Schnellkurs HGB-Jahresabschluss: Das neue Bilanzrecht: Richtig vorgehen - erfolgreich umstellen

Jakob Wolf, "Schnellkurs HGB-Jahresabschluss: Das neue Bilanzrecht: Richtig vorgehen - erfolgreich umstellen"
Walhalla U. Praetoria | 2009 | ISBN: 3802934369 | 189 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB


"Der 'Schnellkurs HGB-Jahresabschluss: Das neue Bilanzrecht unterstützt Unternehmer und Verantwortliche im Rechnungswesen dabei, die Änderungen zügig und korrekt umzusetzen. Eng an der unternehmerischen Praxis ausgerichtet erläutert Jakob Wolf Schritt für Schritt die neuen und ergänzten Vorschriften und geht zudem darauf ein, welche zusätzlichen Aufgaben künftig auf das Controlling in Unternehmen zukommen." (Finanzierung im Mittelstand)

"Einmal mehr wird Wolf mit seinem neuen Buch seiner Devise 'Praxis pur' mehr als gerecht. Zahlreiche Beispiele, Praxis-Tipps und Checklisten veranschaulichen die komplexe Materie." (Performance)


Der HGB- Jahresabschluss bildet die Grundlage der Bilanzierung für alle Unternehmen in Deutschland. Das Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz (BilMoG) hat die radikalste Bilanzrechtsreform der letzten zwanzig Jahre gebracht. Sämtliche Bilanzen werden davon erfasst.

Ziel der Reform ist es, ein modernes, international wettbewerbsfähiges Bilanzrecht zu schaffen und trotzdem alt bewährte handelsrechtliche Rechnungslegungsvorschriften zu bewahren.

Viele Unternehmer und Verantwortliche im Rechnungswesen stellen sich die Frage: Verstehe ich alle diese Änderungen und Ergänzungen und was muss ich unbedingt verstehen?

Der Schellkurs Der HGB- Jahresabschluss gibt Antworten und hilft Ihnen das neue deutsche Bilanzrecht zu überblicken und in seinem Kern zu erfassen.


SGB VI - Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung: Textausgabe mit ausführlicher Kommentierung, 3 Auf

Horst Marburger, "SGB VI - Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung: Textausgabe mit ausführlicher Kommentierung, 3 Auf"
Walhalla U. Praetoria | 2010 | ISBN: 3802974921 | 311 pages | PDF | 1,7 MB

"Die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung ist weiterhin der wichtigste Pfeiler der Alterssicherung und damit von besonderem Interesse. Das vorliegende Taschenbuch enthält neben dem aktuellen Gesetzestext eine umfassende Einführung in die wesentlichen Regelungen der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung. Dieser Ratgeber aus der Reihe 'Walhalla Rechtshilfe' unterstützt Bemühungen, die rechtlichen Grundlagen der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung zu verstehen und sachgerecht umzusetzen." (Controller Magazin)

"Rentenberechtigte Arbeitnehmer können dem Fachratgeber wesentliche und vor allem aktuelle Auskünfte entnehmen." (ekz-Informationsdienst)


Rentenansprüche kennen und durchsetzen

Die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung zielt als eines der wichtigsten staatlichen Sicherungssysteme auf die Alterssicherung. Diese Kommentierung erläutert genau:

Sämtliche Leistungsarten der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung
Versicherter Personenkreis
Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht
Warte- und Anrechnungszeiten
Rentenauskunft und Rentenbescheid
Zuständige Rentenversicherungsträger
Finanzierung des Rentensystems

Ein praxisorientierter Fachratgeber für alle Leistungsberechtigten, für Mitarbeiter der Kommunen und Sozialversicherungsträger sowie für Rechtsanwälte.


Top Ideas That Move Merchandise

B Berfred, Top Ideas That Move Merchandise
Publisher: N/A | Date: N/A | ISBN: N/A | Pages: 335 | PDF | 1.1MB

An appliance retailer gets an idea - keep the store open until the wee hours for several days running and stage a special price event; "the late bird gets the worm." For reasons rooted perhaps in psychology, the idea clicks. In short order, several giant manufacturers are giving their appliance outlets complete programs for "Sella- thons."
A druggist concludes that it would be a nice gesture to present a little package of baby necessities to mothers of newborn babies. Soon several giant manufacturers are packaging these gift assortments at the factory and building complete marketing programs around them.
A food outlet, in its nonfood section, bands certain soft-goods items in lots of twos and threes and gives them a special price. The "two-f er" idea is born and this, in time, leads the giant Coca-Cola to the development of the six-pack as well as leading innumerable manufacturers in other merchandise classifications to the development of new concepts in size of sales unit.
Some nonfood outlets get the notion that, since food produces enormous traffic, why not add food? The direct result the fastest- growing outlet for food today is the nonfood outlet and die food processors have had to adjust their marketing programs accordingly.
The vast suburban shopping center started as a retail idea. It has revolutionized the total marketing process of practically every manufacturer of consumer merchandise.



Tapferkeit vor dem Chef: So behaupten Sie sich in schwierigen Situationen,5 Auf

Claudia Harss, Karin von Schumann, "Tapferkeit vor dem Chef: So behaupten Sie sich in schwierigen Situationen,5 Auf"
Walhalla U. Praetoria | 2009 | ISBN: 3802938283 | 158 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

Selbstbewusst und sicher

- Feedback und konstruktive Kritik nehmen und geben können

- Flexibilität und Offenheit gegenüber neuen Herausforderungen

- Selbstbewusstes Zeigen der eigenen Persönlichkeit - auch "Ecken und Kanten"


The Myths of Innovation

Scott Berkun, "The Myths of Innovation"
O'Reilly Media | 2010 | ISBN: 1449389627 | 256 pages | PDF | 16,2 MB

Praise for The Myths of Innovation:

"…Small, simple, powerful: an innovative book about innovation."
--Don Norman, Nielsen Norman Group, Northwestern University; author of Emotional Design and Design of Everyday Things

"The naked truth about innovation is ugly, funny, and eye-opening, but it sure isn’t what most of us have come to believe. With this book, Berkun sets us free to try to change the world unencumbered with misconceptions about how innovation happens."
--Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start

"This book cuts through the hype, analyzes what is essential, and more importantly, what is not. You will leave with a thorough understanding of what really drives innovation."


Führung und Kunst

Klaus Götz , "Führung und Kunst"
Hampp, Mering | 2006 | ISBN: 3866180799 | 233 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB

Die Reihe Managementkonzepte versucht den Dialog zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft sowie zwischen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern. Es geht um die Publikation theoriegeleiteter und praxisrelevanter Konzepte aus den Bereichen Lernen, Bildung und Entwicklung (Organisations-, Management- und Personalentwicklung). / Kaum etwas erscheint widersprüchlicher als Führung und Kunst hier die scheinbare rationale Führungskraft, die ihre Mitarbeiter zur Erreichung des größtmöglichen Profit treibt, dort der freischaffende Künstler, der sich von nichts und niemandem etwas vorschreiben lässt. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch zeigen jedoch, dass Führung und Kunst sehr wohl viele gemeinsame Schnittstellen haben. Der Zusammenhang dieser Begriffe wird aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet: zu Worte kommen Künstler und Führungsexperten, Wissenschaftler und Unternehmensberater. -Alfred Bast (Freischaffender Künstler), - Dagmar Abfalter / Hans H. Hinterhuber (Universität Innsbruck), - Sabine Boerner (Universität Konstanz), - Lydia Düsterbeck (kbp-Organisationsberatung, Hamburg), - Klaus Götz (Universität Koblenz-Landau), - Diethard Herles (Universität Koblenz-Landau), - Heinrich Kessler (Organisationsberater, Appenweier), - Stefan Jepsen (DaimlerChrysler Financial Services AG, Berlin), - Max Kobbert (Kunstakademie Münster), - Peter Krause (Rudolf-Arnheim-Institut für Kunst, Musik und Kulturökonomie), - Maike Luhmann (Universität Koblenz-Landau), - Jörg Reckhenrich (freier Künstler und Organisationsentwickler, Münster), - Vera Rentsch (Schweizerische Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft), - Peter Schettgen (Universität Augsburg), - Michael Stuhlmiller (Schule für Clowns, Mainz).


Das Vorschlagswesen: Von der Mitarbeiteridee bis zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung

Wolf-Bertram von Bismarck , "Das Vorschlagswesen: Von der Mitarbeiteridee bis zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung"
Hampp, R | 2009 | ISBN: 3879885273 | 351 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB

Nur die wenigsten Unternehmen nutzen die kreativen Potentiale des Erfolgsfaktors Mitarbeiter effektiv. Und auch mit dem Vorschlagswesen gelingt es kaum einem Unternehmen seine Mitarbeiter zielgerichtet zu mobilisieren. Denn die mangelnde Ausrichtung dieses traditionsbelasteten Instruments auf die Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeiter hat das klassische Briefkastenmodell in einen einsamen Dornröschenschlaf versinken lassen. Daher wurde in einem Großunternehmen ein innovatives Vorgesetztenmodell gestaltet und implementiert. Die Mitarbeiter besprechen ihre Ideen mündlich mit ihrer Führungskraft und setzen sie anschließend weitgehend selbstständig um. Mit dieser Vorgehensweise wird auf die kooperative Beziehung zwischen Mitarbeiter und Führungskraft abgezielt und eine Plattform zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung bereitgestellt. Das vorliegende Buch beschreibt, wie das klassische Vorschlagswesen zu einem führungsorientierten Tool ausgestaltet wurde, welches den Mitarbeitern kreative Freiräume schafft und ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, sich aktiv am Betriebsgeschehen zu beteiligen. Es hat sich vom Meckerkasten zu einem Führungsinstrument der kreativen Partizipation entwickelt.


A Plain English Guide to Financial Terms

National Adult Literacy Agency, "A Plain English Guide to Financial Terms"
National Adult Literacy Agency | 2004 | ISBN: 1871737370 | 40 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

Financial decisions are among the most important that are made by people during their lifetime and it is our collective responsibility to provide better tools to assist people in making those decisions. The explanations are designed to help explain ideas and concepts rather than to give legal definitions. Used effectively we hope that this guide will help to promote financial inclusion and empower people to make informed and relevant financial decisions.


