Practical Horse Law: A Guide for Owners and Riders

Practical Horse Law: A Guide for Owners and Riders
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell | ISBN: 0632056738 | edition 2002 | PDF | 256 pages | 1,08 mb

Practical Horse Law sets out to be an accessible and readable guide to the law for horse owners and riders in situations where they might need to consider their legal position and the need for legal advice. It also suggests steps which can be taken to prevent becoming involved in litigation in the first place. Horseriding is a risk sport, horses are valuable animals, and owners and riders need to be aware of all the legal pitfalls.

It includes choosing a riding school, riding safely, whether in a school or on roads and tracks, buying, selling and loaning horses and equipment, accidents and veterinary negligence, how to make a claim and what to claim for, keeping horses at home or at livery, animal welfare and more.

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Der Hund. Abstammung - Verhalten - Mensch und Hund

Erik Zimen, "Der Hund. Abstammung - Verhalten - Mensch und Hund"
Goldmann | 1992-10-01 | ISBN: 3442123976 | 470 pages | PDF | 10 MB

Dr. Erik Zimen war Mitarbeiter des Verhaltensforschers Prof. Konrad Lorenz, bevor er im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald und in den Abruzzen Forschungsprojekte über Wölfe betreute. Zusammen mit seiner Frau Mona Zimen, die als Lehrerin für Künstlerisches Gestalten und Tanz tätig ist, lebt er auf einem Einödbauernhof in Niederbayern, umgeben von Tieren.
Das Buch ist wirklich absolut empfehlenswert. Der Autor schafft es das eventuell teilweise trockne Wissen in verständlicher und einfacher Sprache zu vermitteln. So muss man als Laie nicht nach den ersten 20 Seiten entnervt aufgeben, sondern kann gespannt bis zum Ende folgen! Die regelmäßigen Abstecher in sein Leben und zu seinen Erfahrungen lockern das Ganze zusätzlich auf.

Wild Mammals of Wisconsin

Charles A. Long, “Wild Mammals of Wisconsin”
Pensoft Pub | 2008-03-31 | ISBN: 9546423033 | 552 pages | PDF | 16,2 MB

The last book by Professor Charles A. Long "The Wild Mammals of Wisconsin" is a comprehensive treatise on mammals found in Wisconsin, updating information on classification, identification, geography and other concepts of their biology. These include ecology (and status), habitats (including dens and nests), reproduction (both development and aging), and estimates of home range, movements, and density (with seasonality whenever possible).

Geographic and micro-geographic variation of races and species are described, based on thousands of preserved specimens, many listed as essential specimens examined. The analysis also includes Upper Michigan, northern Illinois, and occasionally even eastern Minnesota. The problem of appropriate names is discussed, with fair attention to diverse opinions. Taxonomic synonymies include original names, invalid homonyms and synonyms that have been used, and the names deemed acceptable.

The phylogeny of higher taxonomic groups, such as families and orders, provide curious histories and adaptations. Pre-historic and exterminated mammals are described, including the discovery of an elk-moose. Modern concepts, such as evolution and speciation and the biome concept are introduced. Genetics, physiology, animal diseases, relation of hosts to humanity, ecological succession, and zoogeography are discussed.

An especially appealing section on former naturalists who studied Wisconsin mammals includes some surprises: John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, Hartley H. T. Jackson, and the first woman mammalogist - Martha Maxwell of Portage. Detailed accounts are given for 69 species (not counting the few now exterminated), in 17 families and seven orders. A glossary, four appendices, and a magnificent bibliography are at the end. Countless illustrations include grand wildlife artists of past and present. To quote Long: "All together we hope to express tribute to nature, and wildlife poetry and art."

Was ist was?, Bd.20, Reptilien und Amphibien

Manfred Niekisch, Manfred Kostka, “Was ist was?, Bd.20, Reptilien und Amphibien”
Tessloff | 1999-12-01 | ISBN: 3788602600 | 48 pages | PDF | 27,2 MB

Gemäß unserem Anspruch "WAS IST WAS - Wissen up to date" werden die Bände der WAS IST WAS-Reihe in regelmäßigen Abständen überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Der WAS IST WAS-Band "Reptilien und Amphibien" vermittelt dem Leser einen spannenden Einblick in die Welt der Frösche und Kröten, Molche und Salamander, Echsen und Schlangen.

