Mastering Visual C# .NET

Mastering Visual C# .NET
Publisher:Sybex | Pages: 800 | 2002-08-20 | ISBN: 0782129110 | PDF | 3 MB

Product Description:

Get Everything You Can Out of Visual C# and the .NET Framework

Mastering Visual C# .NET is the best resource for getting everything you can out of the new C# language and the .NET Framework. You'll master C# language essentials, quickly taking advantage of the many improvements it offers over C++ and see tons of examples that show you all the ways that .NET can make your programming more efficient and your applications more powerful. You'll learn how to create stand-alone applications, as well as build Windows, web, and database applications. You'll even see how to develop web services—a technology that holds great promise for the future of distributed application.

Coverage includes:

* Mastering the fundamentals and advanced aspects of the C# language
* Using Visual Studio .NET for increased coding productivity and debugging
* Creating distributed applications with remoting and web services
* Understanding object-oriented concepts
* Delivering data across the Internet with web services
* Using XML to communicate with other applications
* Accessing databases with ADO.NET
* Building Windows applications
* Creating web applications using ASP.NET
* Reading and writing data from/to files or the Internet
* Using advanced data structures to store and manipulate information
* Using multi-threading for greater application efficiency
* Using reflection to manipulate running code
* Building distributed applications with remoting and web services
* Securing code and authenticating users
* Using built-in encryption facilities
* Making your applications world-ready
* Parsing strings with regular expressions
* Using delegates to handle runtime events
* Programming defensively with exception handling

MATLAB and C Programming for Trefftz Finite Element Methods

MATLAB and C Programming for Trefftz Finite Element Methods
Taylor & Francis | ISSN 1420072757 | 2008-07-21 | PDF | 464 Pages | 9,6 Mb

Although the Trefftz finite element method (FEM) has become a powerful computational tool in the analysis of plane elasticity, thin and thick plate bending, Poisson’s equation, heat conduction, and piezoelectric materials, there are few books that offer a comprehensive computer programming treatment of the subject. Collecting results scattered in the literature, MATLAB® and C Programming for Trefftz Finite Element Methods provides the detailed MATLAB® and C programming processes in applications of the Trefftz FEM to potential and elastic problems.

The book begins with an introduction to the hybrid-Trefftz (HT) FEM that covers basic concepts and general element formulations of the method. It then concentrates on both the essentials and subroutines of MATLAB and C programming. The next few chapters present applications of T-elements to potential problems and linear plane elasticity, discuss how to solve body force in elasticity through radial basis functions, and examine how special purpose functions can be constructed. The final chapter explores advanced topics, such as the construction of Trefftz p-elements, dimensionless transformation, and an alternative formulation to HT FEM.

Unifying the computer programming aspects of the Trefftz FEM, this book will stimulate the development and application of this novel method in many facets of practical engineering.


C Traps and Pitfalls

Andrew Koenig “C Traps and Pitfalls"
Addison-Wesley Professional | 1989-01-11 | ISBN: 0201179288 | 160 pages | PDF | 4,64 MB

C Traps and Pitfalls teaches how the peculiarities of the C language make it easy for the intended behavior of a program and the actual behavior of a program to differ. The book's experienced author, Koenig, follows up with examples and helpful advice on many of these "pitfalls." Each chapter includes exercises for contemplation with accompanying discussions at the end of the book.

Andreas Kühnel : Visual C# 2008

Andreas Kühnel : Visual C# 2008: Das umfassende Handbuch
German | HTML | 1366 Seiten | Galileo Press; Auflage: 4.(Juni 2008) | ISBN: 3836211726 | ~ 13 MB

Dies ist die 4., vollständig überarbeitete Neuauflage unseres erfolgreichen C#- Kompendiums. Das Buch führt auch die Programmieranfänger thematisch gut strukturiert mit passenden und einfachen Beispielen in die Programmierung von C# ein. Viele Themen, die sich den Programmiertechniken widmen, machen das Buch auch für Profis zu einem unentbehrlichen Leitfaden und Nachschlagewerk. Das Buch geht selbstverständlich auch auf die Neuerungen von Visual Studio 2008 ein: So werden die Themen LINQ (Language Integrated Query, ganz neu in .NET 3.5) oder etwa XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) sehr ausführlich in eigenen neuen Kapiteln behandelt. Die Programmierung der .NET-Klassenbibliothek ist 100%-ig objektorientiert. Deshalb wird im ersten Teil des Buches umfassend und intensiv in die Sprache C# und die objektorientierte Programmierung eingeführt

Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051

Dogan Ibrahim “Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051"
Newnes | 2000-06-15 | ISBN: 0750646403 | 178 pages | PDF | 1,5 Mb

This book is a thoroughly practical way to explore the 8051 and discover C programming through project work. Through graded projects, Dogan Ibrahim introduces the reader to the fundamentals of microelectronics, the 8051 family, programming in C, and the use of a C compiler. The specific device used for examples is the AT89C2051 - a small, economical chip with re-writable memory, readily available from the major component suppliers.

A working knowledge of microcontrollers, and how to program them, is essential for all students of electronics. In this rapidly expanding field many students and professionals at all levels need to get up to speed with practical microcontroller applications. Their rapid fall in price has made microcontrollers the most exciting and accessible new development in electronics for years - rendering them equally popular with engineers, electronics hobbyists and teachers looking for a fresh range of projects.

Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051 is an ideal resource for self-study as well as providing an interesting, enjoyable and easily mastered alternative to more theoretical textbooks.

Dogan Ibrahim has been Associate Professor and Head of Department at the Near East University, Cyprus, lecturer at South Bank University, London, Principal Research Engineer at GEC Hirst Research Centre, and is now a hardware and software systems consultant to London's Traffic Control Systems Unit.

Practical projects that enable students and practitioners to get up and running straight away with 8051 microcontrollers
A hands-on introduction to practical C programming
A wealth of project ideas for students and enthusiasts

Brinkschulte : Mikrocontroller und Mikroprozessoren

Brinkschulte : Mikrocontroller und Mikroprozessoren
German | PDF | 450 Seiten | Springer, Berlin; Auflage:2.(März 2007) | ISBN 3540468013 | ~5,5 MB

Das vorliegende Buch gibt zunächst eine Darstellung der grundlegenden Prinzipien der Mikrocontroller und Mikroprozessoren. Anschließend wird detailliert der neueste Stand der Technik dieser Hardware-Bausteine erläutert, und es werden alle wichtigen Entwicklungstendenzen bis hin zum aktuellen Forschungsstand vorgestellt. Ferner werden in der Praxis häufig verwendete Mikrocontroller und Mikroprozessoren in ihrer Funktionsweise analysiert und zukunftsweisende Technologien dieser Bausteine aufgezeigt.

A Simplified Approach to Image Processing: Classical and Modern Techniques in C (HP Professional), With Code

by Randy Crane , «A Simplified Approach to Image Processing: Classical and Modern Techniques in C (HP Professional), With Code »
Prentice Hall PTR | August 16, 1996 | English | ISBN: 0132264161 | 336 pages | PDF | 12 Mb

Image processing, the use of computers to process pictures, has revolutionized the fields of medicine, space exploration, geology, and oceanography, and has become the hottest area in digital signal processing. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the most popular image processing techniques used today, without getting bogged down in the complex mathematical presentations found in most image processing books and journals. The book covers the hottes t topics in image proessing, including whole chapters on the processing of color images, image warping and morphing techniques, and image compression. The diskette, written in portable C code, provides a "hands-on" introduction to image processing techniques that can be incorporated into the user's applications. For computer programmers and electrical engineers who need to enhance image processing applications.

Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images

Dwayne Phillips, «Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images, 2nd Edition»
CPM | 2nd edition, August 1, 1997 | English | ISBN: 087930443X | 720 pages | PDF | 6 Mb

This book is a tutorial on image processing. Each chapter explains basic concepts. Print routines are provided for laser printers, graphics printers, and character printers. Display procedures are provided for monochrome, CGA, VGA, and EGA monitors. All of these functions are provided in a system that will run on a ” provide working edge detectors, filters, and histogram equalizers, I/O routines, display and print procedures that are ready to use, or can be modified for special , 2) a set of routines for Boolean operations on images — such as subtracting or adding one with another, 3) a batch system for performing offline processing (such as overnight for long involved manipulations). The C Image Processing System (CIPS) works with Tag Image File Format (TIFF) gray scale images. The entire system has been updated from the original publications to comply with the TIFF 6.0 specification from June 1993 (the magazine articles were written for the TIFF 5.0 specification.) The text and accompanying with words and figures, shows image processing results with photographs, and implements the operations in C. The C code in this book is based on a series of articles published in The C Users Journal from 1990 through 1993, and includes three entirely new chapters and six new appendices. The new chapters are 1) an introduction to the entire

Audience: Programmers seeking tools for image processing, ranging from the basics to advanced techniques. System Requirements: Any PC with a hard disk. Slower the machine, the slower the processing, but the system does not require a math co-processor or special imaging board. A regular VGA monitor is preferred, but you can use the system with an EGA or CGA monitor. The code was compiled with Microsoft C v 6. The code should run using other compilers with little modification.

Professional Visual Studio 2005 by Andrew Parsons

Professional Visual Studio 2005 by Andrew Parsons (Author), Nick Randolph (Author)
Publisher: Wrox (August 28, 2006) | ISBN: 0764598465 | PDF | 14,38 Mb | 912 pages

Visual Studio 2005 is an enormous product. Incorporating the latest advances in both Visual Basic® and C# as well as improvements and new features in the user interface, it can be daunting without the kind of guidance this book provides.

In these pages you'll learn to harness every feature of this remarkable development tool. The opening section will familiarize you with the IDE structure and layout, various options and settings, and other core aspects of Visual Studio 2005. Then you will examine each of the nine major categories composing the functions of Visual Studio 2005. Every chapter is cross-referenced, so you can achieve a complete understanding of each feature and how all the elements work together to produce an effective programming environment.

What you will learn from this book

How to edit Application Configuration and XML resource files
Automated XML documentation and how to use Outline modes to review your code
The process for implementing good security
How to use IntelliSense, regionalize your code, and tag sections of your program for later processing
Effective ways to test and debug both code and databases
Timesavers that use regular expressions, Registry hacks, third-party add-ons, and Microsoft® extensions

Computing with C# and the .NET Framework

Computing with C# and the .NET Framework
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.; Pap/Cdr edition | ISBN: 0763723398 | 753 pages | February 2003 | CHM | 13 Mb

Both noivce and experienced programmers will find that this text serves as an accessible and thorough guide to object-oriented and event-driven programming concepts.

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Programming C# (2nd Edition)

Programming C# (2nd Edition)
O'Reilly; 2 edition | ISBN: 0596003099 | 656 pages | February 2002 | PDF | 6 Mb

C# was designed from the ground up for development on Microsoft's .NET framework. As such, it's a high-performance language that's simple, safe, object-oriented, and Internet-centric. Programming C#, 2nd Edition teaches this new language in a way that experienced programmers will appreciate--by grounding its applications firmly in the context of Microsoft's .NET platform and the development of desktop and Internet applications.

The first part of this book introduces C# fundamentals, then goes on to explain:

Classes and objects
Inheritance and polymorphism
Operator overloading
Structs and interfaces
Arrays, indexers, and collections
String objects and regular expressions
Exceptions and bug handling
Delegates and events

Part two of Programming C#, 2nd Edition focuses on development of desktop and Internet applications, including Windows Forms, ADO.NET and ASP.NET. ASP.NET includes Web Forms, for rapid development of web applications, and Web Services for creating objects without user interfaces, to provide services over the Internet.

Part three gets to the heart of the .NET Framework, focusing on attributes and reflection, remoting, threads and cynchronization, and streams. Part three also illustrates how to interoperate with COM objects.

In much the way that you can see the features and personality of the parents and grandparents in young children, you can easily see the influence of Java, C++, Visual Basic, and other languages in C#. The level of information in Programming C#, 2nd Edition allows you to become productive quickly with C# and to rely on it as a powerful addition to your family of mastered programming languages.

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Trey Nash, «Accelerated C# 2008» (Accelerated)

Trey Nash, «Accelerated C# 2008» (Accelerated)
Size:4.2MB | Publisher: Apress | 510 Pages | Pblication Date: 2007-11-12 | ISBN: 1590598733

C# 2008 offers powerful new features, and Accelerated C# 2008 is the fastest path to mastering them, and the rest of C#, for both experienced C# programmers moving to C# 2008 and programmers moving to C# from another object-oriented language. Many books introduce C#, but very few also explain how to use it optimally with the .NET common language runtime (CLR). This book teaches both core C# language concepts and how to wisely employ C# idioms and object-oriented design patterns to exploit the power of C# and the CLR.

This book is both a rapid tutorial and a permanent reference. You’ll quickly master C# syntax while learning how the CLR simplifies many programming tasks. You’ll also learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient, reusable, and robust. Why spend months or years discovering the best ways to design and code C# when this book will show you how to do things the right way, right from the start?

* Comprehensively and concisely explains both C# 2005 and C# 2008 features
* Focuses on the language itself and on how to use C# 2008 proficiently for all .NET application development
* Concentrates on how C# features work and how to best use them for robust, high-performance code.

Advanced C

Advanced C
Sams Publishing | ISBN: 0672301687 | 850 pages | October 1992 | PDF | 2 Mb

Here's the next step for programmers who want to improve their C programming skills. "Complete coverage of disk files including sequential access, text, binary, and random access. Efficient tips and techniques for debugging C programs".

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C# Network Programming

C# Network Programming
Sybex | ISBN:0782141765 | 656 pages | November 26, 2002 | CHM | 6 Mb

On its own, C# simplifies network programming. Combine it with the precise instruction found in C# Network Programming, and you'll find that building network applications is easier and quicker than ever.
This book helps newcomers get started with a look at the basics of network programming as they relate to C#, including the language's network classes, the Winsock interface, and DNS resolution. Spend as much time here as you need, then dig into the core topics of the network layer. You'll learn to make sockets connections via TCP and "connectionless" connections via UDP. You'll also discover just how much help C# gives you with some of your toughest chores, such as asynchronous socket programming, multithreading, and multicasting.

Network-layer techniques are just a means to an end, of course, and so this book keeps going, providing a series of detailed application-layer programming examples that show you how to work with real protocols and real network environments to build and implement a variety of applications. Use SNMP to manage network devices, SMTP to communicate with remote mail servers, and HTTP to Web-enable your applications. And use classes native to C# to query and modify Active Directory entries.

Rounding it all out is plenty of advanced coverage to push your C# network programming skills to the limit. For example, you'll learn two ways to share application methods across the network: using Web services and remoting. You'll also master the security features intrinsic to C# and .NET--features that stand to benefit all of your programming projects.

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TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers (The Practical Guides Series)

Michael J. Donahoo,&nbspKenneth L. Calvert, "TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers"
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann | ISBN: 1558608265 | 110 Pages | PDF | 6 MB

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C# in a Nutshell

Book Description

C# in a Nutshell provides C# programmers with a concise and thorough reference to the language in one straightforward and accessible volume. Designed as a handbook for daily use, this book is an essential guide to the C# language and the base class APIs of the .NET Framework. Programmers will want to keep this book next to their keyboards for years to come. The heart of the book is a succinct but detailed reference to the C# language and the .NET types most essential to C# programmers. Each chapter in the API reference begins with an overview of a .NET namespace and a diagram of its types, including a quick-reference entry for each type, with name, assembly, category, description, member availability, class hierarchy, and other relevant information, such as whether the type is part o the ECMA CLI specification. Newly updated for .NET Framework version 1.1, the second edition also adds a CD that allows you to integrate the book's API Quick Reference directly into the help files of Visual Studio .NET 2002 & 2003, giving you direct access to this valuable information via your computer. In addition to the API reference section, this book includes:

* An accelerated introduction to the C# language and the .NET Common Language Runtime
* A tutorial section on using C# with the core classes of the .NET Framework Class Library to perform common tasks such as manipulating strings, I/O, and interacting with legacy components
* Comprehensive language and tool reference chapters, including a C# syntax summary, a list of XML documentation tags, and a guide to command-line tools that ship with Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework
* Appendixes with reference tables for regular expression syntax, format specifiers, a C# keyword glossary, namespace/assembly cross-reference, and a type and member index for determining in which type a method or field is defined.