Internationales Personalmanagement: Neue Aufgaben, neue Lösungen

Günter K. Stahl, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Torsten M. Kühlmann, "Internationales Personalmanagement: Neue Aufgaben, neue Lösungen"
Hampp, Mering | 2005 | ISBN: 3879889058 | 364 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB

Die mit dem Schlagwort der Globalisierung beschriebenen Wandlungsprozesse machen auch vor der Arbeitswelt nicht Halt und stellen das Personalmanagement vor neue Aufgaben. Hierzu gehören etwa grenzüberschreitende Fusionen und strategische Allianzen, die Zusammenarbeit in multinationalen und oftmals virtuellen Teams, grenzenlose Karrieren, weltweite Führungskräfteentwicklung, globales Outsourcing sowie die Schaffung von Koordinationsinstrumenten eines common glue , die die weltweit verstreuten Unternehmensteile zusammenhalten. Das vorliegende Buch greift diese Entwicklungen auf und stellt aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und Lösungsansätze in verschiedenen Aufgabenfeldern des internationalen Personalmanagement vor. Die internationale Ausrichtung spiegelt sich nicht nur in der Wahl der Themen, sondern auch in der Zusammensetzung der Autoren wider. International renommierte Forscher und führende Personalmanagementexperten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum greifen von der üblichen Sichtweise abweichende theoretische Ansätze, empirische Ergebnisse und praktische Entwicklungen auf und machen so neuere Entwicklungen im internationalen Personalmanagement sichtbar.


Einführung in die finanz- und kapitalmarktorientierte Personalwirtschaft

Wilhelm Schmeisser, Alois Clermont, Thomas R Hummel, Dieter Krimphove, "Einführung in die finanz- und kapitalmarktorientierte Personalwirtschaft"
Hampp, R | 2007 | ISBN: 3486584855 | 164 pages | PDF | 1 MB

Die entscheidungsorientierten, personalwirtschaftlichen Kalküle des Buches basieren auf den Daten der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung, der Buchhaltung und der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung. Die Methoden und Instrumente der finanzorientierten Personalwirtschaft beruhen auf der Philosophie des Shareholder-Value-Ansatzes. Damit lässt sich die finanzorientierte Personalwirtschaft in die Tradition der Ökonomisierung der Personalwirtschaft einordnen. Dabei wird das bisherige Personalcontrolling konsequent in einer ganzheitlichen Vorgehensweise durch die finanzwirtschaftliche Sichtweise erweitert. Typische Instrumente dieses Bezugsrahmens sind der Berliner Balanced Scorecard Ansatz, die Humankapitalbewertung und die Wertschöpfungsrechnungen für Unternehmen. Dazu gehören aber auch die Komponenten des Entgeltmanagements wie Aktienoptionsprogramme, Kapitalbeteiligungsmodelle der Mitarbeiter oder die betrieblichen Altersversorgungsmodelle. Personalkostensenkungsmaßnahmen können mit einem verbesserten Prozessmanagement und einer Prozesskostenrechnung behoben werden. Weitere finanzielle Möglichkeiten ergeben sind durch Tarifverhandlungen bis einschließlich des Personalabbaus mit Hilfe eines Sozialplans oder Outsourcing-Maßnahmen. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und an Praktiker im Personalwesen.


Discover 100 Job Descriptions in Risk and Compliance Management and what it takes to get hired. Which factors matter

George Lekatis, Discover 100 Job Descriptions in Risk and Compliance Management and what it takes to get hired. Which factors matter
Compliance LLC | 2010 | ISBN: N/A | Pages: 201 | PDF | 1.54MB

It is a great reference book, developed in 2010. Amont the contents are Risk Professionals, Compliance Professionals, Sarbanes Oxley Professionals, Basel ii Professionals, Solvency ii Professionals, Hedge Funds Professionals and Members of the Board of Directors




Publisher: Crown Business | ISBN : 0307463745 | March 9, 2010 | 288 pages | PDF, LIT, ePUB, HTML, Mobi-AZW (Kindle) | 11.2MB

“ "This book will make you uncomfortable.

Depending on what you do all day, it might make you extremely uncomfortable.

That's a very good thing, because you deserve it. We all do.

Jason and David have broken all the rules and won. Again and again they've demonstrated that the regular way isn't necessarily the right way. They just don't say it, they do it. And they do it better than just about anyone has any right to expect.

This book is short, fast, sharp and ready to make a difference. It takes no prisoners, spares no quarter, and gives you no place to hide, all at the same time.

There, my review is almost as long as the first chapter of the book. I can't imagine what possible excuse you can dream up for not buying this book for every single person you work with, right now.

Stop reading the review. Buy the book.--Seth Godin" ”


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Essentials of Organizational Behavior (7th Edition)

Stephen P. Robbins, "Essentials of Organizational Behavior (7th Edition)"
Prentice Hall | 2002 | ISBN: 0130353094 | 300 pages | PDF (scan) | 67,8 MB

This book features only the most relevant topics in organizational behavior today, such as TQM; reengineering, technology; empowerment; declining employee loyalty; the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator; virtual and boundaryless organizations; 360-degree performance appraisals; diversity; globalization; ethics; and more. Lively and informative, this masterfully crafted introduction condenses the essentials of the field into a tightly focused presentation. A four-part organization covers an introduction to organizational behavior, the individual in the organization, groups in the organization, and the organization system. For directors of human resource and other individuals in a variety of managerial positions.


Coaching that Counts: Harnessing the Power of Leadership Coaching to Deliver Strategic Value (repost)

Dianna L. Anderson, Merrill Anderson, "Coaching that Counts: Harnessing the Power of Leadership Coaching to Deliver Strategic Value"
Butterworth-Heinemann | 2004 | ISBN: 0750675802 | 320 pages | PDF | 2,6 MB

As the field of business coaching has expanded and evolved over the last decade, many different approaches to business coaching have been created. The authors of Coaching that Counts have written a practical, readable guide for developing, delivering and measuring high value business coaching.

Coaching that Counts, combines insights and practical experience about how to achieve transformational change through the strategic application and evaluation of leadership coaching. The book provides expert guidance and is organized into three sections:-
Part one looks at proven client-centered approach to coach leaders within an organization with a focus on creating value for the individual.
Part two shows how to effectively manage coaching as a business initiative.
Part three provides knowledge, ideas and tools to evaluate the monetary and intangible value of coaching.

* Demonstrates how to build accountability into the coaching process
* Breaks new ground by introducing a powerful process for designing, delivering, and measuring coaching
* Presents the combined wisdom of top business coaches


How to Motivate Every Employee: 24 Proven Tactics to Spark Productivity in the Workplace

Anne Bruce, "How to Motivate Every Employee: 24 Proven Tactics to Spark Productivity in the Workplace"
McGraw-Hill | 2002 | ISBN: 0071413332 | 64 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

24 Ways to Motivate Every Employee

Think about the managers who most influenced your career. They were successful because they infused employees--and organizations--with passion for work and motivation to achieve. 24 Ways to Motivate Every Employee provides two dozen creative and ready-to-use tools and techniques for ensuring that same enthusiasm, energy, and employee morale. Look to this concise but powerful book for workplace-tested techniques to:
Turn employees into partners
Encourage intelligent risk taking
Offer incentives and morale boosters
Build trust
Spread power around
Encourage accountability
Attack de-motivators
Make employees want to stay

24 Ways to Motivate Every Employee is filled with the employee-friendly, results-oriented strategies of Disney, Starbucks, Levi Strauss, and numerous other world-class companies. Let it show you how to build and maintain high employee spirits in your workplace and add measurable value to both your organization and your management career.


Kritischer Erfolgsfaktor Körper?

Jana Leidenfrost, "Kritischer Erfolgsfaktor Körper?"
Hampp, Rainer | 2006 | ISBN: 3866180489 | 411 pages | PDF | 3,7 MB

Die Reihe Managementkonzepte versucht den Dialog zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft sowie zwischen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern. Es geht um die Publikation theoriegeleiteter und praxisrelevanter Konzepte aus den Bereichen"Lernen","Bildung"und"Entwicklung"(Organisations-, Management- und Personalentwicklung). Wer Leistung will, muss Leben fördern! Diese Erfahrung kennen viele aus dem Sport, der Wissenschaft und dem Business. Andererseits stehen gerade Wirtschaftsunternehmen vor der Herausforderung, vor allem reibungslos zu funktionieren! So wird der aktuellen Wirtschaftslage und dem daraus resultierenden Erfolgsdruck verstärkt mit einer Erhöhung der Geschwindigkeit und Kürzung der Ressourcen (Geld, Zeit, Personal) pariert."Wir sind gestartet wie zu einem 100m Lauf, laufen noch immer die gleiche Geschwindigkeit, aber wissen jetzt, dass es mindestens ein Marathon wird", so eine Führungskraft aus dem oberen Management. Die Zwickmühlen zwischen gestellten Anforderungen und verfügbaren Ressourcen, zwischen Karriere und Gesundheit, zwischen Funktionieren und Lebendigsein haben damit zu einer ungewollten Renaissance des Körpers im Management geführt. Der Körper, mit dem Manager und Managerinnen"Rückgrat zeigen"müssen, einen"festen Stand"brauchen und"beherzt"an die Aufgaben gehen wollen, reagiert unfreiwillig mit Befindens- und Leistungsstörungen. Von dieser Problemstellung geht die Autorin in ihrer Untersuchung bei Führungskräften aus. Sie berührt damit Fragen zum Management individueller und kollektiver Leistungsressourcen: Wie müssen wir haushalten, so dass Führungskräfte und deren Teams dauerhaft leistungsfähig und vital bleiben? Welchen Einfluss hat dabei die gelebte Unternehmenskultur? Wie lassen sich Fragestellungen der Ressourcenorientierung,"Work-Life-Balance"und Gesundheitsförderung in leistungs- und wettbewerbsdominierte Unternehmenswelten gewinnbringend integrieren? Dieses Buch liefert umfassende Einblicke in die Wechselwirkungen zwischen selbstverantwortlichem Verhalten und der Unternehmenskultur sowie in konkrete Ansätze für ein gelungenes Leisten und Leben in unseren Unternehmen.


