Break Free with DB2 9.7: A tour of Cost-Slashing New Features

Break Free with DB2 9.7: A tour of Cost-Slashing New Features
Paul Zikopoulos | 2010 | ISBN: 0071703012 | 160 pages | PDF | 1.2 MB

We have come a long way. As one of the bright-eyed engineers who had the good fortune of working on DB2 V1—we called it DB2/6000 at the time—I’ve seen some great releases ship. DB2 9.7 is one of the bestever.
DB2 9.7 is the most significant release we’ve shipped in more than a decade.We have focused our efforts on providing value for our customers. We have included some great features, but it all boils down to some pretty basic concepts: lower the cost of using the database, make it simple to use so that we can automate everything, and maintain the industrialstrengths that DB2 is known for: auditability, high availability, and security.