Every once in a while, a book becomes the de-facto standard for a technology, operating system, or programming language--which is exactly what C# in a Nutshell has done in a single straightforward and easy to use volume. There is no more complete, up-to-date reference to the C# Language available.


Focus On 2D in Direct3D

Focus On 2D in Direct3D by Ernest Pazera (Author)

Publisher: Muska & Lipman/Premier-Trade; 1 edition (March 2, 2002) | ISBN-10: 1931841101 | PDF | 1,6 Mb | 250 pages

Focus on 2D in Direct3D teaches you all of the tools and tips you'll need to dive right in and begin creating your own games. If you have some knowledge of C or C++ and have been searching for a guide that will take your 2D programming into the third dimension, then search no more!
In this book you\'ll acquire the skills you\'ll need to move from the 2D API to Direct3D. Written from the point of view of a 2D programmer, Focus on 2D in Direct3D presents the fundamentals of the Direct3D API in an easy-to-use-and-understand format. Get ready to jump into the world of Direct3D!

Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++

Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++
O'Reilly Media, Inc. | ISBN: 1565923545 | 194 pages | January 30, 1999 | CHM | 0.4 Mb

Description: Embedded software is in almost every electronic device designed today. There is software hidden away inside our watches, microwaves, VCRs, cellular telephones, and pagers; the military uses embedded software to guide smart missiles and detect enemy aircraft; communications satellites, space probes, and modern medicine would be nearly impossible without it. Of course, someone has to write all that software, and there are thousands of computer scientists, electrical engineers, and other professionals who actually do.
Each embedded system is unique and highly customized to the application at hand. As a result, embedded systems programming is a widely varying field that can take years to master. However, if you have some programming experience and are familiar with C or C++, you're ready to learn how to write embedded software. The hands-on, no-nonsense style of this book will help you get started by offering practical advice from someone who's been in your shoes and wants to help you learn quickly

The techniques and code examples presented here are directly applicable to real-world embedded software projects of all sorts. Even if you've done some embedded programming before, you'll still benefit from the topics in this book, which include:
* Testing memory chips quickly and efficiently
* Writing and erasing Flash memory
* Verifying nonvolatile memory contents with CRCs
* Interfacing to on-chip and external peripherals
* Device driver design and implementation
* Optimizing embedded software for size and speed

So whether you're writing your first embedded program, designing the latest generation of hand-held whatchamacalits, or simply managing the people who do, this book is for you.

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Mastering Windows Server 2003

Mark Minasi, Christa Anderson, Michele Beverridge, C.A. Callahan, Lisa Justice, “Mastering Windows Server 2003″
Publisher: Sybex; (April 7, 2003) | ISBN: 0782141307 | 1792 pages | 18.8MB | PDF | English

The Only Windows Server Resource You Need. The single most comprehensive and understandable book on the subject, Mastering Windows Server 2003 continues author Mark Minasi’s award-winning tradition of clear and comprehensive coverage of Microsoft’s Windows Server products. This book shows you how to plan, configure and install your network, keep it running its best, and fix it if it breaks. And you still get all the coverage you need for the Windows 2000 Server installations that remain part of your environment.
Coverage includes:
* Configuring IP, DHCP, DNS, and WINS to achieve the right foundation for your network
* DNS explained in everyday English, from basics to advanced design
* Designing, running, and maintaining Active Directory-based domains with Server 2003 and 2000 Server
* Running your own Web, FTP, and e-mail server with 2003
* Controlling hundreds, even thousands, of workstations with group policies and security templates
* Tuning and monitoring your network
* Securing your network from split-brain DNS to AD delegation to group policies, logs, IPSec, PKI and more
* Using Windows Server 2003 to share Internet connections
* Complete coverage of all new 2003 features
Real Solutions to Real Challenges
If improving the real-world performance of your network is the bottom line, this book delivers the goods. It shows you how to design and manage a multiple-platform network, build a Windows-based intranet, find the right data backup strategy, prevent and recover from disasters, and much more. There’s no end to what you’ll accomplish with practical, step-by-step instruction from the expert who has actually done it all on live networks!

From the Back Cover
The Only Windows Server Resource You Need

The single most comprehensive and understandable book on the subject, Mastering Windows Server 2003 continues author Mark Minasi’s award-winning tradition of clear and comprehensive coverage of Microsoft’s Windows Server products. This book shows you how to plan, configure and install your network, keep it running its best, and fix it if it breaks. And you still get all the coverage you need for the Windows 2000 Server installations that remain part of your environment.

Coverage includes:

* Configuring IP, DHCP, DNS, and WINS to achieve the right foundation for your network
* DNS explained in everyday English, from basics to advanced design
* Designing, running, and maintaining Active Directory-based domains with Server 2003 and 2000 Server
* Running your own Web, FTP, and e-mail server with 2003
* Controlling hundreds, even thousands, of workstations with group policies and security templates
* Tuning and monitoring your network
* Securing your network from split-brain DNS to AD delegation to group policies, logs, IPSec, PKI and more
* Using Windows Server 2003 to share Internet connections
* Complete coverage of all new 2003 features

Real Solutions to Real Challenges
If improving the real-world performance of your network is the bottom line, this book delivers the goods. It shows you how to design and manage a multiple-platform network, build a Windows-based intranet, find the right data backup strategy, prevent and recover from disasters, and much more. There’s no end to what you’ll accomplish with practical, step-by-step instruction from the expert who has actually done it all on live networks!

No Mirror

Microsoft Windows Architecture Training for Developers

Microsoft Windows Architecture Training for Developers
Publisher: Microsoft Pr; Pap/Cdr edition (March 1998) | English | ISBN:1572317086 | 494 pages | CHM | 3.2MB

Welcome to Windows Architecture Training for Developers. This book presents the architectures and related services of the Microsoft® Windows® operating systems. By completing the lessons and associated exercises, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop solutions for the Windows 95 and Windows NT® operating systems.
This book addresses the objectives of the Microsoft Windows Architecture I (70-160) and Microsoft Windows Architecture II (70-161) exams. This self-paced course provides topical content that supports the skills measured by these exams.

No Mirror

Mastering COM and COM+ by Ash Rofail , Yasser Shohoud

Mastering COM and COM+ by Ash Rofail , Yasser Shohoud
Publisher: Sybex Inc; (October 1999) | ISBN:0782123848 | English | .html | 693 pages | 4.2MB

COM (Component Object Model) is Microsoft’s specification for building distributed applications that work across networks and the Internet. It is a highly complex and mysterious topic, which ties in to everything Microsoft is doing with Windows. In this book aimed at experienced programmers, Ash Rofail unlocks the secrets of programming COM, writing in the classic Mastering style. This is no theoretical treatise but a practical exploration of how to do real things with COM, including creating COM objects, working with the Registry, reusing components, and getting the most out of ActiveX controls. Includes coverage of DCOM and COM+, Microsoft’s latest version of the standard for Windows 2000.
No Mirror

Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .Net

Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .Net
Publisher: Syngress; 1 edition (January 15, 2001) | Language: English | ISBN: 1928994199 | PDF | 4.4 MB

The Microsoft .NET initiative is the future of e-commerce - making it possible for organisations to build a secure, reliable e-commerce infrastructure. This is the first book to outline the capabilities of SQL Server 2000, one of the key components of .NET. SQL Server 2000 introduces powerful new data mining functionality designed specifically to capture and process customer profiles and to predict future buying patterns on e-commerce sites.

Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for NET Enterprise Servers addresses the needs of IT professionals migrating from the popular SQL 7 databases to the new SQL 2000, as well as those who are starting from scratch.

* Covers all key features of SQL Server 2000 including; XML support, enhanced data-mining capabilities and integration with Windows 2000
* While there are many books available on SQL 7 - this is the first to be announced for SQL 2000
* Free ongoing customer support and information upgrades

Book Info
(Syngress Media) A text detailing SQL Server 2000 for use with the .NET Enterprise Server line from Microsoft. Discusses all of the major issues, including scalability, integration with Internet technologies, data access, and more. Includes a number of resources, such as a free membership to Access.Globalknowledge. Softcover.