Flankierende Personalentwicklung durch Mentoring II

Sibylle Peters, Franziska Genge, Yvonne Willenius, "Flankierende Personalentwicklung durch Mentoring II"
Hampp, Rainer | 2006 | ISBN: 3866180926 | 220 pages | PDF | 1,4 MB

Mentoring kann in Zeiten des strategischen sowie demographischen Wandels überlebenswichtige Ressourcen und bisher nicht gesehene und für wichtig erachtete Wissenspotenziale der jungen Generation von Hochschulabsolventen unkonventionell und schnell aufgreifen. Dabei zeigt sich Mentoring zunehmend als ein kostengünstiges und nachhaltiges Rekrutierungsinstrument und kann flankierend Personalentwicklung ergänzen, welches sich insbesondere für kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen in ihren strategischen Optionen als günstig erweist. Mentoring hat schon lange Überlegungen, die sich allein auf die Gestaltung des Verhältnisses von Mentee und Mentor beziehen, verlassen und beschäftigt sich zunehmend mit Fragen der Personalgewinnung und Personalenwicklung. Der Band vereint verschiedene Beiträge zur Personalgewinnung von jungen Graduierten, zeigt unterschiedliche Beispiele für Mentoring und einer prospektiv orientierten Personalentwicklung auf. Wichtige Themen, die in den Beiträgen aufgegriffen werden, sind u.a.: - Generation Praktikum und ihr Eintritt in den hoch qualifizierten Arbeitsmarkt - Mentoring und die Entwicklung von innovativen Projektarbeiten innerhalb von Mentoring-Programmen - Mentoring und die Ausbildung zum Projektmanager - Personalentwicklung und die Förderung wissensbasierter Tätigkeiten - Ausdifferenzierung von verschiedenen Mentoringtypen - Mentoring und Aspekte der Einbindung von organisationalem Lernen Entwicklungsoptionen von Peer- Mentoring


Send Me a Message: A Step-by-Step Approach to Business and Professional Writing (Student Book and Teacher's Guide)

Daphne Mackey, "Send Me a Message: A Step-by-Step Approach to Business and Professional Writing (Student Book and Teacher's Guide)"
McGraw-Hill | 2004 | ISBN: 0072953519 (SB), 0072953527 (TG) | 97+22 pages | PDF | 5,4 MB

With the expansion of global business and the Internet, communicating clearly in written English has become essential. The step-by-step approach in Send Me A Message allows students to develop a core set of expressions and techniques that they can use to communicate clearly and appropriately in a variety of formats.


English for Employment

Larry Parsky, "English for Employment"
Educational Design Inc | 1998 | ISBN: 0876944012 | 125 pages | PDF | 15,2 MB

Sentence construction, Punctualization, capitalization, spelling rules, employment vocabulary, writing business letters, job aplication letters, resumes, cover letters, Your own personal data sheet, telephone messages, scheduling appointments.


The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential

Tony Buzan, Barry Buzan, "The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential"
Plume | 1996 | ISBN: 0525939040 | 320 pages | PDF | 78 MB,2

An authority on learning techniques and the brain offers a groundbreaking, fully illustrated program for tapping and freeing the mind's hidden powers, showing ways to improve memory, concentration, and creativity. National ad/promo.

From Publishers Weekly
This idea-rich, relentlessly upbeat manual proffers graphic images as an aid to unlock creative thinking or clarify emotions. Drawing loosely on brain research, learning theory and information science, English business consultant/TV personality Tony Buzan (Use Both Sides of Your Brain) and his brother Barry, a professor of international studies, first outline "radiant thinking," a method designed to enhance one's associative, nonlinear thought processes. Next they explain how to create "mind maps"-colorful, structured, drawings, cartoonish or complex-as a tool to overcome mental blocks, organize ideas, brainstorm, strengthen one's memory and imagination, and make meetings more productive. Despite its inflated claims and cluttered presentation, this unusual how-to, replete with exercises, quizzes, dramatic color photos of patterns in nature, and sample mind maps, will challenge and stimulate the open-minded.


Make Your Mark in Food Service: Job-specific English

Benjamin Pogrund, "Make Your Mark in Food Service: Job-specific English"
McGraw Hill Higher Education | 2008 | ISBN: 0071105727 | 130 pages | PDF | 10,2 MB

Teaches students common terminology and general information about the food service, retail, hotel, and health service industries. * BUILDING-BLOCK APPROACH. Guides students at a comfortable pace through a step-by-step process. * TARGETED TEXTS. Make it possible for students to study only the industries they are most interested in. * EXTENSIVE ACTIVITIES. Give students abundant practice in the important skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and critical thinking. * PROMOTION TIPS. Allow students to move beyond entry-level jobs.

Make Your Mark ON-THE-JOB ENGLISH LEARNING Illustrates situations and enhances workplace literacy that span four major industries: food service, the hotel industry, retail, and health services. JOB-FOCUSED TOPICS Focus on teaching terminology, common idioms, general job information, and strategies for success. INDIVIDUAL AND COOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES Provide opportunities for enhancement of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and aritificial-thinking skills.


Trade and Development Report 2006: Global Partnership and National Policies for Development

Trade and Development Report 2006: Global Partnership and National Policies for Development
United Nations | June 10, 2006 | ISBN-10: 9211126983 | 280 pages | PDF | 4.7MB

Since 2002, world economic expansion has had a strong positive impact on growth and helped support progress towards the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Most developing countries have benefited from this growth momentum as a result of strong demand for their exports of primary commodities and, to an increasing extent, of manufactures. However, global economic imbalances continue to pose a risk to the outlook of the world economy. Much depends on the ability of developing countries to adopt more proactive policies in support of capital formation, structural change and technological upgrading, and on the latitude available to them in light of international rules and disciplines. The Trade and Development Report 2006 offers relevant ideas and general principles for designing macroeconomic, sectoral and trade policies that can help developing countries to succeed in todays global economic environment.

Download links; - Trade and Development Report 2006.pdf

The Fundamental Principles of Financial Regulation: Geneva Reports on the World Economy 11

The Fundamental Principles of Financial Regulation: Geneva Reports on the World Economy 11
Centre for Economic Policy Research | August 2009 | ISBN-10: 0955700973 | 110 pages | PDF | 1.8MB

Launched in 1999 by CEPR and the International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies, the Geneva Reports on the World Economy series consists of an annual report, written by a team of internationally-known macroeconomists, and occasional Special Reports.

Download links;

Professionalisierung Sozialer Arbeit durch Qualitätsmanagement?: Eine Studie zur Effektivität und Effizienz von QM-Systemen

Anke Maywald, "Professionalisierung Sozialer Arbeit durch Qualitätsmanagement?: Eine Studie zur Effektivität und Effizienz von QM-Systemen für den Sozialen Bereich"
Diplomica Verlag | 2009 | ISBN: 3836673169 | 106 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

In Zeiten erhöhten Kostendrucks muß sich die Soziale Arbeit mehr denn je die Frage nach ihrer Wirtschaftlichkeit stellen. Die aktuelle Methode der Wahl, dem Aspekt der Wirtschaftlichkeit genüge zu tun, scheint das Qualitätsmanagement zu sein. Dieses Mittel der Neuen Steuerung war und ist der Versuch, auf die desolate Lage öffentlicher Kassen zu reagieren. Für den Bereich der Jugendhilfe bedeutet dies, dass sie "ihre Handlungsweise stärker als bisher auf den >Output< beziehen" soll (Merchel 1999). Wie jedoch z.B. >Output< konkret im Sozialen Bereich zu definieren ist und wie die aus der Betriebswirtschaftslehre stammenden Begriffe wie Effizienz und Effektivität auf den Sozialen Bereich übersetzt werden können (und wo dies Sinn macht) soll in der vorliegenden vergleichenden Studie anhand zweier gängiger Systeme des Qualitätsmanagements erarbeitet werden. Nicht zuletzt gilt es die spannende Frage zu beantworten, welches der beiden Systeme geeigneter ist, die Professionalität Sozialer Arbeit zu fördern. Hierzu wird zunächst der aktuelle Stand der Professionalisierung Sozialer Arbeit kritisch aufgerollt, um dann zu diskutieren, wodurch die Entwicklung von Sozialer Arbeit einen Schub erhalten könnte und wodurch QM hierzu einen Beitrag leisten könnte. Erstmalig werden an dieser Stelle aus den Zielen Sozialer Arbeit abgeleitete Effektivitäts- und Effizienzkriterien Sozialer Arbeit entwickelt und deren Erfüllungsgrad durch die DIN EN ISO - Norm mit dem Erfüllungsgrad durch den AWO - Tandem Ansatz verglichen. Das Ergebnis zeigt, wie es möglich ist, mit einem werte-integrierten Managementsystem auf den erhöhten Kostendruck zu reagieren, gleichzeitig wirtschaftlich und ethisch zu sein und zur Professionalisierung Sozialer Arbeit beizutragen.
Über den Autor Anke Maywald, Dipl.-Finanzwirtin, Dipl.-Sozialarbeiterin, Sozialmanagerin (MA), Studium an FH für Finanzen Münster, FH Düsseldorf, Hochschule Niederrhein, Abschluß 2008 als Master of Arts an der Hochschule Niederrhein im Bereich Sozialwesen. Derzeit tätig im Bereich der Flexiblen Erzieherischen Hilfen.


Wiley CPA Examination Review 2006-2007, Vol. 1: Outlines and Study Guides, 33rd Edition

Wiley CPA Examination Review 2006-2007, Vol. 1: Outlines and Study Guides, 33rd Edition
Wiley | May 26, 2006 | ISBN-10: 0471726761 | 1232 pages | PDF | 6MB

The 35th Edition of the Wiley CPA Exam Review is revised and updated for the new computerized exam. To help candidates prepare for the new exam format, this edition includes a substantial number of the new simulation-type questions. Passing the CPA exam on your first attempt is possible! We'd like to help.
Volume 1
Outlines and Study Guides
* Covers all four sections of the CPA examination point by point
* Stresses important topical areas to study for each part
* Helps establish a self-study preparation program
* Divides exam into 45 manageable study units
* Provides an outline format supplemented by brief examples and illustrations
* Makes material easy to read, understand, and remember
* Includes timely, up-to-the-minute coverage for the computerized exam
* Supplies step-by-step examples of the "solutions approach"
* Contains all current AICPA content requirements for all four sections of the exam
Volume 2
Problems and Solutions
* Offers selected problems from all four examination sections
* Contains rationale for correct or incorrect multiple-choice answers
* Covers the new simulation-style problems--offering more than 75 practice questions
* Details a "solutions approach" to each problem
* Updates unofficial answers to reflect current laws and standards
* Groups multiple-choice questions into topical categories within modules for easy cross-referencing
* Provides a sample examination for each of the four exam parts

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Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less by Sam Carpenter

Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less by Sam Carpenter
Greenleaf Book Group Press | 2009 | ISBN: 1929774877 | English | 304 pages | PDF | 2.15 Mb

Winner of the 2009 New York Book Festival's award for general non-fiction

Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less was originally self published in soft cover by the author in April 2008 and had modest distribution as it was sold only via the author's website. ''Work'' was picked up by Greenleaf Book Group in the Fall of 2008, thoroughly re-edited, and released to book stores in hard cover May 1, 2009.

Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less will guide you in streamlining the interlaced systems that drive every aspect of your work--and your life. The first key to freedom and wealth is to stand ''outside and slightly elevated'' from your business or job to see the sub-systems that compose it. Then the task is to, one by one, perfect each of these internal systems.

While providing exact direction for creating a culture of ''system improvement,'' the author interlaces his own story of moving from 100-hour workweeks to 2-hour workweeks, while multiplying his monthly income by a factor of 25. Through all this he was the single parent of two children.

The strength of the book lies in convincing the reader to ''get'' the systems-mindset. Then, it provides exact instruction for revitalizing an organization through fostering organizational efficiency, creating simple documentation and getting staff to enthusiastically ''climb on board.''

What Carpenter teaches is simple yet profound: Achieve a positive macro result by working on a micro level. You will learn how to analyze and refine your network of systems to maximize profit, create client loyalty, and develop autonomous employees who are passionately dedicated to the goals of the organization. The bonus: The strategies will help you dramatically improve your personal life while decreasing the stress of being overtaxed and disorganized. You will:

Recognize the systems that are affecting your world and manipulate them into super-efficiency
Maximize productivity when you know you're at your peak brain capacity
Avoid the time-wasting imperfection of striving for perfection
Pulling from his years of experience as the owner of a struggling business that he revitalized into the number one business in his industry, Carpenter offers profound and concise advice that will revolutionize the way you view your work and, indeed, how you live your life. Praise for Work the System: ''The best management book of the year. Follow Sam's path and your business will become orderly, disciplined, repeatable, and profitable.''
--Thomas Cox, founder of Cox Business Consulting
''What Sam Carpenter teaches in Work the System will revolutionize your work and your life!''
--Michael Jans, president, Insurance Profit Systems

''This book is a reality check for small business owners and department managers who are struggling.''
--Susan Solovic, CEO,

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The Visual Effects Producer: Understanding the Art and Business of VFX

The Visual Effects Producer: Understanding the Art and Business of VFX
Publisher: Focal Press | ISBN: 0240812638 | edition 2009 | PDF | 408 pages | 10,1 mb

Go behind the scene of the behind the scenes to learn how the business of producing the dazzling visual effects we see in movies and on TV works.
With decades of combined VFX production and supervisory experience in Hollywood, the authors share their experience with you, illuminating standard industry practices and tips on:
* preproduction planning
* scheduling
* budgeting
* evaluating vendors and the bidding process...


Success for Dummies

Success for Dummies by by Zig Ziglar
Publisher: HarperAudio (April 21, 1998) | ISBN: 0694519197 | Language English | Audio CD in MP3/128 kbps | 84 MB

Turn Success Into A Habit! Get the most out of life with advice on success from internationally acclaimed trainer and author Zig Ziglar! This inspirational audio, laced with humor, offers down-to-earth suggestions for achieving both professional and personal success, plus setting goals, and establishing a game plan. Ziglar gives listeners insider tips on prioritizing goals and multi-tasking to help them acquire balance in life and skills in relationships, fostering success at home, on the job and everywhere else. Through many stories and examples, Zig Ziglar shows how to:

# Discover which attitudes and skills lead to success
# Find prosperity in your relationships with family, colleagues, and friends
# Get motivated - and stay motivated
# Listen to the people who care about you
# Find out the 10 benchmarks of success



The Game-Changer: How You Can Drive Revenue and Profit Growth with Innovation

The Game-Changer: How You Can Drive Revenue and Profit Growth with Innovation by A.G. Lafley, Ram Charan, Jason Culp (Reader)
Publisher: Random House Audio; Abridged edition (April 8 2008) | ISBN: 0739358375 | Language English | Audio CD in MP3/64Kbps | 358 MB

How you can increase and sustain organic revenue and profit growth . . . whether you’re running an entire company or in your first management job.

Over the past seven years, Procter & Gamble has tripled profits; significantly improved organic revenue growth, cash flow, and operating margins; and averaged earnings per share growth of 12 percent. How? A. G. Lafley and his leadership team have integrated innovation into everything P&G does and created new customers and new markets.

Through eye-opening stories A. G. Lafley and Ram Charan show how P&G and companies such as Honeywell, Nokia, LEGO, GE, HP, and DuPont have become game-changers. Their inspiring lessons can help you learn how to:

• Make consumers and customers the boss, not the CEO or the management team
• Innovate to grow a mature business
• Develop higher growth, higher margin businesses
• Create new customers and new markets
• Revitalize a business model
• Reach outside your own business and tap into the abundant brainpower and creativity of the world
• Integrate innovation into the mainstream of your managerial decision making
• Manage risk
• Become a leader of innovation

We live in a world of unprecedented change, increasing global competitiveness, and the very real threat of commoditization. Innovation in this world is the best way to win—arguably the only way to really win. Innovation is not a separate, discrete activity but the job of everyone in a leadership position and the integral, central driving force for any business that wants to grow organically and succeed on a sustained basis.

This is a game-changing book that helps you redefine your leadership and improve your management game.

*Starred Review* Blessings to Procter & Gamble—or, more exactly, its chairman and CEO, A. G. Lafley. Together with Charan, author of Know-How (2007) (and the most probable successor to management guru Peter F. Drucker), he defines, describes, draws examples of, and delineates how innovation became a part of not only the behemoth consumer-packaged-goods company but also part of Lego and Nokia (among others). Lafley is remarkably candid; the story of his “surprise” ascent to CEO-dom in 2000, taking over from Durk Jager, is the story of transformation. A number of commandments accompanied the company’s innovationcentric strategy: the consumer is boss, inside and outside cocreation is encouraged, the innovation process is tangible (and must be followed), and risks can be managed. Most important is his emphasis on human interaction as the key; even better, the last section focuses exclusively on developing a culture of innovation, from promoting the rules of brainstorming to the desired attributes for employees and leaders: courageous, connected and collaborative, curious, open. Sidebars are worthy of posting on a bulletin board; in fact, this is a sustainable reference on innovation that will be hard to beat. --Barbara Jacobs
“A. G. Lafley has made Procter & Gamble great again.”
—The Economist

“Of all the firms on the 2007 ranking of the ‘World’s Most Innovative Companies,’ few are more closely associated with today’s innovation zeitgeist than . . . Procter & Gamble . . . now famous for its open approach to innovation.”

“Lafley brought a whole lot of creativity and rigor to P&G’s innovation process.” —Fortune magazine

“A. G. Lafley has reenergized a venerable giant . . . with a style and energy that will be the subject of business school cases for years to come.” —Chief Executive magazine

“The proof of Lafley’s approach is plain enough. . . . P&G has not only doubled the number of new products . . . but also more than doubled its portfolio of billion-dollar brands and its stock price.”
—U.S. News & World Report

“Ram Charan is the most influential consultant alive.”
—Fortune magazine

“Ram has this rare ability to distill meaningful frommeaningless.”
—Jack Welch

“Among the world’s most sought after CEO advisers.”

“Ram Charan is my ‘secret weapon’ . . . constantly providing depth to issues, not just answers.”
—Ivan Seidenberg, chairman and CEO of Verizon Communications

“Ram Charan knows more about corporate America than anyone.”
—Dick Harrington, CEO of The Thomson Corporation


Part 1 | Part 2

Facilities Manager's Desk Reference

Jane M. Wiggins, "Facilities Manager's Desk Reference"
Wiley-Blackwell | 2010 | ISBN: 1405186615, 1444320475 | 568 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB

In the course of their work, the facilities manager will face a range of complex and often challenging tasks, sometimes concerned with a single business premises, often across an entire property portfolio. To help with those tasks, the Facilities Manager's Desk Reference provides the facilities manager with an invaluable source of highly relevant, practical information on the all the principal facilities management services, as well as information on legal compliance issues, the development of strategic policies and tactical best practice information.

With a clear practitioner perspective the book covers both hard and soft facilities management issues and is presented in an easy to read, concise format. The Facilities Manager's Desk Reference will be a first point of reference for all busy facilities managers and will save them time by providing access to the information needed to ensure the safe, effective and efficient running of any facilities function. It will also serve as a useful overview for students studying for their professional and academic qualifications in facilities management.


The Little Data Book 2010

World Bank, "The Little Data Book 2010"
World Bank Publications | 2010 | ISBN: 0821382446 | 128 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

Now in its eighth edition, this pocket-sized reference on key development data for over 200 countries provides profiles of each country with 54 development indicators about people, environment, economy, technology and infrastructure, trade, and finance. It is intended as a quick reference for users of World Development Indicators and the Atlas of Global Development.


Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook

Michael Lopp, "Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook"
O'Reilly Media | 2010 | ISBN: 0596155409, 1449394035 | 336 pages | PDF | 6,8 MB

As a software engineer, you recognize at some point that there's much more to your career than dealing with code. Is it time to become a manager? Tell your boss he’s a jerk? Join that startup? Author Michael Lopp recalls his own make-or-break moments with Silicon Valley giants such as Apple, Netscape, and Symantec in Being Geek -- an insightful and entertaining book that will help you make better career decisions.

With more than 40 standalone stories, Lopp walks through a complete job life cycle, starting with the job interview and ending with the realization that it might be time to find another gig. Many books teach you how to interview for a job or how to manage a project successfully, but only this book helps you handle the baffling circumstances you may encounter throughout your career.

