effectively controlled using pieces instead of pawns. This concept, now widely accepted, is one of the fundamental principles of hypermodernism.
Illustrative Games contains annotated versions of fifty of Nimzowitsch's career games, which he refers to throughout the text.




First and Only (Warhammer 40,000: Gaunt's Ghosts)

Dan Abnett - First and Only
Black Library | 2004 | ISBN 1844161641 | 288 pages | PDF | 1.3 Mb

In the War-torn future of the 41st millennium, the Sabbat Worlds Crusade has begun. With the massed ranks of the Imperial Guard hard-pressed by the evil forces of Chaos, mankind must prevail - whatever the cost in lives. Commisar Ibram Gaunt has vowed to lead the men of the Tanith First-and-Only safely through this campaign, but they must evade the treacherous scheming of rival regiments just as much as the lethal firepower of the enemy.

Warhammer 40,000 - Shadow Point

Gordon Rennie - Shadow Point
Black Library | 2003 | ISBN 1841542636 | 288 pages | PDF | 1.18 Mb

Science fiction novel set in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Sequel to Execution Hour


Bob Proctor - The Success Puzzle

Bob Proctor - The Success Puzzle
Life Success Publications | ASIN: B000MZC5JC | 1998 | MP3 | 177 Mb

In The Success Puzzle, Bob Proctor provides that step-by-step guide so that you can create the masterpiece of your life.
Stop for a minute and ask yourself this: Are you really building the picture you've always wanted for your life? If you're not building the picture you want, you're working on the wrong puzzle... and this is where Bob Proctor begins in this program, The Success Puzzle.
This easy-to-follow audio program helps you first decide on what it is you want your life to look like. Then, through a fun goal-setting exercise, Bob Proctor helps you prioritize the primary action steps you'll be taking to build this life of your dreams (the frame of the puzzle, so to speak).
Once the framework is in place, you'll learn:
* Where your habits came from and how to change them.
* How to work with the laws of the Universe to achieve your goals in the easiest way possible.
* How to draw upon the infinite supply.
* How to eliminate all obstacles blocking your path.
* A four-step process to make effective decisions! (This is not in any other Proctor program).
* How to work on the various sections of your life in orderly yet fast-paced motion.
* The importance of commitment to success.
* A better way to deal with restraints, delays and negative consciousness that seek to slow your masterpiece-building pace.
* How to build in greater color, enthusiasm and passion in all facets of your life.
As you build this primary puzzle, you'll assimilate the simple lessons and steps it takes to build on new projects and ambitions throughout your life. You'll solve the Success Puzzle for your initial masterpiece, and for every masterpiece project and direction you take from then on.



The Sims 3 : World Adventure Official Game Guide

The Sims 3 : World Adventure Official Game Guide By Prima Games
Publisher: PRIMA PUBLISHING 2009 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 0307466590 | PDF | 47 MB

The Sims 3: World Adventures is the very first expansion pack for the blockbusters Sims 3 – and the very first time Sims has ever left their towns to travel the world. See the pyramids of Egypt! The mystical temples of China! The grand chateaus of France! Our guide helps you get the most out of travels by showing you all the sights, how to master the new skills, and full-color maps of dangerous underground tombs. We include a Sims 3 Primer right off the bat to catch new players up with not just the basics of the game, but also expert tips and tricks for maximizing skills and earning great career promotions. The World Travel and New Simology chapters detail what’s new in World Adventures, from the new quest-like adventures you take while traveling to the brand-new skills learned while visiting foreign lands. Before going into each destination, Tombs 101 teaches players the essentials of surviving the underworld mazes they must explore on their adventures if they want to collect cool relics. Tour guides for Egypt, France, and China detail everything you need to know for getting around at that destination, such as shop inventories and the location of important sites. Each tour also offers maps of every tomb and a full list of all adventures so you know what’s in store for your Sims. Sims love to collect stuff, and so our new Object List shows off all of the new decorations, furniture, and appliances you can place in your Sims’ houses – including their vacation houses they can buy in Egypt, France, and China!


Test Your IQ: 400 Questions to Boost Your Brainpower

Philip Carter, "Test Your IQ: 400 Questions to Boost Your Brainpower"
Kogan Page | 2009 | ISBN: 0749456779 | 192 pages | PDF | 3,4 MB

Test Your IQ contains IQ test questions written and compiled by IQ-test experts, complete with a guide to assessing individual performance. Working through the questions can help anyone develop powers of calculation and logical reasoning.

By studying the different types of test, and recognizing the different types of question, readers can improve their test scores and increase their IQ rating. Test Your IQ is helpful those who have to take an IQ test, and it's also great fun for anyone who likes to stretch their mind for their own entertainment.

Caves of Ice (Ciaphas Cain)

Sandy Mitchell - Caves of Ice
Black Library | 2004 | ISBN 184416070X | 256 pages | PDF | 1.3 Mb

Sent to the ice world of Frigidia with his regiment of Valhallan guardsmen, Commissar Ciaphas Cain finds his quest for a peaceful life threatened by unrest among the mine workers, an invasion of orks, and a malevolent evil that is awakened deep in the ice caves of the planet. Original.