Built by Animals: The Natural History of Animal Architecture

Mike Hansell, “Built by Animals: The Natural History of Animal Architecture”
Oxford University Press, USA | 2009-03-15 | ISBN: 0199205574, 0199205566 | 280 pages | PDF | 2,3 MB

From termite mounds and caterpillar cocoons to the elaborate nests of social birds and the deadly traps of spiders, the constructions of the animal world can amaze and at times even rival our own feats of engineering. But how do creatures with such small brains build these complex structures? What drives them to do it?
In this fascinating volume, Mike Hansell looks at the extraordinary structures that animals build--whether homes, traps, or courtship displays--and reveals what science can tell us about this incredible behavior. We look at wasp's nests, leaf-cutting ants, caddis flies and amoebae, and even the extraordinary bower bird, who seduces his mate with a decorated pile of twigs, baubles, feathers, and berries. We discover how some animals produce their own building materials, such as the silk secreted by spiders to weave an array of different web and traps, or the glue some insects produce to hold their buildings together. And we learn how a vast colony of social insects can create nests which may penetrate up to twenty feet into the ground and house millions of individuals--all built by tiny-brained animals repeating many simple actions as they roam randomly around the structure. Hansell also sheds light on how animal buildings have evolved over time, how insect societies emerged, how animals can alter their wider habitat, and even whether some animals have an aesthetic sense.
Built by Animals offers a colorful account of a facet of animal behavior that will delight anyone interested in the natural world.
Now Available in Paperback

Feindbild Hund und Halter

Gina Barth-Muth - Feindbild Hund und Halter
Pages:93 | PDF | Müller Rüschlikon; Auflage: 1 (2001) | ISBN 3275013718 | 2 MB

Alle Wölfe sind böse und fressen mit Vorliebe kleine Mädchen und bettlägerige Großmütter. Das wissen wir schon aus Kindertagen. Dass alle Hunde über 40 cm Höhe Killer sind, versucht man uns gerade weiszumachen. Durch verantwortungslose Halter hat das bis vor kurzer Zeit so positive Image des Hundes als bester Freund des Menschen schwer gelitten. Doch statt aggressiven Hunden und gewissenlosen Besitzern gezielt zu begegnen, heizen Medien und Politik die öffentliche Stimmung an, und Ministerien erlassen in aller Eile zweifelhafte Verordnungen, Auflagen und Rasselisten, die ihren eigentlichen Zweck verfehlen, nämlich ein Mehr an Sicherheit zu schaffen. Die Leidtragen sind vor allem harmlose Hunde, denen nun das Tierheim oder gar die Todesspritze droht. Verantwortungsbewusste Halter müssen Pöbeleien, mietrechtliche Sanktionen und offene Gewalt gegen sich, ihre Familie und ihren Hund ertragen. In diesem engagierten Buch setzt sich die Autorin Gina Barth-Muth mit der neuen Hundefeindlichkeit sowie den viel kritisierten neuen Hundeverordnungen und ihren zum Teil fatalen Folgen auseinander. Sie gibt Tipps, die Hundehaltern helfen, sich sachlich und kompetent gegen die voreilig verfassten behördlichen Auflagen zu wehren und die raue Zeit öffentlicher Anfeindungen besser zu überstehen. Doch so zermürb die Situation derzeit für Hundefreude auch sein mag, sie ist längst nicht ausweglos: Weil eben nur im Märchen alle Wölfe böse sind und von aufrechten Jägern erschossen werden müssen

Jan Fennell - Mit Hunden sprechen

Jan Fennell - Mit Hunden sprechen
Pages:255 | PDF | Ullstein Tb; Auflage: 1 (August 2003) | ISBN 3548364543 | 0,6 MB

Monty Roberts war ihr Vorbild, seine Arbeit mit Pferden ihre Quelle der Inspiration. Jan Fennell hat die Methoden des »Pferdeflüsterers« für Hunde adaptiert. Wie Roberts geht es ihr nicht darum, gewaltsam den Willen der Tiere zu brechen, sondern mit Blick auf die Instinkte und das Rollenverhalten der Vierbeiner mit ihnen zu kommunizieren. Unterhaltsam und anrührend beschreibt Englands erfolgreichste Hundetrainerin, wie sie arbeitet, »Problemhunde« therapiert und was die besondere Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Hund ausmacht.