•Decide what you're worth with the chapter on "The Business"
•Determine the nature of the miracle your CEO wants with "The Impossible"
•Give effective presentations with "How Not to Throw Up"
•Handle liars and people with devious agendas with "Managing Werewolves"
•Realize when you should be looking for a new gig with "The Itch"


Last Chance to Get It Right! - How to Avoid Eight Deadly Mistakes Made With Money

J. Thomas Moore, "Last Chance to Get It Right! - How to Avoid Eight Deadly Mistakes Made With Money"
Wiley | 2004 | ISBN: 0471479624 | 288 pages | PDF | 3,2 MB

Between Social Security uncertainty and uneasiness in the stock market, Americans today face a more uncertain financial future than at any time in decades. Ironically, our response to this growing emergency is to spend more, save less, and put off necessary preparations until tomorrow.

Buckle up, because tomorrow has arrived. Last Chance to Get It Right! outlines a step-by-step program designed to help you:
* Increase the size of your nest egg-for a long, enjoyable retirement
* Slash your income tax bill-both today and throughout your life
* Reduce your estate taxes-to preserve the assets you fought so hard to build

Are you truly prepared for the financial future facing you and your family? LetLast Chance to Get It Right! give you the knowledge and tools you need to stop making financial mistakes today-and put more money in your pocket tomorrow.


Forbes Greatest Investing Stories

Richard Phalon, "Forbes Greatest Investing Stories"
Wiley | 2001 | ISBN: 0471356247 | 272 pages | PDF | 1,4 MB

Going on the idea that experience is the best teacher, Phalon (a Forbes magazine contributing editor) has rounded up 10 mini-essays profiling the business ideals of some of Wall Street's most successful investors. Each chapter opens with a photo, along with a caption explaining the mogul's claim to fame. The author pays homage to eccentrics (like Hetty Green, a feared stock picker in the late 19th century) and simple geniuses (including George Doriot, whose formula "bet the jockey, not the horse" was his lasting contribution) alike, making this an interesting if not pragmatic guide to investing.


Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions and Hurtful Acts

Carol Tavris, "Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions and Hurtful Acts"
Pinter & Martin Ltd | 2008 | ISBN: 1905177216 | 304 pages | PDF | 43,4 MB

Why do people dodge responsibility when things fall apart? Why the parade of public figures unable to own up when they make mistakes? Why the endless marital quarrels over who is right? Why can we see hypocrisy in others but not in ourselves? Are we all liars? Or do we really believe the stories we tell? Renowned social psychologists Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson take a compelling look into how the brain is wired for self-justification. When we make mistakes, we must calm the cognitive dissonance that jars our feelings of self-worth. And so we create fictions that absolve us of responsibility, restoring our belief that we are smart, moral, and right - a belief that often keeps us on a course that is dumb, immoral, and wrong. Backed by years of research and delivered in lively, energetic prose, "Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)" offers a fascinating explanation of self-deception - how it works, the harm it can cause, and how we can overcome it.

"By turns entertaining, illuminating and - when you recognise yourself in the stories it tells - mortifying."
- The Wall Street Journal


Mathematical Methods for Financial Markets

Monique Jeanblanc, Marc Yor, Marc Chesney, "Mathematical Methods for Financial Markets"
Springer | 2009 | ISBN: 1852333766 | 732 pages | PDF | 5,8 MB

Mathematical finance has grown into a huge area of research which requires a lot of care and a large number of sophisticated mathematical tools. The subject draws upon quite difficult results from the theory of stochastic processes, stochastic calculus and differential equations, among others, which can be daunting for the beginning researcher.

This book simultaneously introduces the financial methodology and the relevant mathematical tools in a style that is mathematically rigorous and yet accessible to practitioners and mathematicians alike. It interlaces financial concepts such as arbitrage opportunities, admissible strategies, contingent claims, option pricing and default risk with the mathematical theory of Brownian motion, diffusion processes, and Lévy processes. The authors proceed by successive generalisations with increasing complexity assuming some basic knowledge of probability theory. The first half of the book is devoted to continuous path processes whereas the second half deals with discontinuous processes.

The extensive bibliography comprises a wealth of important references and the author index enables readers quickly to locate where the reference is cited within the book, making this volume an invaluable tool both for students and for those at the forefront of research and practice.


Don M. Chance, Robert Brooks - An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management: With Stock-Trak Coupon

Don M. Chance, Robert Brooks - An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management: With Stock-Trak Coupon
Publisher: South-Western, Div of Thomson Learning | 2006-09-30 | ISBN: 0324646275 | PDF | 698 pages | 52.04 MB

Detailed but flexible coverage of options, futures, forwards, swaps, and risk management - as well as a solid introduction to pricing, trading, and strategy - allows instructors to selectively tailor inclusion of topics/chapters to fit the length of the course.

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Project Management for Mere Mortals

Project Management for Mere Mortals
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | ISBN: 0321423453 | edition 2007 | PDF | 460 pages | 10,6 mb

Praise for Project Management for Mere Mortals
“Project Management for Mere Mortals is a must read for all project managers with responsibilities for large or small projects, regardless of industry or product. Baca has cleverly taken the (sometimes) difficult lexicon of project management and distilled it into easy-to-read, understandable concepts. Her case study examples lead Project Managers from Project Initiation through Project Close–and those between–with ease. In today’s growing discipline of Project Management, we must understand the potential hurdles and where to capitalize on prior knowledge. Baca is a Project Management guru. No person involved with the execution of projects should be without this book…ever.


The Networking Survival Guide: Practical Advice to Help You Gain Confidence, Approach People, and Get the Success You Want

Diane Darling, "The Networking Survival Guide, Second Edition: Practical Advice to Help You Gain Confidence, Approach People, and Get the Success You Want"
McGraw-Hill | 2010 | ISBN: 0071717587 | 288 pages | PDF | 1,9 MB

Praise for the first edition of The Networking Survival Guide

“Any way you look at it, other people are your greatest resource. Diane Darling’s in-depth, easy-to-follow instructions will fill your life with opportunities to meet these people and reap the rewards.”
Nicholas Boothman, author of How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less and How to Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less

Network your way to the highest levels of success!

No matter how smart and talented you are, you need the help of others to reach your true potential. Solid connections with the right people are just as important as being good at what you do.

This fully revised edition of The Networking Survival Guide reveals tried and- true networking tactics, as well as new ways to harness the extraordinary influence of social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. It teaches you how to:

* Identify and develop mutually beneficial relationships
* Create a strategy so your network is in place before you need it
* Succeed at networking even if you’re an introvert
* Use the proper etiquette in any situation
* Turn conversations into opportunities
* Become a resource for fellow networkers


Gerard Blokdijk - PMP/PMBOK 100 Success Secrets

Gerard Blokdijk - PMP/PMBOK 100 Success Secrets
Publisher: Emereo Pty Ltd | 2008-01-23 | ISBN: 0980471656 | PDF | 164 pages | 5.88 MB

There has never been a PMP/PMBOK manual like this. 100 Success Secrets is not about the ins and outs of PMP/PMBOK . Instead, it answers the top 100 questions that we are asked and those we come across in forums, our consultancy and education programs. It tells you exactly how to deal with those questions, with tips that have never before been offered in print. This book is also not about PMP/PMBOK 's best practice and standards details. Instead it introduces everything you want to know to be successful with PMP/PMBOK .

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Déployer et exploiter Lean Six Sigma (ReUp)

Nicolas Volck, “Déployer et exploiter Lean Six Sigma”
Eyrolles 2009 | ISBN-10: 2212543344 | 105 Pages | PDF | 1 MB

La méthodologie d'amélioration des processus Lean Six Sigma connaît un succès phénoménal outre-Atlantique et est souvent associée à des gains financiers colossaux. Pour la première fois, cet ouvrage cerne les enjeux culturels et leurs impacts sur la façon de mettre en oeuvre Lean Six Sigma dans différents types d'organisations, en insistant sur son potentiel managérial et les écueils à éviter en termes de déploiement. Un ouvrage qui répondra aux questions que se posent les entreprises: Quels sont les enjeux organisationnels liés à Lean Six Sigma ? Quelles sont les limites de cette approche et les dérives liées à sa mise en oeuvre ? Dans quelle mesure la culture influence-t-elle l'application de la méthode ? Quels sont les impacts des facteurs humains et environnementaux sur le déploiement ? Comment mettre en oeuvre Lean Six Sigma dans les organisations européennes ? De nombreux cas d'entreprises illustrent le propos de l'auteur: cinq Master Black Belts intervenant dans des organisations européennes et américaines, dans les secteurs de l'industrie et des services, partagent ici leurs expériences. Pour compléter leurs visions, un pilote de processus et des managers ayant participé à des projets Lean Six Sigma apportent leur témoignage.


The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave: How to Recognize the Subtle Signs and Act Before It's Too Late

Leigh Branham, "The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave: How to Recognize the Subtle Signs and Act Before It's Too Late"
AMACOM | 2005 | ISBN: 0814408516 | 240 pages | PDF | 1,3 MB

More than 85% of managers believe employees leave because they have been pulled away by "more pay" or "better opportunity." Yet, more than 80 percent of employees say it was "push" factors related to poor management practices or toxic cultures that drove them out. This gaping disparity between belief and reality keeps organizations from addressing the costly problems of employee disengagement and regrettable turnover with on-target solutions.The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave gives readers a deeper understanding of why conventional exit interviewing doesn't work, and what organizations can do to identify, prevent, and correct the root causes of these problems. This valuable book shows how to avoid job-person mismatches, how to align employee expectations with the realities of the position and the company, how to provide constructive feedback and coaching that breeds employee confidence, and much more.The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave incorporates data from surveys of 19,700 employees performed by the Saratoga Institute, an internationally recognized research organization.


Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance

Nouriel Roubini, Stephen Mihm, "Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance"
Penguin Press HC | 2010 | ISBN: 1594202508 | 368 pages | epub | 1,1 MB

This myth shattering book reveals the methods Nouriel Roubini used to foretell the current crisis before other economists saw it coming and shows how those methods can help us make sense of the present and prepare for the future.

Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini electrified his profession and the larger financial community by predicting the current crisis well in advance of anyone else. Unlike most in his profession who treat economic disasters as freakish once-ina-lifetime events without clear cause, Roubini, after decades of careful research around the world, realized that they were both probable and predictable. Armed with an unconventional blend of historical analysis and global economics, Roubini has forced politicians, policy makers, investors, and market watchers to face a long-neglected truth: financial systems are inherently fragile and prone to collapse.