No Mirror

Developing XML Web Services and Server Components

MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET
Publisher: Microsoft Press; Har/Cdr/Dv edition (January 15, 2003) | Language: English | ISBN-10: 0735615861 | 700 pages | CHM | 1.8 MB

Learn how to build XML Web services and server components with Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET and Visual C#™ .NET?as you prepare for MCAD or MCSD certification. Includes study guide for Exams 70-310 and 70-320, evaluation software, eBook, and testing tool.

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70-320Cram | 070-320(Web Services)

Mastering C# Database Programming

Mastering C# Database Programming

Mastering C# Database Programming
Publisher: Sybex; 1 edition (May 6, 2003) | Language: English | ISBN-10: 0782141838 | 800 pages | CHM

Enter a New World of Database Programming C# and ADO.NET facilitate the development of a new generation of database applications, including remote applications that run on the Web. Mastering C# Database Programming is the resource you need to thrive in this new world. Assuming no prior experience with database programming, this book teaches you every aspect of the craft, from GUI design to server development to middle-tier implementation. If you’re familiar with earlier versions of ADO, you’ll master the many new features of ADO.NET all the more quickly. You’ll also learn the importance of XML within the new .NET paradigm. Coverage includes:
* Accessing a database using C# and ADO.NET
* Using SQL to access a database
* Using Visual Studio .NET to build applications
* Creating and modifying database tables
* Understanding ADO.NET classes
* Designing, building, and deploying Web applications that access a database
* Designing, building, and deploying effective Web services
* Using SQL Server’s built-in XML capabilities
* Working with a database in a disconnected manner
* Using advanced transaction controls
* Using Transact-SQL to create stored procedures and functions in a SQL Server database


Fundamentals of Embedded Software: Where C and Assembly Meet

by Daniel W.Lewis"Fundamentals of Embedded Software: Where C and Assembly Meet"
Prentice Hall | ISBN: 0130615897 | 2001. | 280 p. | RARed PDF 71.1MB

Fundamentals of Embedded Software: Where C and Assembly Meet is a refreshing alternative to the traditional sophomore text on computer organization and assembly language programming. The text approaches assembly the way it is commonly used in practice¿to implement small, fast, or special-purpose routines called from a main program written in a high-level language such as C. By using an embedded software context, the text introduces multi-threaded programming, preemptive and non-preemptive systems, shared resources, and scheduling, thus providing a solid foundation for subsequent courses on operating systems, real-time systems, networking, and microprocessor-based design...

The text will help you:

* appreciate the often overlooked consequences and limitations of binary representation.
* implement fast real-number arithmetic using fixed-point reals instead of floating-point.
* reinforce your comprehension of scope, parameter passing, recursion, and memory allocation.
* employ features of C (such as bit-manipulation and variant access) commonly used in embedded software.
* write functions in Intel x86 protected mode assembly to be called from C.
* estimate maximum data rate and latency for various styles of I/O programming.
* manage multiple threads, shared resources, and critical sections.
* develop programming practices that avoid priority inversions, deadlocks, and shared memory problems.

Fundamentals of Embedded Software: Where C and Assembly Meet comes with a CD-ROM containing all the software tools needed to build simple stand-alone embedded applications on an ordinary Pentium-class PC: a C compiler, assembler, linker, boot loader, library, and both preemptive and non-preemptive real-time kernels. Also included are major portions of the source code for a number of programming assignments found in an appendix of the text.

About the Author
Daniel W. Lewis received his BSEE from Ga. Tech in 1968, and his MS, Engineer's, and PhD degrees in EE from Syracuse in 1972, 1974, and 1975, respectively. He is now the Chair of the Computer Engineering department at Santa Clara University in Silicon Valley, California where he has been since 1975.

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Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit, 2nd Edition

Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas, Matt Hargett, "Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit, 2nd Edition"
Pragmatic Bookshelf | ISBN 0977616673 | August 30, 2007 | 239 Pages | PDF | 1.2MB

The NIST estimates that poor testing costs the US economy $60 billion annually. This book gives teams straightforward and proven ways to introduce unit testing into their process, resulting in higher quality and fewer bugs.All over the world, software teams are using unit testing both to verify their code and as a way of helping them design better code. This book is unique in the way it covers two aspects: showing developers both how to test and helping them determine what to test.

New in the second edition:

* Updated for NUnit 2.4 (.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005)
* More assert methods
* New String and Collection assertion support
* Better support for multiple-platform development
* Higher-level setup and teardown fixtures
* Whole new chapter on extending NUnit
* and more!

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Understanding COM+ by David S. Platt

Understanding COM+ by David S. Platt
Publisher: Microsoft Pr (June 1999) | ISBN: 0735606668 | 235 pages | Language: English | Compiled HTML Help file | 1.7MB

Developing enterprise applications has traditionally been a long, painful, and expensive task because applications developers often have to reinvent the wheel by writing, from scratch, the entire infrastructure needed to scale business logic up to the enterprise level. That’s where COM+ comes in. It’s an advanced Component Object Model (COM) runtime environment that provides prefabricated solutions to many of these generic infrastructure problems. It’s like a toolkit full of prefabricated solutions that are always available to simplify the work of Microsoft enterprise application developers. UNDERSTANDING COM+, REVISED EDITION elaborates on this story for developers, technical managers, and anyone else who needs to understand the COM+ architecture and technologies. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Written for the IS manager or developer, Understanding COM+ explains the details of the emerging Windows 2000 COM+ standard and the real advantages it provides for enterprise computing. Clearly written and illustrated with easy-to-understand diagrams, this title succeeds in explaining the fairly difficult “plumbing” of COM+ and its impact for the future of businesses running on the Microsoft platform.

Though it provides a good deal of technical detail, the standout feature of this book is its focus on real-world business problems in the enterprise and the solutions offered by COM+. Any IS manager or developer will be able to understand concepts like transactions, resource management, events, and asynchronous communications through the author’s carefully rendered diagrams and business scenarios. There’s not much actual code here, but the author does suggest techniques for designing components to take advantage of COM+.

Standout material includes a full discussion of the built-in support for transactions in COM+ and a new feature that has real potential for better performance for today’s Web sites: In-Memory Databases (IMDBs). (With IMDBs, instead of optimizing code, administrators can just add more RAM to the server for a real performance boost.)

As the author notes, COM+ builds on the success of COM on the Microsoft platform. For any IS manager or programmer working on Windows, Understanding COM+ delivers a useful introduction to what’s best in the new COM+ on Windows 2000. –Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Enterprise applications and COM+ overview, COM+ architecture and infrastructure, interception, COM+ components and catalogs, context and transactions, security, threading models and synchronization, resource management, Just-In-Time (JIT) object activation, object pooling, queued components (QC) and asynchronous communications, queue moniker, COM+ events (publishers and subscribers, COM+ In-Memory Databases [IMDBs], and load balancing).

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Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (The VLSI Systems Series)

Michael John & Sebastian SmithApplication-Specific Integrated Circuits (The VLSI Systems Series)

Addison-Wesley | ISBN: 0201500221 | 1997 | 1179 p | RARed | PDF | 3.53MB[/center]
This comprehensive book on application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) describes the latest methods in VLSI-systems design. ASIC design, using commercial tools and pre-designed cell libraries, is the fastest, most cost-effective, and least error-prone method of IC design. As a consequence, ASICs and ASIC-design methods have become increasingly popular in industry for a wide range of applications...

The book covers both semicustom and programmable ASIC types. After describing the fundamentals of digital logic design and the physical features of each ASIC type, the book turns to ASIC logic design - design entry, logic synthesis, simulation, and test - and then to physical design - partitioning, floorplanning, placement, and routing. You will find here, in practical well-explained detail, everything you need to know to understand the design of an ASIC, and everything you must do to begin and to complete your own design.


* Broad coverage includes, in one information-packed volume, cell-based ICs, gate arrays, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and complex programmable logic devices (PLDs).
* Examples throughout the book have been checked with a wide range of commercial tools to ensure their accuracy and utility.
* Separate chapters and appendixes on both Verilog and VHDL, including material from IEEE standards, serve as a complete reference for high-level, ASIC-design entry.