The Future of the Wild: Radical Conservation for a Crowded World

The Future of the Wild: Radical Conservation for a Crowded World
Beacon Press | ISBN: 0807085375 | February 15, 2007 | English | PDF | 267 pages | 1.24 Mb

Knowing Animals (Human Animal Studies)

Simmons, Armstrong, (ed.), "Knowing Animals (Human Animal Studies)"
BRILL | 2007-03 | ISBN: 9004157735 | 296 pages | PDF | 4,1 MB

Drawing on a range of perspectives -philosophy, literary criticism, art history and cultural studies-the essays collected here explore unconventional ways of knowing animals, offering new insights into apparently familiar relationships between humans and other living beings.


Was ist was?, Bd.15, Dinosaurier

Joachim Opperman, Manfred Rohrbeck, “Was ist was?, Bd.15, Dinosaurier”
Tessloff | 1999-12-01 | ISBN: 3788602554 | 48 pages | PDF | 11,5 MB

Auch heute noch, mehr als 150 Jahre nach den ersten Knochenfunden, beschäftigen die Dinosaurier, die "schrecklich großen Echsen", die Phantasie vieler Menschen.Der Autor dieses Buches, Joachim Oppermann, Mitarbeiter am weltbekannten Berliner Museum für Naturkunde, zeichnet wissenschaftliche fundiert den Entwicklungsweg der Dinosaurier nach. Interessant erzählt er von den riesigen Pflanzenfressern, den zweibeinig laufenden Räubern, den Vogelfuß-, Stachel-, Panzer- und Horndinosauiern und schließlich vom Untergang dieser faszinierenden Tiere vor 65 Millionen Jahren, die aber in ihren Nachfahren, den heutigen Vögeln, weiterleben.

Was ist was?, Bd.13, Wilde Tiere

Gerhard Hartmann, Reiner Zieger, “Was ist was?, Bd.13, Wilde Tiere”
Tessloff | 1999-12-01 | ISBN: 3788602538 | 48 pages | PDF | 11,2 MB

Die auffälligsten wildlebenden Tiere - die Säugetiere - werden hier in der Reihenfolge ihrer natürlichen Verwandtschaft beschrieben und abgebildet: von den eierlegenden Säugern über Herrentiere, Nagetiere, Wale und Raubtiere zu den Huftieren. So werden der Körperbau und die Gebißformen der Raubtiere und ihre Art des Beutefangs, das Fliegen mit Flügeln oder Flughäuten, die Orientierung mit Radar oder Augen, aber auch die Wanderwege von Tieren, ihr Zusammenleben in Familien und der Gebrauch von Werkzeugen beschrieben. Alles anschaulich und verständlich, doch dabei wissenschaftlich exakt.

Was ist was?, Bd.11, Hunde

Peter Teichmann, Marta Hofmann, “Was ist was?, Bd.11, Hunde”
Tessloff | 1994-12-01 | ISBN: 3788602511 | 48 pages | PDF | 17,6 MB

Wer Interessantes und viel Wissenswertes aus der Geschichte des Hundes, über dieHerkunft zahlreicher Hunderassen und ihre Nutzung als Schlittenhunde, Jagd- und Windhunde, Hirten- und Treibhunde. Diensthunde, als Blindenführhunde oder Familienhunde erfahren möchte, sollte dieses vom Tierararzt Dr. Peter Teichmann sachkundig und lebendig geschriebene Buch lesen. Dem Hundefreund fällt es dann leichter, seinen künftigen "treuen Gefährten" auszuwählen, sein Verhalten zu verstehen, ihn richtig zu erziehen und zu pflegen.

The Dog Listener: Learn How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation

The Dog Listener: Learn How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation By Jan Fennell
Publisher: Collins Living 2004 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 0060089466 | PDF | 2 MB

In The Dog Listener Jan Fennell shares her revolutionary insight into the canine world and its instinctive language that has enabled her to bring even the most delinquent of dogs to heel. This easy-to-follow guide draws on Jan's countless case histories of problem dogs -- from biters and barkers to bicycle chasers -- to show how you can bridge the language barrier that separates you from your dog.

This edition includes a new 30-Day Training Guide to further incorporate Jan's powerful method into every element of pet ownership, including:

* Understanding what it means to care for a dog
* Choosing the right dog for you
* Introducing your dog to its new home
* Overcoming separation anxiety
* Walking on a leash
* Dealing with behavioral problems
* Grooming
* And much more


Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Vol. 2: Etiology and Assessment of Behavior Problems

Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Vol. 2: Etiology and Assessment of Behavior Problems
Wiley-Blackwell | 2001 | ISBN: 0813828686 | PDF | 328 pages | 1.63 MB

Handbook complete in three volumes. Volume two covers history of applied dog behavior and training; behavioral assessment; fears and phobias; attachment, separation, and related disorders; excessive behavior; aggressive behavior; intraspecific and territorial aggression; social competition; appetite and elimination problems, and cynopraxis.