Drawing on the parallels from many countries and centuries, Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Mihm, a professor of economic history and a New York Times Magazine writer, show that financial cataclysms are as old and as ubiquitous as capitalism itself. The last two decades alone have witnessed comparable crises in countries as diverse as Mexico, Thailand, Brazil, Pakistan, and Argentina. All of these crises-not to mention the more sweeping cataclysms such as the Great Depression-have much in common with the current downturn. Bringing lessons of earlier episodes to bear on our present predicament, Roubini and Mihm show how we can recognize and grapple with the inherent instability of the global financial system, understand its pressure points, learn from previous episodes of "irrational exuberance," pinpoint the course of global contagion, and plan for our immediate future. Perhaps most important, the authors-considering theories, statistics, and mathematical models with the skepticism that recent history warrants- explain how the world's economy can get out of the mess we're in, and stay out.

In Roubini's shadow, economists and investors are increasingly realizing that they can no longer afford to consider crises the black swans of financial history. A vital and timeless book, Crisis Economics proves calamities to be not only predictable but also preventable and, with the right medicine, curable.


Postive Working Relationships: Management Extra

Elearn, "Postive Working Relationships: Management Extra"
Pergamon Flexible Learning | 2005 | ISBN: 0750666781 | 96 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB

Management Extra brings all the best management thinking together in one package.

The series fuses key ideas with applied activities to help managers examine and improve how they work in practice.

Management Extra is an exciting, new approach to management development. The books provide the basis for self-paced learning at level 4/5. The flexible learning structure allows busy participants to study at their own convenience, minimising time away from the job.

The programme allows trainers to quickly plan and deliver high quality, business-led courses. Trainers can select materials to meet the needs of their delegates, clients, and budget.

Each book is divided into themes of ideal length for delivering in a training session. Each theme has a range of activities for delegates to complete, putting the training into context and relating it to their own situation and business.

The books' lively style will stimulate further interest in the subjects covered. Guides for further reading and valuable web references provide a lead-in to further research.

Management Extra is based on the NVQ framework to ease the creation of Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma or NVQ programmes for managers. It is accredited with all leading awarding bodies.

Authoritative but accessible and lively material New, exciting and flexible approach to management development


Principles of Microeconomics

Principles of Microeconomics
Thompson South-Western; 4th edition | January 27, 2006 | ISBN-10: 0324319169 | 533 pages | PDF | 5.1 Mb

Mankiw's Principles of Economics textbooks continue to be the most popular and widely used text in the economics classroom. PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS, 4th Edition features a strong revision of content in all 22 chapters while maintaining the clear and accessible writing style that is the hallmark of the highly respected author. The 4th edition also features an expanded instructor's resource package designed to assist instructors in course planning and classroom presentation and full integration of content with Aplia, the leading online Economics education program. In the 4th edition Greg Mankiw has created a full educational program for students and instructors -- Experience Mankiw 4th edition. "I have tried to put myself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. My goal is to emphasize the material that students should and do find interesting about the study of the economy."


The Job Interview Secret

Jimmy Sweeney, The Job Interview Secret
Career Jimmy | Date: N/A | ISBN: N/A | PDF | 1MB

Dear Job Seeker:
Imagine... the phone rings and you rush to pick it up. You quickly discover you've been chosen to interview for an amazing job you've been dreaming about for years.
You're so excited you can hardly contain yourself. You can't believe they've selected YOU to interview for this dream position.
As you start to calm down and catch your breath, reality rears its ugly head...'s only a job interview.
Your heart sinks and another depressing thought suddenly washes over you...
How in the world are you going to beat out ALL the stiff competition scheduled to interview for "your" dream job?



Ralph Nader - The Ralph Nader Reader

Ralph Nader - The Ralph Nader Reader
Publisher: Seven Stories Press | 2000-10-01 | ISBN: 1583220577 | PDF | 456 pages | 10.42 MB

Four generations of Americans know Ralph Nader as the man who stands up for consumer and worker rights, an advocate on the leading edge of political and social issues from car safety in the '60s to recent protests against the World Trade Organization. This landmark collection brings Nader's writings together for the first time, creating a remarkable portrait of the activist. Lively and articulate, Nader tackles such topics as environmental concerns, Native America, women's rights, nuclear power, corporate corruption, digital democracy, the monolithic Microsoft, and genetically engineered food. This hefty volume is an invaluable resource for those interested in creating change and a testimony to the effectiveness of vigilant citizenship.

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Lisa Berntsen - Wetlands: An Introduction to Ecology, the Law, and Permitting

Lisa Berntsen - Wetlands: An Introduction to Ecology, the Law, and Permitting
Publisher: Government Institutes | 2007-07-28 | ISBN: 0865870187 | PDF | 146 pages | 5.48 MB

This new edition explains what wetlands are and how they fit into our complex environmental systems. It incorporates recent court cases and regulations, discusses the functions and values of wetlands, and details the scientific classification of wetlands.

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Publisher: Dearborn Financial Publishing | pages: 278 | 1999 | ISBN: 1574101293 | CHM | 12,8 mb

Provides instruction on how to incorporate e-commerce into your business plan with a detailed approach, offer customers optimal service and minimal risk, implement techniques unique to Internet business, and learn from the failures and successes of many well known companies.

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Dennis Lock - The Essentials of Project Management

Dennis Lock - The Essentials of Project Management
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing | 2001-04 | ISBN: 0566082241 | PDF | 254 pages | 5.24 MB

A primer distilled from the author's "Project Management". It provides a straightforward account of the principles and techniques of project management, designed to meet the needs of the non-specialist. Using examples and illustrations, the author introduces key project management procedures.

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Market Data Explained: A Practical Guide to Global Capital Markets Information

Marc Alvarez, "Market Data Explained: A Practical Guide to Global Capital Markets Information"
Butterworth-Heinemann | 2006 | ISBN: 0750680555 | 136 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

This book is intended to provide a guide to the universe of data content produced by the global capital markets on a daily basis. Commonly referred to as "market data", the universe of content is very wide and the type of information correspondingly diverse. Jargon and acronyms are very common. As a result, users of marker data typically face difficulty in applying the content in analysis and business applications. This guide provides an independent framework for understanding this diversity and streamlining the process of referring to content and how it relates to today's business environment.

The book achieves this goal by providing a consistent frame of reference for users of market data. As such, it is built around the concept of a data model - a single, coherent view of the capital markets independent of any one source, such as an exchange. In particular it delineates clearly between the actual data content and how it is delivered (i.e., realtime data streams versus reference data). It shows how the data relates across the universe of securities (i.e., stocks, bonds, derivatives etc.). In this way it provides a logical framework for understanding how new content can be added over time as the business develops.

Special features:

1. Uniqueness - this is the first comprehensive catalog and taxonomy to be made available for a business audience
2. Industry Acceptance - the framework described in this book is implemented as a relational data model in the industry today and used by blue chip multinational firms
3. Comprehensiveness - there are no arbitrary distinctions made based on asset class or data type (the legacy approach). The model presented in this book is fully cross asset and makes no distinction between data types (i.e., realtime versus historical/reference data) or sources
4. Independence - the framework is an independent, objective overview of how the data content integrates to provide a coherent view of the data produced by the global capital markets on a daily and intra-day basis. It provides a logical framework for referring to the content and entities that are so intrinsic to this industry

*First and only single, comprehensive desk reference to market data produced by the global capital markets on a daily basis
*Provides a comprehensive catalog of the market data and a common structure for navigating the complex content and interrelationships
*Provides a common taxonomy and naming conventions that handles the highly varied, geographically and language dependent nature of the content


Market Data Explained: A Practical Guide to Global Capital Markets Information

Marc Alvarez, "Market Data Explained: A Practical Guide to Global Capital Markets Information"
Butterworth-Heinemann | 2006 | ISBN: 0750680555 | 136 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

This book is intended to provide a guide to the universe of data content produced by the global capital markets on a daily basis. Commonly referred to as "market data", the universe of content is very wide and the type of information correspondingly diverse. Jargon and acronyms are very common. As a result, users of marker data typically face difficulty in applying the content in analysis and business applications. This guide provides an independent framework for understanding this diversity and streamlining the process of referring to content and how it relates to today's business environment.

The book achieves this goal by providing a consistent frame of reference for users of market data. As such, it is built around the concept of a data model - a single, coherent view of the capital markets independent of any one source, such as an exchange. In particular it delineates clearly between the actual data content and how it is delivered (i.e., realtime data streams versus reference data). It shows how the data relates across the universe of securities (i.e., stocks, bonds, derivatives etc.). In this way it provides a logical framework for understanding how new content can be added over time as the business develops.

Special features:

1. Uniqueness - this is the first comprehensive catalog and taxonomy to be made available for a business audience
2. Industry Acceptance - the framework described in this book is implemented as a relational data model in the industry today and used by blue chip multinational firms
3. Comprehensiveness - there are no arbitrary distinctions made based on asset class or data type (the legacy approach). The model presented in this book is fully cross asset and makes no distinction between data types (i.e., realtime versus historical/reference data) or sources
4. Independence - the framework is an independent, objective overview of how the data content integrates to provide a coherent view of the data produced by the global capital markets on a daily and intra-day basis. It provides a logical framework for referring to the content and entities that are so intrinsic to this industry

*First and only single, comprehensive desk reference to market data produced by the global capital markets on a daily basis
*Provides a comprehensive catalog of the market data and a common structure for navigating the complex content and interrelationships
*Provides a common taxonomy and naming conventions that handles the highly varied, geographically and language dependent nature of the content


The Six Sigma Project Planner : A Step-by-Step Guide to Leading a Six Sigma Project Through DMAIC (repost)

Thomas Pyzdek, "The Six Sigma Project Planner : A Step-by-Step Guide to Leading a Six Sigma Project Through DMAIC"
McGraw-Hill | 2003 | ISBN: 0071411836 | 249 pages | PDF | 2,2 MB

Project management strategies for meeting Six Sigma project goals--on time and on budget. The Six Sigma Project Planner shows Six Sigma Black Belts and Green Belts how to use project management tools to complete Six Sigma improvements on time and on budget. The Planner provides dozens of reproducible project management tools for following the proven Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve- Control (DMAIC) process improvement format.