Half Life 2 Mods For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Half Life 2 Mods For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Publisher: For Dummies | ISBN: 0470096314 | edition 2007 | PDF | 363 pages | 13,3 mb

How cool would it be to build your own levels and customized weapons for Half-Life 2? This book will get you ready to mod so you can enjoy the ultimate gaming experience. You'll find out how to create your own maps, strategically place high-tech military equipment, and modify your levels for smoother play.
Discover how to
Design maps and playing levels
Load your creation into the game
Expand your map with additions
Include armor and weapons
Distribute levels on the Web




Dawn of War II (Warhammer 40,000 Novels: Space Marines)

Chris Roberson - Dawn of War II
Games Workshop | 2009 | ISBN 1844166864 | 416 pages | PDF | 1.46 Mb

One Blood Raven and one Apothecary are the only survivors of a mission on Prosperon (now a dead world) to retrieve a relic. Ten Blood Ravens fell. Nine gene-seeds were recovered. Needing to recruit additional warriors to the Chapter, the Blood Ravens go to Calderis, a desert world. Humans and feral orks populate the planet. The Blood Ravens are surprised when the orks attack Argus Township. The feral orks from beyond the mountains have never before attacked the human settlements on this hemisphere. The Blood Ravens launch into action.

Feral orks are not the only problem though. Behind them are developed orks, spacefaring greenskins armed for war, and they have a legendary warlord leading them. Worse, the Blood Ravens within Argus Township are exposed to an unexpected enemy, xenos!

Farseer (Eldar Trilogy)

William King - Farseer
Black Library | 2002 | ISBN 184154244X | 288 pages | PDF | 1.2 Mb

The eldar farseers can see the future - or more particularly, the futures. Endless possibilities stretch ahead of the galaxy. By manipulating events, the eldar can bring peace, for a time. But they are not powerful anymore - so they must find an agent. They must find one very special human being.

Paul Jackson - The Pop-Up Book: Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Over 100 Original Paper Projects

Paul Jackson - The Pop-Up Book: Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Over 100 Original Paper Projects
Publisher: An Owl Book/New York | 1996 | ISBN 0805028846 | PDF | 162 pages | 104 MB

Pop-ups are three-dimensional cut-and-folded paper constructions that are widely used for children's books and greeting cards. They have a magical appeal as they mysteriously fold and unfold. Expanding on pop-up material covered in his earlier The Encyclopedia of Origami & Papercraft (LJ 3/1/92), Jackson offers an instructional guide leading the craftsperson through an introductory section of basics to sections covering techniques and original design. The step-by-step projects are exercises in technique only, with complex constructions shown as examples. Like the author's previous books, this one is notable for its clear instructions and bright, colorful illustrations. For users of all ages; highly recommended for public libraries.

* One-piece Techniques
* Single Slit
* Double Slit
* Other Techniques
* Multi-piece Techniques
* How to Design Your Own Pop-ups
* Single Hearts
* Double Hearts
* Hearts with Arrows

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Grey Hunter (Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf)

William King - Grey Hunter
Black Library | 2004 | ISBN 1844160246 | 266 pages | PDF | 1.3 Mb

Ragnar and the Space Wolves are despatched to the sacred world of Garm following the theft of one of the Chapter's most sacred relics - the Spear of Russ - said to have been touched by the hands of Primarch Leman Russ himself.

Lock On: Modern Air Combat / Air Combat Simulation. Enhanced Manual: Reference Manual, Training Guide, Recognition Guide

Nic Cole - Lock On: Modern Air Combat / Air Combat Simulation. Enhanced Manual: Reference Manual, Training Guide, Recognition Guide
Digital Aspirin Ltd & Ubisoft | 2003 | ISBN: N/A | 308 pages | PDF | 14.09 MB

Introduction from flight simulation community: Combat Flight Simulation games for have been in existence since the first personal computers. At one time flight sims were one of the primary entertainment applications for the personal computer. Those of us that enjoy these products share a love of several genres, be it the military, flying, speed, or the fine details and procedure of aviation brought to our screens. Whatever the reason, we all share a common interest in something that requires patience and skill as well as an understanding of the principals of flight and aerial combat. We are a unique group of enthusiasts. Instead of wanting a game that is easy to figure out and simple to operate, we demand and marvel at the complexity and fidelity of air combat. We are the “Armchair Fighter Pilots” who want to sample a bit of the thrill of strapping ourselves to a jet that is going to go into harm’s way.

Freedom Fighters

Prima Temp, «Freedom Fighters»
Prima Games | ISBN: 0761542884 | 2003 | PDF | 96 pages | 8.75 MB

Freedom Fighters is a game of tactical combat, or what some like to refer as a thinking shooter. Unlike most shooter games, which send a player through an essentially linear course, killing everything in sight, or others that require the player to find special keys or cards to get through a locked door, Freedom Fighters lets the player concentrate on tactics as well as strategy. For nearly every mission, there is more than one way of completing the objectives.

The Lord of The Rings: War of the Ring. Strategy battle game Rulebook

The Lord of The Rings: War of the Ring. Strategy battle game Rulebook By Alessio Cavatore, Matt Ward and more
Publisher: Games Workshop 2002 | 312 Pages | ISBN: 1841543314 | PDF | 44 MB

The War of the Ring Rulebook for The Lord of The Rings game sold separately from game box edition.