As in other landmark VLSI books published by Addison-Wesley - from Mead and Conway to Weste and Eshraghian - the author's teaching expertise and industry experience illuminate the presentation of useful design methods. Any engineer, manager, or student who is working with ASICs in a design project, or who is simply interested in knowing more about the different ASIC types and design styles, will find this book to be an invaluable resource, reference, and guide.

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Computational Geometry in C (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)

Computational Geometry in C (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)
Cambridge University Press| ISBN0521640105 | 1998-10-13 | PDF | 392pages | 3.85 MB

This is the newly revised and expanded edition of the popular introduction to the design and implementation of geometry algorithms arising in areas such as computer graphics, robotics, and engineering design. The second edition contains material on several new topics, such as randomized algorithms for polygon triangulation, planar point location, 3D convex hull construction, intersection algorithms for ray-segment and ray-triangle, and point-in-polyhedron. A new "Sources" chapter points to supplemental literature for readers needing more information on any topic. A novel aspect is the inclusion of working C code for many of the algorithms, with discussion of practical implementation issues. The self-contained treatment presumes only an elementary knowledge of mathematics, but reaches topics on the frontier of current research, making it a useful reference for practitioners at all levels. The code in this new edition is significantly improved from the first edition, and four new routines are included. Java versions for this new edition are also available. All code is accessible from the book's Web site ( or by anonymous ftp.

C Programming for Scientists and Engineers

C Programming for Scientists and Engineers (Manufacturing Engineering Series)
Butterworth-Heinemann / June 6, 2002 | 160 pages | ISBN: 1857180305 | PDF | 7.5Mb

The aim of this book is to provide a rapid introduction to the C programming language. In a computing world that is increasingly full of C++ and Object Oriented methods, C still has an important role to play, particularly in the implementation of engineering and scientific calculations. This book is biased towards those features of C that make it useful for these types of application. This makes the book particularly relevant to students on various engineering and scientific courses where the role of C programming may range from being an important supportive topic to a core discipline.

Neither C nor any other programming language can be learned simply by reading about it. Consequently, each chapter is further divided into key points, or more focused sections that involve the reader in various programming activities guided by tutorial questions. These are accompanied by tutorial problems at the end of each chapter that aim to integrate the chapter topic into the wider framework of C programming and technical applications.

The two key features of this book are its focus on those aspects of C that are of most general use, and presentation of these features in a way that is particularly accessible by students on engineering and science based courses. The pace of the book is quite rapid, covering a lot of C functionality in a relatively small number of pages. This is achieved through concise but carefully thought-out explanations of key points. This approach is a strong contrast to the majority of books on C that typically run to several hundred pages and, consequently, require significant commitment from the reader. This is especially important when C programming may only be, perhaps, one of six subjects studied in a fifteen week semester.


C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition
Apress; 2 edition | ISBN: 1590590554 | 200 pages | June 5, 2003 | PDF | 13 Mb
Aimed at the reader with some previous programming experience, C# and the .NET Platform provides an enjoyable and well-paced tutorial for learning C# and Microsoft's new .NET Framework. This well-written guide is all you need to get onboard with the latest in Windows development.
Today, there are a growing number of titles available for C#. This text strikes an excellent balance between a basic language tutorial with an authoritative presentation of what's new and better in .NET with coverage of the some of the inner details of the platform, including deployment. The author's patient writing style is never dull or overly technical, which will mean this book is a good choice for a wide range of readers approaching C# from a variety of languages including C++, Java, and Visual Basic.

At certain points, the author looks at "intermediate language" (IL) bytecodes that underlie the C# language. This is particularly informative in chapters that look at assemblies and deployment. As a tour of the basics of the C# language, this book distinguishes itself with short, effective examples (many of which use a set of classes modeling cars). Coverage of programming Windows Forms is really good, as is the chapter on getting the older COM and .NET components to interoperate. The focus of this book is mostly on traditional client-side development, though it does cover the latest in Web development with sections on basic ASP.NET and Web services, which round out the book.

The author does a good job at explaining how .NET works while bringing readers of different abilities up to speed with C#. Experts will appreciate the detail on class design, COM, and Web services, while beginners will be able to follow the author's well-organized tour of the basics. In all, this combination of strengths makes C# and the .NET Platform an attractive choice in the growing list of titles on Microsoft's latest programming language.

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Lucio Di Jasio, «Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24»

Lucio Di Jasio, «Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24»
Publisher: Newnes | Mar 2007 | ISBN: 0750682922 | Pages: 400 | PDF | 6.6 MB

A Microchip insider tells all on the newest, most powerful PICs ever!

Includes handy checklists to help readers perform the most common programming and debugging tasks

The new 16-bit PIC24 chip provides embedded programmers with more speed, more memory, and more peripherals than ever before, creating the potential for more powerful cutting-edge PIC designs. This book teaches readers everything they need to know about these chips: how to program them, how to test them, and how to debug them, in order to take full advantage of the capabilities of the new PIC24 microcontroller architecture.

Author Lucio Di Jasio, a PIC expert at Microchip, offers unique insight into this revolutionary technology, guiding the reader step-by-step from 16-bit architecture basics, through even the most sophisticated programming scenarios. This books common-sense, practical, hands-on approach begins simply and builds up to more challenging exercises, using proven C programming techniques. Experienced PIC users and newcomers to the field alike will benefit from the texts many thorough examples, which demonstrate how to nimbly side-step common obstacles, solve real-world design problems efficiently, and optimize code for all the new PIC24 features.

You will learn about:
basic timing and I/O operations,
multitasking using the PIC24 interrupts,
all the new hardware peripherals
how to control LCD displays,
generating audio and video signals,
accessing mass-storage media,
how to share files on a mass-storage device with a PC,
experimenting with the Explorer 16 demo board, debugging methods with MPLAB-SIM and ICD2 tools, and more!

Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed

Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed
Sams | ISBN: 0672326760 | 1008 pages | December 22, 2004 | CHM | 24 Mb

Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed is a comprehensive reference and learning guide for the .NET Framework, using C# as the instructional language. You will be exposed to everything from low-level information on the Garbage Collector to advanced concepts like creating applications that use Enterprise Services, creating Web Services and even advanced Windows GUI. This book will become your definitive source of information on C# programming and the .NET framework. The book's lay-flat design makes it an ideal desk reference and the online searching and indexing through Safari make it the perfect tool for finding information quickly. Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed will show you all the ways you can unleash your C# programming skills.

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Nasser Kehtarnavaz, «Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Based on the TMS320C6000»

Nasser Kehtarnavaz, «Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Based on the TMS320C6000»
Publisher: Newnes | July 2004 | ISBN: 0750678305 | Pages: 320 | PDF | 11 MB

Digital Signal Processing has undergone enormous growth in usage/implementation in the last 20 years and many engineering schools are now offering real-time DSP courses in their undergraduate curricula. Our everyday lives involve the use of DSP systems in things such as cell phones and high-speed modems; Texas Instruments has introduced the TMS320C6000 DSP processor family to meet the high performance demands of todays signal processing applications.

This book provides the know-how for the implementation and optimization of computationally intensive signal processing algorithms on the Texas Instruments family of TMS320C6000 DSP processors. It is organized in such a way that it can be used as the textbook for DSP lab courses offered at many engineering schools or as a self-study/reference for those familiar with DSP but not this family of processors.

This book provides a restructured, modified, and condensed version of the information in more than twenty TI manuals so that one can learn real-time DSP implementations on the C6000 family in a structured course, within one semester. Each chapter is followed by an appropriate lab exercise to provide the hands-on lab material for implementing appropriate signal processing

Designer's Guide to the Cypress PSoC

Designer's Guide to the Cypress PSoC
Newnes | ISBN: 0750677805 | 2005. | 273 p. | RARed PDF 3.01MB

This it the first technical reference book available on the PSoC, and it offers the most comprehensive combination of technical data, example code, and descriptive prose youll find anywhere.
Embedded design expert Robert Ashby will guide you through the entire PSoC world, providing thorough coverage of device feature, design, programming and development of the software-reconfigurable PSoC. He shares his best tips, tricks, and techniques that will help you to utilize the flexible and inexpensive PSoC to its greatest potential, with a minimum of heartaches and late nights...