Readers who follow its guidelines will be able to quickly and effectively:

・Determine a Six Sigma project's ROI
・Correct problems in current processes
・Develop and implement entirely new processes


The Portable MBA in Project Management (repost)

Eric Verzuh, "The Portable MBA in Project Management"
Wiley | 2003 | ISBN: 0471268992 | 400 pages | PDF | 2,2 MB

The Portable MBA in Project Management covers the most pressing topics in project management and features all the leading thinkers in the field. While most project management books address only the techniques for managing individual projects, The Portable MBA in Project Management widens the scope to include insights for managing project-based organizations. In doing so, this comprehensive volume will help managers combine the power of individual project successes to drive the organization to new levels of productivity and customer responsiveness. Eric Verzuh, best selling author of The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, brings together the leading lights of project management in this volume, including Robert G. Cooper, Randall Englund, Jack Meredith and Neil Whitten. In addition to his role as editor, Verzuh draws on his own expertise to address how and why project management is a strategic strength, how to integrate project management into your enterprise, and several other topics for which he is well-known. Together they effectively address the full spectrum of the issues in project management today.


Understanding Broadcast and Cable Finance (repost)

Understanding Broadcast and Cable Finance
Focal Press; 2 edition | February 6, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0240809580 | 232 pages | PDF | 1.1 Mb

From on-air talent contracts and FCC regulations to syndicated program amortization to music licensing fees, electronic media deal with financial principles and jargon that are unique to American business. Understanding Broadcast and Cable Finance helps explain all the financial complexities of a modern electronic media enterprise. Whether you are a news director, sales manager, engineer or any other non-accounting professional that has a stake in the success of your company, this book will bring you up-to-speed on the essentials of financial management for broadcasting and cable.


Test Your Professional English - Business Intermediate (repost)

Steve Flinders, "Test Your Professional English - Business Intermediate"
Pearson ESL | 2002 | ISBN: 0582451493 | PDF | 106 pages | 5,8 MB

Test Your Professional English: Business Intermediate is organized into eight sections and covers words and expressions in areas such as business strategy, project management, business jargon, meetings, presentations, the internet and business culture.
This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 tests and over 500 key words and expressions. They are ideal for class use or self-study.


Test Your Professional English - Secretarial (repost)

Alison Pohl, "Test Your Professional English - Secretarial"
Pearson ESL | 2002 | ISBN: 0582451620 | 105 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB

This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 tests and over 500 key words and expressions. They are ideal for class use or self-study.


Jean Dreze, Amartya Sen - The Political Economy of Hunger: Volume 3: Endemic Hunger

Jean Dreze, Amartya Sen - The Political Economy of Hunger: Volume 3: Endemic Hunger
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | 1991-11-28 | ISBN: 0198286376 | PDF | 416 pages | 51.68 MB

"The authors are highly respected and the series draws on an extraordinary data base and comparison between countries....This series forms the most definitive recent analysis of the problems of hunger and deprivation in the three continents of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The range of issues and countries covered is nothing short of extraordinary....Meticulously argued....Attention to detail sets these studies far above other contemporary writing on hunger and deprivation. Equally the series is welcome for its criticism of economic growth and food production to the exclusion of equity and distribution."--Dissent
"A valuable companion to the first two excellent volumes, all desirable additions to upper-division undergraduate and gradaute collections."--Choice
WIDER The World Institute for Development Economics Research, established in 1984, started work in Helsinki in 1985, with the financial support of the Government of Finland. The principal purpose of the Institute is to help identify and meet the need for policy-oriented socio-economic research on pressing global and development problems and their inter-relationships. WIDER's research projects are grouped into three main themes: hunger and poverty; money, finance, and trade; and development and technological transformation. Volume III deals with the strategic options for the elimination of endemic hunger. The topics covered include: the comparative extent of hunger and deprivation in different parts of the world; the influence of food production; the interconnections between economic growth and public support; the role of economic diversification in reducing vulnerability; the potential impact of direct public provisioning on living standards; and the politics of public action. In addition to general analyses, the book examines the international relevance of a number of specific country experiences in Asia, Africa, and Latin America (including those of China, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Kenya, Bangladesh, and Nigeria).

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Antoin E. Murphy - John Law: Economic Theorist and Policy-Maker

Antoin E. Murphy - John Law: Economic Theorist and Policy-Maker
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | 1997-10-02 | ISBN: 019828649X | PDF | 408 pages | 10.64 MB

Despite his popular reputation as a rake and a gambler, John Law (1671–1729) left a remarkable legacy of economic concepts at a time when economic conceptualization was very much at an embryonic stage. His vision of a monetary and financial system was more of the twenty-first rather than the eighteenth century. Law believed in an economy of banknotes and credit where specie had no role to play. He was the first economic writer to use concepts such as demand and supply, the demand for and supply of money, the money-in-advance requirement, the circular flow of income, and the law of one price. Law was able to implement his economic theory in the form of economic policy during the Mississippi System that he created. This produced Europe's first stock market boom and crash. The collapse of the Mississippi System and closely afterwards the crash of the South Sea Bubble led to a lasting impression of Law as a failure. This book seeks to dispel this view.

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More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite

Sebastian Mallaby, "More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"
Penguin Press HC | 2010 | ISBN: 1594202559 | 496 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB

The first authoritative history of hedge funds-from their rebel beginnings to their role in defining the future of finance.

Based on author Sebastian Mallaby's unprecedented access to the industry, including three hundred hours of interviews, More Money Than God tells the inside story of hedge funds, from their origins in the 1960s and 1970s to their role in the financial crisis of 2007- 2009.

Wealthy, powerful, and potentially dangerous, hedge fund moguls have become the It Boys of twenty-firstcentury capitalism. Ken Griffin of Citadel started out trading convertible bonds from his dorm room at Harvard. Julian Robertson staffed his hedge fund with college athletes half his age, then he flew them to various retreats in the Rockies and raced them up the mountains. Paul Tudor Jones posed for a magazine photograph next to a killer shark and happily declared that a 1929- style crash would be "total rock-and-roll" for him. Michael Steinhardt was capable of reducing underlings to sobs. "All I want to do is kill myself," one said. "Can I watch?" Steinhardt responded.

Finance professors have long argued that beating the market is impossible, and yet drawing on insights from physics, economics, and psychology, these titans have cracked the market's mysteries and gone on to earn fortunes. Their innovation has transformed the world, spawning new markets in exotic financial instruments and rewriting the rules of capitalism.

More than just a history, More Money Than God is a window on tomorrow's financial system. Hedge funds have been left for dead after past financial panics: After the stock market rout of the early 1970s, after the bond market bloodbath of 1994, after the collapse of Long Term Capital Management in 1998, and yet again after the dot-com crash in 2000. Each time, hedge funds have proved to be survivors, and it would be wrong to bet against them now. Banks such as CitiGroup, brokers such as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, home lenders such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, insurers such as AIG, and money market funds run by giants such as Fidelity-all have failed or been bailed out. But the hedge fund industry has survived the test of 2008 far better than its rivals. The future of finance lies in the history of hedge funds.


Case Studies in Project, Program, and Organizational Project Management

Dragan Z. Milosevic, Peerasit Patanakul, Sabin Srivannaboon, "Case Studies in Project, Program, and Organizational Project Management"
Wiley | 2010 | ISBN: 0470183888 | 528 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

The ever expanding market need for information on how to apply project management principles and the PMBOK contents to day-to-day business situations has been met by our case studies book by Harold Kerzner. That book was a spin-off from and ancillary to his best selling text but has gained a life of its own beyond adopters of that textbook. All indications are that the market is hungry for more cases while our own need to expand the content we control, both in-print and online woudl benefit from such an expansion of project management "case content". The authors propose to produce a book of cases that compliment Kerzner's book. A book that offers cases beyond the general project management areas and into PMI's growth areas of program management and organizational project management. The book will be structured to follow the PMBOK in coverage so that it can not only be used to supplement project management courses, but also for self sudy and training courses for the PMP Exam.



Intercorporate Relations: The Structural Analysis of Business

Mark S. Mizruchi, Michael Schwartz, "Intercorporate Relations: The Structural Analysis of Business"
Cambridge University Press | 1992 | ISBN: 0521437946 | 344 pages | PDF | 8,5 MB

This volume constitutes the first compilation of work by leading international scholars who have adopted a structural approach to the study of business. It argues that corporate behavior cannot be understood in terms of the actions of individual firms alone, and that in order to understand how businesses operate, it is necessary to explore the relationships among them. It contains position statements by leading spokespersons for the two major structural perspectives on intercorporate relations--the resource dependence and social class views; essays on markets, money, and relations between corporations and cities; analyses of business structures in Europe, Latin America, Japan and the United States; and a chapter on transnational business relations. The volume as a whole will demonstrate to a wider public the significance and value of a structural approach to business studies.


Econometric Methods {Repost}

Econometric Methods
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin | ISBN: 0079131212 | edition 1996 | PDF | 514 pages | 15,4 mb

A classic text in the field, this new edition features a new co-author and provides a well-balanced and comprehensive study of current econometric theory and practice for undergraduate or graduate study. Traditional topics are carefully blended with newer techniques and trends. While the authors of this text assume students have taken a basic course in statistics, they provide a complete appendix on basic statistical theory for those who may need a refresher. In addition, the authors include in an appendix a review of all relevant topics in matrix algebra. Includes data disk.




Vocabulary Basics for Business

Barbara Cox, "Vocabulary Basics for Business"
Prentice Hall | 2002 | ISBN: 013060710X | 320 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

This book improves learners' communication skills, writing, and general language development by helping them understand and use English terms appropriately. Readers will benefit from this presentation and accumulation of adult learning experience—and by thinking, comparing, using, and remembering A five-part organization assembles lessons of concept, examples, reviews, and exercises that in turn cover contextual clues, word families, word analysis, trouble makers (frequently misused terms), and business words. For corporate training of professionals, middle managers and non-management workers.


WordPress 2.9 E-Commerce

WordPress 2.9 E-Commerce
Packtpub | English | March 2010 | ISBN : 1847198503 | 284 Pages | PDF | 5.87 MB

WordPress is easily one of the hottest platforms for building blogs and general web sites. With the addition of the WP e-Commerce plug-in, it's also a competent platform for easily creating and running an online store, capable of selling physical items as well as services and digital downloads. WordPress with e-Commerce offers every feature that a seller and a customer may need. You can build an online store that makes it easier for the customers to find and buy products.
WordPress 2.9 e-Commerce focuses on the integration of WordPress with the WordPress e-Commerce plug-in, covering all aspects of building and developing an online store from scratch.