With its emphasis on designing for adaptability - a feature of the utmost importance in todays fast-paced and cost-pressured design cycles - this book will bring you up to speed quickly on everything PSoC, from memory management to interconnects. You will add brains and capable signal conditioning to a design with one chip, giving you extreme flexibility for a relatively low price. Specific application examples highlighting the PSoCs unique capabilities are included throughout the text, with the supporting sample source code. This valuable code is also provided on the companion CD-ROM so you can easily adapt it to your own designs.

* The first independent technical reference available on the PSoC, a product line experiencing explosive growth in the embedded design world

* Application examples, sample code, and design tips and techniques will get readers get up-to-speed quickly

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Game Programming Gems by Mark DeLoura

Game Programming Gems (Game Programming Gems Series) by Mark DeLoura (Author)

Publisher: Charles River Media; Book & CD edition (August 2000) | ISBN-10: 1584500492 | PDF | 46 Mb (+ 7 Mb - Source code) | 600 pages

Aimed at the working (or aspiring) Visual C/C++ game programmer, Game Programming Gems contains over 60 programming tips that have been gathered from more than 40 working game gurus. It you want to build your own games or are interested simply in how games work, this text provides an intriguing glimpse into how the pros create state-of-the-art 3-D animation. The guiding principle in this book is to publish the best available tips for game programming; most of these fit into 10 pages or fewer. But don't let the efficient presentation fool you; almost every one of these tips will be invaluable to any serious game developer.

Early sections concentrate on techniques for creating more maintainable, faster code. A guide to using scripts for data-driven game modules and techniques teaches you better resource management (like using handles). A quick-start tutorial to the Standard Template Library (STL) will help you learn how to use these fast collection classes in your code right away. Several contributors show off strategies for better game debugging and profiling--there's even a set of classes that can provide onscreen feedback during testing.

The mathematical underpinnings that are required to do leading-edge 3-D graphics processing--including the use of quaternions, instead of matrices, in certain calculations--also are discussed. (One section looks at simulating water surfaces.) And artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for games--like Finite State Machines (FSMs), fuzzy logic, and neural networks--are explained. (The extremely cool flocking algorithms, which will let you add the behavior of birds or fish to your next game level, are especially appealing.)

Over 20 techniques for doing work with polygons (a staple of representing 3-D virtual worlds) are laid out, too. You'll learn a variety of important concepts, such as collision detection, working with key frames, better skinning for character animation, and realistic terrain generation (including fractals). A discussion of pixel effects, with some cutting-edge ways to add more realistic lighting and shadows to your games, closes the discussion. (One of the more exciting sections shows you how to simulate glass objects within 3-D scenes.)

Pro C# with .NET 3.0, Special Edition

Pro C# with .NET 3.0, Special Edition
Apress; Special edition | 1590598237 | January 15, 2007 | 1250 pages | PDF | 16 Mb

C# 2005 has enjoyed huge success in the year since its launch, firmly establishing itself as the premier language for development on Microsofts successful .NET 2.0 platform. With the launch of the .NET 3.0 extensions in early 2007, the horizons of this language are being extended, and it is becoming even more powerful as it is able to leverage the new .NET 3.0 Foundations.

In recognition of this, Apress presents Pro C# with .NET 3.0, Special Edition to provide you with a complete A-to-Z reference for using C# with the .NET 2.0 platform and the .NET 3.0 extensions. The book contains new chapters that explore the interactions between the existing framework and the new extensions, giving you an edge when you evaluate and implement .NET 3.0 for the first time. To provide even more support, a bonus PDF download will be available with each purchase, offering over 500 pages of carefully selected additional content to help broaden your understanding of both .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.0.

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C#.NET Illuminated (Jones and Bartlett Illuminated)

Art Gittleman, «C#.NET Illuminated (Jones and Bartlett Illuminated)»
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. | ISBN 0763725935 | 2004-10-25 | 500 pages | PDF | 11 Mb

C#.NET Illuminated uses Visual C# for rapid application development. This approachminizes the amount of code the reader needs to write while providing access to the powerful .NET library.



Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C - Reup

Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C
Wiley | 1995 | 784 pages | ISBN-10: 0471128457 | 3.60 MB | CHM

Cryptographic techniques have applications far beyond the obvious uses of encoding and decoding information. For Internet developers who need to know about capabilities, such as digital signatures, that depend on cryptographic techniques, there's no better overview than Applied Cryptography, the definitive book on the subject. Bruce Schneier covers general classes of cryptographic protocols and then specific techniques, detailing the inner workings of real-world cryptographic algorithms including the Data Encryption Standard and RSA public-key cryptosystems. The book includes source-code listings and extensive advice on the practical aspects of cryptography implementation, such as the importance of generating truly random numbers and of keeping keys secure.


C#.NET Web Developer’s Guide

C#.NET Web Developer’s Guide

C#.NET Web Developer’s Guide
Syngress | ISBN: 1928994504 | 817 pages | 5.7 MB | PDF

For many years, C and C++ programmers have been searching for alternative programming languages that offer the same kind of flexibility and power of C and C++, but without the complexities and steep learning curve required for mastery of the language.What many programmers desired was a language that would allow applications to be built rapidly, but at the same time giving them the ability to code at low level.The search has finally ended with Microsoft’s new language—C#, a member of the .NET Framework.
C# is the revolutionary new language from Microsoft, designed solely to run on the .NET framework. Drawing experiences from C, C++, and Visual Basic, C# was designed to be a simple and modern object oriented programming language.
But why learn C#? With the integration of C# and the Visual Studio.NET (known as Visual C#), developing Windows and Web applications has been radically simplified.With full access to the .NET Class Libraries, C# includes built-in support
for developing robust Web services and ASP.NET applications. (It was reportedly said that Visual Studio.NET was built entirely using C# and that most of the examples in MSDN were coded in C#.That in and of itself is a very good reason to learn C#!) Besides this, C# enhances the productivity of programmers by eliminating common errors often associated with C and C++.
While many of the earlier C# books have primarily focused on the language syntax, The C# .NET Web Developer’s Guide illustrates the uses of C# for Web developers looking to harness the new functionality and ease of this powerful programming language.The best way to learn a new language is by trying out the examples while you are reading this book.Within many chapters, you will find numerous code examples used in various practical situations; this hands-on, code-intensive approach allows you to have a deeper understanding of issues involved in C# Web development, and at the same time allows you to cut and paste portions of applicable code into your current projects, thereby shortening development time.
We are constantly working hard to produce the best technical books needed by professional programmers like you. I sincerely hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as the authors did writing it!

Cryptography in C and C++ by Michael Welschenbach, David Kramer

Cryptography in C and C++ by Michael Welschenbach, David Kramer
Apress | 19 March, 2001 | ISBN: 189311595X | CHM | 432 pages | 3.57 MB

Cryptography in C and C++ mainly focuses on the practical aspects involved in implementing public key cryptography methods, such as the RSA algorithm that was recently released from patent protection. It also gives both a technical overview and an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm that was selected as the Advanced Encryption Standard by the U.S. government. Author Michael Welschenbach avoids complexities by explaining cryptography and its mathematical basis in terms a programmer can easily understand.

This book offers a comprehensive yet relentlessly practical overview of the fundamentals of modern cryptography. It contains a wide-ranging library of code in C and C++, including the RSA algorithm, completed by an extensive Test Suite that proves that the code works correctly. Readers will learn, step by step, how to implement a platform-independent library for the all-important multiprecision arithmetic used in modern cryptography. This is followed by an implementation of the cryptographic algorithms themselves.


Tutorial For

Tutorial For "C Programming Language" | 50692 KB

This tutorial was made in Flash To Learn C. It teaches you from the beginning. Even if you dont know the basics of C, this tutorial teaches you from the first (the very beginning)!! You dont need to worry! I have provided some screenshots of this tutorial. Remember its worth downloading even if you are a master in C.

File Format: RAR --> iSO
Size : 48.3 Mb


Core C# and .NET: The Complete and Comprehensive Developer's Guide to C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0

Core C# and .NET: The Complete and Comprehensive Developer's Guide to C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0
Prentice Hall Ptr | ISBN: 0131472275 | 1008 pages | September 6, 2005 | CHM

Core C# and .NET is the no-nonsense, example-rich guide to achieving exceptional results with C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0. Writing for experienced programmers, Stephen Perry presents today's best practices for leveraging both C# 2.0 language features and Microsoft's .NET 2.0 infrastructure.

Like all books in the Core Series, Core C# and .NET focuses on solving real-world problems with serious, non-trivial code. Perry's broad, deep coverage ranges from new C# generics to Web services, from reflection to security. He systematically introduces the development of Windows Forms applications and the effective use of GDI+ graphics classes. He offers detailed guidance on data management with XML and ADO.NET, plus advanced coverage of threading, remoting, and code security. Finally, Perry presents an extensive section on Web development, covering ASP.NET, state management, HTTP requests, and much more.

With practical insights into everything from scalability to localization, this is the C# book you've been searching for: your definitive guide to building production-quality C# applications.

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Visual C# .NET Programming

Visual C# .NET Programming
Sybex Inc; 1st edition | ISBN: 0782140467 | 512 pages | August 9, 2002 | PDF

C# is the hot new language from Microsoft, designed specifically for the new .NET platform for application development. Visual C# .NET Programming provides a comprehensive introduction to the principals of C# programming but has a different emphasis from many other books. Because the language is so well-suited to the creation of Web Services, author Harold Davis emphasizes this application throughout the book. In the beginning of the book, you create a simple Web Service; by the end, you will be able to create a much more complex Web Service. You also learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming with C#, creating user interfaces for Windows applications, working with files and directories, and working with XML and ADO.NET. Davis has an established reputation as a teacher of introductory programming concepts. This book is the perfect companion to his Visual Basic .NET Programming.

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Numerical Simulations and Case Studies Using Visual C++.Net by Shaharuddin Salleh

Numerical Simulations and Case Studies Using Visual C++.Net by Shaharuddin Salleh (Author), Albert Y Zomaya (Author), Stephen Olariu & Bahrom Sanugi (Author)
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience (June 23, 2005) | ISBN-10: 0471694614 | PDF | 5,4 Mb | 359 pages

Master the numerical simulation process required to design, test and support mobile and parallel computing systems. An accompanying ftp site contains all the Visual C++ based programs discussed in the text to help readers create their own programs. With its focus on problems and solutions, this is an excellent text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, and a must-have reference for researchers and professionals in the field of simulations.

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Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition

Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition
English | PDF Format | 640 pages | ISBN-13: 978-1590597354 | Publisher: Apress; 4th edition (October 19, 2006) | 8.24 MB

Book Description
With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, you'll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compilers--and you'll soon be writing real C programs. You'll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that you'll create and execute yourself.

This book will increase your programming expertise by guiding you through the development of fully working C applications that use what you've learned in a practical context. You'll also be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter. Pick up a copy of this book by renowned author, Ivor Horton, because it

It is the only beginning-level book to cover the latest ANSI standard in C
Is approachable and aimed squarely at people new to C
Emphasizes writing code after the first chapter
Includes substantial examples relevant to intermediate users

Download: C: From Novice to Professional.html

C Primer Plus (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata

C Primer Plus (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata (Author)
Publisher: Sams; 5 edition (November 23, 2004) | ISBN-10: 0672326965 | CHM | 3,5 Mb | 450 pages

The new classic! C Primer Plus, now in its 5th edition, has been revised to include over 20 new programming exercises, newly improved examples and the new ANSI/ISO standard, C99. Task-oriented examples will teach you the fundamentals of C programming. From extended integer types and compound literals to Boolean support and variable-length arrays, you will learn to create practical and real-world applications with C programming. Review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter will reinforce what you have learned. This friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide will help you understand the fundamentals of this core programming language.

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C in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly)) by Peter Prinz

C in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly)) by Peter Prinz (Author), Tony Crawford (Author)
Publisher: O'Reilly Media (December 1, 2005) | ISBN-10: 0596006977 | CHM | 1 Mb | 1088 pages

Learning a language--any language--involves a process wherein you learn to rely less and less on instruction and more increasingly on the aspects of the language you've mastered. Whether you're learning French, Java, or C, at some point you'll set aside the tutorial and attempt to converse on your own. It's not necessary to know every subtle facet of French in order to speak it well, especially if there's a good dictionary available. Likewise, C programmers don't need to memorize every detail of C in order to write good programs. What they need instead is a reliable, comprehensive reference that they can keep nearby. C in a Nutshell is that reference.
This long-awaited book is a complete reference to the C programming language and C runtime library. Its purpose is to serve as a convenient, reliable companion in your day-to-day work as a C programmer. C in a Nutshell covers virtually everything you need to program in C, describing all the elements of the language and illustrating their use with numerous examples.
The book is divided into three distinct parts. The first part is a fast-paced description, reminiscent of the classic Kernighan & Ritchie text on which many C programmers cut their teeth. It focuses specifically on the C language and preprocessor directives, including extensions introduced to the ANSI standard in 1999. These topics and others are covered:

— Numeric constants — Implicit and explicit type conversions — Expressions and operators — Functions — Fixed-length and variable-length arrays — Pointers — Dynamic memory management — Input and output
The second part of the book is a comprehensive reference to the C runtime library; it includes an overview of the contents of the standard headers and a description of each standard library function. Part III provides the necessary knowledge of the C programmer's basic tools: the compiler, the make utility, and the debugger. The tools described here are those in the GNU software collection.

C in a Nutshell is the perfect companion to K&R, and destined to be the most reached-for reference on your desk.

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Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition

Ivor Horton, «Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition»
Apress | ISBN 1590597354 | October 19, 2006 | PDF | 640 pages | 8.3MB

With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, you'll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compilers--and you'll soon be writing real C programs. You'll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that you'll create and execute yourself.

Digital Image Warping

Digital Image Warping
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society | ISBN: 0818689447 | edition 1990 | PDF | 344 pages | 10,2 mb

This best-selling, original text focuses on image reconstruction, real-time texture mapping, separable algorithms, two-pass transforms, mesh warping, and special effects. The text, containing all original material, begins with the history of the field and continues with a review of common terminology, mathematical preliminaries, and digital image acquisition. Later chapters discuss equations for spatial information, interpolation kernels, filtering problems, and fast-warping techniques based on scanline algorithms.

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The P=NP Question and Gödels Lost Letter

The P=NP Question and Gödels Lost Letter
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 1441971548 | edition 2010 | PDF | 244 pages | 1,1 mb

The P=NP question is one of the great problems of science, which has intrigued computer scientists and mathematicians for decades. Despite the abundant research in theoretical computer science regarding the P=NP question, it has not been solved.

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Handbuch IFRS

Handbuch IFRS
Haufe Mediengruppe | May 31, 2005 | ISBN-10: 3448067725 | 624 pages | PDF | 12.2 Mb

HTML and CSS Web Standards Solutions: A Web Standardistas' Approach

HTML and CSS Web Standards Solutions: A Web Standardistas' Approach
friends of ED | 2008-12-24 | ISBN: 1430216069 | 400 pages | PDF | 9 MB

This book will teach you how to build hand-crafted web pages the Web Standardistas' way: using well-structured XHTML for content and CSS for presentation.

By embracing a web standards approach, you will hold the key to creating web sites that not only look great in all modern browsers, but also are accessible to a wide variety of audiences across a range of platforms—from those browsing on everyday computers, to those accessing the Web on the latest emerging mobile devices.

Even if you're an absolute beginner in web design, this book will teach you how to build future-proof web pages the right way using easy-to-master tools which are, in most cases, free. Through 14 easy-to- follow chapters, we introduce you to the fundamentals of contemporary web design practice. Step by step we'll assemble well-structured XHTML webpages, which we'll then style using handcrafted CSS.

By the end of the book, you'll have a firm knowledge of the essentials of web design: everything you need to know to move forward in your lifelong journey as a Web Standardista.

To equip you on this noble quest, we've included enjoyable practical assignments at the end of each chapter. Embracing these challenges will not only teach you how to create great looking web sites that are the envy of your peers, but also equip you with an unrivaled knowledge of monkeys that journeyed to space and apes that starred in the movies—the real stars of this book.

On completion of this book not only will you be able to create well-crafted web sites, but you will have earned the badge of a Web Standardista, proving your worth as a good citizen of the Web.