MBA Lectures

MBA Lectures
Sikkim Manipal University | 2008 | ISBN: N/A | PDF | 36,7 MB

MB 0022 Management Process and Organization Behavior
MB0023 - Business Communication
MB0025 - Financial and Management Accounting
MB0026 - Managerial Economics
MB0027 - Human Resource Management
MB0029 - Financial Management
MB0030 - Marketing Management
MB0032 - Operations Research
MB0033 - Project Management


The Art of Choosing

The Art of Choosing
Publisher: Hachette Audio | ISBN: 1600248101 | 9CDs | Length: 10 hours 31 mins| March 1, 2010 | Mp3 64kbps | 289MB

Iyengar's inquiry into choice—why we value it, how we make it, and why it matters—is poorly served by this choppy reading. The cross-cultural study featuring the author's own research emphasizes how crucial is the perception of choice to our mental and physical health, and is filled with the sort of chatty asides to the listener that would recommend it for an audio version. Unfortunately, Orlagh Cassidy reads with a jarring pacing and emphasis, which makes minor points sound portentous, and the pedantic quality and singsong cadence give her the air of a primary school teacher. Her tongue trips on Hindi and Punjabi words (and even on the author's name)—which make the book's many autobiographical sections ring false.

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Becoming a Master Student

Becoming a Master Student
Publisher: Houghton-Mifflin | ISBN : 0618771204 | 2006 | 440 pages | PDF | 586MB

“ If they offer this class at your college, take it! If not, the book should still be a big help. The Eleventh Edition of the bestselling Becoming a Master Student continues to lead the way in meeting the changing needs of today's first-year students. Through interactive journaling, a motivational writing style, and hands-on activities that students can apply right away, this text helps students succeed in college and in life. The Eleventh Edition's clean, sophisticated interior design appeals to both traditional students and adult learners. Tools like the Discovery Wheel, Discovery and Intention Journal, Power Process articles, Master Student Profiles, and the Kolb Learning Styles Inventory (LSI) deepen students' knowledge of themselves and the world around them.In addition to the traditional print format, the Eleventh Edition offers a new Multimedia version, which brings together all of the tools instructors have come to rely on--such as videos, quizzes, and journal entries--and delivers them in a single, seamless format. Also look for a more concise length; a completely revised Diversity Chapter; a new Money Chapter; additional strategies for choosing a major; Mastering Technology boxes, skillfully connecting each chapter's topic with applicable technology; an updated Communication chapter with new coverage on analyzing your audience and overcoming the fear of public speaking; and expanded coverage of planning for the next semester and for a career in the What's Next chapter. ”


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Achieve Pmp Exam Success Pmbok Guide: A Concise Study Guide for the Busy Project Manager

Achieve Pmp Exam Success Pmbok Guide: A Concise Study Guide for the Busy Project Manager
Publisher: J. Ross Publishing, Inc. | 2005 | ISBN: 1932159509 | PDF | 352 pages | 1.2Mb

Achieve PMP Exam Success PMBOK Guide 3rd Edition is the newest edition of the very successful Achieve PMP Exam Success series of PMP exam prep guides and is fully aligned with the PMBOK Guide - 3rd Edition. This easy-to-follow study guide which includes a CD-ROM with nearly 1000 practice exam questions provides the busy project manager or student with a brief, yet comprehensive self-study program for successfully passing the PMP or CAPM exam on the first attempt. Used in conjunction with PMI s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ) Guide, it presents all the fundamental knowledge, concepts, exercises and practice exam questions an aspiring project manager will need. Study time is made more efficient by its organization, which closely follows the PMBOK Guide. It even incorporates key topics and concepts from the multiple PMI recommended readings, further reducing study time and eliminating the need for additional resources. It is a M! UST for any aspiring PMP or project personnel.


"The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice" ed. by H. Dumont, D. Istance, F. Benavides

"The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice" Ed. by Hanna Dumont, David Istance and Francisco Benavides
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
OECD | 09 Aug 2010 | ISBN: 9264086470 | 342 pages | PDF | 3 Mb

This book is essential reading for all those interested in knowing what research has to say about how to optimise learning in classrooms, schools and other settings. It aims, first and foremost, to inform practice and educational reform. It will be of particular interest to teachers, education leaders, teacher educators, advisors and decision makers, as well as the research community.

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Plunkett's Outsourcing & Offshoring Industry Almanac 2011

Jack W. Plunkett, "Plunkett's Outsourcing & Offshoring Industry Almanac 2011: Outsourcing and Offshoring Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends & Leading Companies"
Plunkett Research, Ltd | 2010 | ISBN: 159392173X | 491 pages | PDF | 3,8 MB

Outsourcing of all types, offshoring of business processing, offshore contract manufacturing and globalization in general continue to create massive change in the world of business. This revolution creates both opportunities and challenges for organizations, managers and professionals of all types. Plunkett's Outsourcing & Offshoring Industry Almanac covers these sectors in detail. We provide you with our famous industry trends analysis, statistical tables, and a glossary, along with a database of industry contacts including associations and professional societies. We analyze topics such as captive offshore facilities, insourcing, IT oursourcing, BPO, KPO, offshored professional services such as accounting and design, offshored clinical trials, and outsourced logistics and distribution. And you receive our proprietary, in-depth profiles of 350 leading companies in all facets of this industry public and private companies, U.S. and non-U.S. based. Our company profiles include complete business descriptions and up to 27 executives by name and title. Purchasers will find a form in the front of the book enabling them to register for 1-year, 1-seat online access to special tools at Plunkett Research Online, including the ability to view the market research/industry trends section and industry statistics. In this manner, you have online access, at no additional charge, to the very latest data posted to Plunkett Research Online for one year. Online tools will enable you to search, filter and view selected companies, and then to export selected company contact data, including executive names. You'll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package.


The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries

The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries

James W. Cortada, "The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries"
Oxford University Press, USA; 1st edition (December 4, 2003) | English | 0195165888 | 512 pages | PDF | 3.16 MB

This book describes how computers were used in 16 American industries over the past half century to determine what were the critical uses, how technologies came into these industries, and how they were changed by it. This book asserts that computing profoundly changed the nature of work in these industries, creating the bedrock of the Information Age.
James W. Cortada is a Senior Consultant at IBM Consulting Group and the author of nearly two dozen books on information technology, business transformation, and knowledge management.

* CONTENTSArrival of Digital Technologies and Their Applications
* Digitizing the American Economy
* Presence and Role of Manufacturing Industries in the American Economy
* Business Patterns and Digital Applications in the Transformation of Manufacturing Industries
* Patterns and Practices in Three Traditional Manufacturing Industries: Automotive, Steel, and Aerospace
* Patterns and Practices in Three Process Industries: Petroleum, Chemical, and Pharmaceuticals
* Manufacturing Practices in Information Technology Industries: Semiconductors, Hard Disk Drives, and Software
* Business Practices and Digital Applications in the Transformation of Transportation Industries: Trains and Trucks
* Presence of Wholesale and Retail Industries in the American Economy
* Business Patterns and Digital Applications in the Transformation of the Wholesale and Retail Industries
* Patterns and Practices in Three Retail Industries: Grocery, Apparel, and E-tailing
* Conclusion: How Computers Changed the American Economy

* Appendix A: How to Study the Role of Computing by Industry
* Appendix B: The Universal Product Code (UPC), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Point-of-Sale (POS)


Wendy E. Parmet - Populations, Public Health, and the Law

Wendy E. Parmet - Populations, Public Health, and the Law
Publisher: Georgetown University Press | 2009-06-15 | ISBN: 1589012615 | PDF | 292 pages | 10.73 MB

Law plays a crucial role in protecting the health of populations. Whether the public health threat is bioterrorism, pandemic influenza, obesity, or lung cancer, law is an essential tool for addressing the problem. Yet for many decades, courts and lawyers have frequently overlooked law's critical importance to public health. "Populations, Public Health, and the Law" seeks to remedy that omission.The book demonstrates why public health protection is a vital objective for the law and presents a new population-based approach to legal analysis that can help law achieve its public health mission while remaining true to its own core values. By looking at a diverse range of topics, including food safety, death and dying, and pandemic preparedness, Wendy E. Parmet shows how a population-based legal analysis that recalls the importance of populations and uses the tools of public health can enhance legal decision making while protecting both public health and the rights and liberties of individuals and their communities.

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James Barth - The Rise and Fall of the US Mortgage and Credit Markets: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Market Meltdown

James Barth - The Rise and Fall of the US Mortgage and Credit Markets: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Market Meltdown
Publisher: Wiley | 2009-05-04 | ISBN: 0470477245 | PDF | 526 pages | 10.12 MB

The mortgage meltdown: what went wrong and how do we fix it?
Owning a home can bestow a sense of security and independence. But today, in a cruel twist, many Americans now regard their homes as a source of worry and dashed expectations. How did everything go haywire? And what can we do about it now?
In The Rise and Fall of the U.S. Mortgage and Credit Markets, renowned finance expert James Barth offers a comprehensive examination of the mortgage meltdown. Together with a team of economists at the Milken Institute, he explores the shock waves that have rippled through the entire financial sector and the real economy. Deploying an incredibly detailed and extensive set of data, the book offers in-depth analysis of the mortgage meltdown and the resulting worldwide financial crisis. This authoritative volume explores what went wrong in every critical area, including securitization, loan origination practices, regulation and supervision, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, leverage and accounting practices, and of course, the rating agencies. The authors explain the steps the government has taken to address the crisis thus far, arguing that we have yet to address the larger issues.
Offers a comprehensive examination of the mortgage market meltdown and its reverberations throughout the financial sector and the real economy
Explores several important issues that policymakers must address in any future reshaping of financial market regulations
Addresses how we can begin to move forward and prevent similar crises from shaking the foundations of our financial system
The Rise and Fall of the U.S. Mortgage and Credit Markets analyzes the factors that should drive reform and explores the issues that policymakers must confront in any future reshaping of financial market regulations.

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