Kaumännisches Rechnen von A - Z

Kaumännisches Rechnen von A - Z
Haufe | 2005 | ISBN-10: 3448067784 | 422 pages | PDF | 2.48 Mb

CCIE: Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Study Guide

John Swartz, Todd Lammle, «CCIE: Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Study Guide»
Sybex | ISBN: 078212657X | 2001 | PDF | 1056 pages | 14.24 MB

This book is intended to help you continue on your exciting path toward obtaining your CCIE certification. Before reading this book, it is important to have at least read the Sybex CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, as well as the Sybex CCNP: Routing Study Guide, CCNP: Support Study Guide, CCNP: Switching Study Guide, and CCNP:Remote Access Study Guide. You should have also considered completing your CCNP (although that is not a requirement to obtain your CCIE). However, we have done everything possible to make sure that you can pass the CCIE written exam just by reading this book and practicing with Cisco routers and switches. To take your CCIE lab, you must pass the CCIE certification exam. This book is intended to prepare you for the CCIE routing and switching written qualification exam, not the hands-on lab.
Cisco has created three different levels of certification: Associate, Professional, and Expert levels. Basically, the different tracks across these levels align with varying career needs.




Visual C#: .Net Developer's Handbook

Visual C#: .Net Developer's Handbook

John Paul Mueller, «Visual C#: .Net Developer's Handbook»
Sybex | ISBN: 0782140475 | 2002 | PDF | 848 pages | 4.71 MB

Visual C# .NET Developer's Handbook offers advanced, practical, and comprehensive coverage of major development issues for the hottest new programming language. Well-known programming author John Mueller starts out with expert advice for building complex desktop applications and moves on to major enterprise topics, such as working with Acive Directory and building Web applications with ASP.NET, XML, and SOAP. Readers also get coverage of data access with ADO.NET, .NET security issues, and deploying applications to wireless and PDA devices.



Java Testing and Design: From Unit Testing to Automated Web Tests

Frank Cohen, Java Testing and Design: From Unit Testing to Automated Web Tests
Prentice Hall PTR | March 16, 2004 | ISBN-10: 0131421891 | Pages: 544 | PDF | 6.6MB

This book shows how to understand what application you want to write, what strategies are likely to get you there, and then how to measure your level of success. This book offers practical, concrete advice about how to stay in tune with your project and ensure that your products are at least as good as your plans.—Phil Goodwin, Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems.

Produce scalable, reliable, high-performance Web-enabled applications in Java

Web infrastructure is everywhere. And yet until this book there was no guide to show how your choices in design, coding, and testing impact the scalability, performance, and functionality of your Web-enabled applications.

Java Testing and Design: From Unit Testing to Automated Web Tests teaches you a fast and efficient method to build production-worthy, scalable, and well performing Web-enabled applications. The techniques, methodology, and tools presented in this book will enable developers, QA technicians, and IT managers to work together to achieve unprecedented productivity in development and test automation.

With Java Testing and Design, you will be prepared for a laundry list of new APIs, protocols, and tools being packed into the next generation of J2EE, .NET, and open-source systems. While these new software libraries, tools, and techniques are a big move forward for all of us, they push us to learn even more technology to turn out complex, highly functional, and interoperable software applications.

Author Frank Cohen shares proven best practices based on his extensive experience at leading enterprises (General Motors, BEA, AMP, 2Wire, Elsevier, U.S. Navy, Sun) and delivers an immediately useful set of open-source tools, techniques, and code that will automate the testing of your Web-enabled applications.

Coverage includes:

* Software development and test automation methodologies
* Exposes the scalability problems in SOAP-based Web Services
* Building, testing, and monitoring integrated multiple-protocol Web-enabled applications
* Performance kits for developers using BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, and Sun Java System (formerly Sun ONE)
* Architecture, code, and test agents for J2EE, Web Services, P2P, and .NET
* Secure Internet services using current and next-generation technologies and much more!



Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences

Edward R. Marczak, Greg Neagle, "Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences"
Apress | 2010 | ISBN: 1430229373 | 264 pages | PDF | 4,7 MB

Many systems administrators on the Mac need a way to manage machine configuration after initial setup and deployment. Apple’s Managed Preferences system (also known as MCX) is under-documented, often misunderstood, and sometimes outright unknown by sys admins. MCX is usually deployed in conjunction with an OS X server, but it can also be used in Windows environments or where no dedicated server exists at all.

Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences is the definitive guide to Apple’s Managed Client technology. With this book, you’ll get the following:
An example-driven guide to Mac OS X Managed Preferences/Client technology
Recipes for common use case studies and patterns
A targeted approach appropriate for any sys admin that manages Macs in an OS X or Windows environment

This is the only book that focuses on this facet of OS X exclusively. If you’re a sys admin, this book will take away much of the pain of working with OS X client systems. Even better, both of the authors are very involved in the Mac community—Greg Neagle is part of the MacEnterprise steering committee, and Ed is the Executive Editor and an author for MacTech magazine and a member of the Apple Consultants Network.

What you’ll learn
The Managed Preferences system and how to manage it
All about Directory Services Local Directory Services
How to work with property list files
How to deliver files with Open Directory, ActiveDirectory, local scripts, third-party utilities, Puppet, LANRev, Casper, and more
How to work with compositing preferences, including the hierarchy of preferences
How to write a Plist for management, using Workgroup Manager and Dock Example
How and when to enforce Managed Preferences
How to understand manifests
What recipes to use and when
When, how, and where to use mcxquery, System Profiler, and MCX Cache flushing

Who this book is for
This book is for systems administrators using Mac clients.


Beginning iPad Development for iPhone Developers: Mastering the iPad SDK

Dave Wooldridge, Jack Nutting, Dave Mark, "Beginning iPad Development for iPhone Developers: Mastering the iPad SDK"
Apress | 2010 | ISBN: 1430230215 | 272 pages | PDF | 6,1 MB

It’s in magazines and newspapers, it’s on television and radio, it’s on busses and billboards and pretty much everywhere you look (except for Apple stores, where it’s likely still sold out). The iPad is the hot new touchscreen tablet from Apple, representing the next generation of mobile computing.

Packed with dozens of new features, the iOS 3.2 SDK enables you to build sophisticated, desktop-quality apps for this exciting new platform. Every iPhone and iPod touch app developer looking to take the next step and move into the iPad arena will want to read this book from cover to cover.

Beginning iPad Development for iPhone Developers: Mastering the iPad SDK has all the answers, and you’ll find them presented with the same easy-to-follow style and thorough coverage you’ve come to expect from titles like Beginning iPhone 3 Development—everything an aspiring iPad developer needs to know to create great apps.

Best-selling authors Jack Nutting, Dave Wooldridge, and Dave Mark show iPhone developers how to master all of the iPad-exclusive frameworks and features, which are explained, demonstrated in action, and put through their paces in this comprehensive programming guide. You’ll get a detailed understanding of the new feature set and gain every possible advantage in the iTunes App Store.

What you’ll learn
How to design app interfaces optimized for the iPad by taking advantage of new UIKit features such as Popovers, Split View Controllers, and new Modal Views.
How to utilize new graphics functionality, Core Text, Document Sharing, and advanced input methods to build powerful productivity solutions.
How to embrace the iPad’s superior media capabilities with its new video and display options.
How to convert an existing iPhone project into a stand-alone iPad app or a Universal app for both iPhone and iPad users.

Developing iOS 4 Apps? Since many of the new features in iOS 3.2 are also present in iOS 4, this is one of the first books available in print that extensively covers several of the new APIs that iPhone developers are also eager to learn for creating iOS 4-optimized apps.

Who this book is for
This book is for all iPhone app developers who want to leverage their skills to create professional apps for the iPad.

Complete Source Code Provided
Beginning iPad Development for iPhone Developers includes extensive example projects and the complete source code for Dudel, a full-fledged drawing app for the iPad.

Table of Contents
Welcome to the Paradigm Shift
Getting Started with iPad Development
Exploring the iPhone SDK’s New iPad Features
New Graphics Functionality
Using Core Text
Video and Display
Split Views and Modal Modes
New Input Methods
Working with Documents
From iPhone to iPad
Additional Resources for iPad Development