From the Back Cover
andbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Volume Two: Etiology and Assessment of Behavior Problems is a definitive handbook for dog trainers, behaviorists, breeders, veterinarians, and others who have a serious interest in dog behavior and training. Readers will benefit from the author's twenty-five years of study and experience with dogs as a behavioral consultant and trainer.
The vast majority of dogs exhibit at least one undesirable habit. Most of these problems are responsive to remedial training and brief counseling. However, some behavior problems are the result of a more complex etiology involving adverse emotional influences, cognitive disturbances, or pervasive behavioral disorganization. If not properly identified and treated, such problems may lead to the dog being removed from the home or euthanized.

Volume 2 of Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training explores the collective causes underlying the development of serous adjustment problems in dogs. Coupled with Volume 1: Adaptation and Learning, Volume 2 provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework for understanding the development and treatment of behavior problems.
The focus of Volume 2 is to present and evaluate the relevant applied and scientific literature, with the goals of clarifying what is known about the etiology of dog behavior problems and highlighting what yet remains to be learned. In addition, the author introduces several alternative ways for analyzing and understanding the etiology of behavior problems. Topics covered in depth include:

* History of applied dog behavior

* Behavioral etiology and assessment

* Fear, anxiety, and phobias

* Separation-related problems

* Compulsive behavior problems

* Hyperactivity

* Dominance, territorial and fear-related aggression

Having Fun With Agility

Having Fun With Agility
Howell Book House | ISBN: 0764572989 | 2004-11-05 | PDF | 192 pages | 10 Mb

A positive agility training method that's fun for you and your dog

Designed expressly for dog owners who want the interactive thrill of agility sports without the rigid rules, pressures, and expenses of competition, Having Fun with Agility is a practical, down-to-earth guide to today's most popular canine sport.

The seasoned trainer and award-winning writer Margaret Bonham explains proven, positive methods--such as clicker training--that will help your dog perform the kinds of fabulous feats you see at competitions. Whether your pet's a Chihuahua or a Great Dane, a Basset Hound or a mixed breed, Having Fun with Agility will help you and your dog master the basics--and enjoy doing it.


Was ist was?, Bd.59, Katzen

Rainer Köthe - Was ist was?, Bd.59, Katzen
Pages:48 | PDF | Tessloff Verlag September 2001) | ISBN 3788602996 | 20 MB

Katzen gehören zu den beliebtesten Haustieren in deutschen Wohnstuben. Das hat vielerlei Gründe: Katzen sind anschmiegsam und reinlich, gleichzeitig aber auch eigenwillig und selbständig. Mit diesen faszinierenden Tieren befaßt sich in dem vorliegenden WAS IST WAS-Buch Dr. Rainer Köthe. Er verfolgt die Bedeutung der Katze durch die Jahrhunderte und Kulturen, stellt die wichtigsten Rassen einschließlich vieler Wildformen vor, beschreibt Sinnesleistungen und Verhaltensweisen und gibt Tips für die Pflege dieses liebenswerten Hausgenossen.

Geliebtes Untier. Von Sara und anderen Katzen

Anja Meulenbelt - Geliebtes Untier. Von Sara und anderen Katzen
Pages:95 | PDF | Rowohlt TB-V., Rnb. (1993) | ISBN 3499132559 | 0.5 MB

...zum Thema "Katzen, ihre Frauen und Männer" von der niederländischen Feministin Anja Meulenbelt für alle, die Katzen lieben. Sicherlich wird so mancher "Dosenöffner" sich und seine heißgeliebten schnurrenden Tyrannen hier wiedererkennen. Schöne Lektüre zum Schmunzeln für einen verregneten Sonntag, die man immer wieder gern aus dem Regal holt.

Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Vol. 1: Adaptation and Learning

Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Vol. 1: Adaptation and Learning
Wiley-Blackwell| January 31, 2000 | ISBN: 0813807549 | 410 pages | PDF | 2.9 MB

"The most valuable publication about dogs since Scott and Fuller's classic text, Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog, published in 1965."

Victoria Lea Voith, President, American Vetirinary Society of Animal Behavior

"The objective of giving a scientific account of all aspects of learning in dogs has been accomplished to a very high degree. ... No other comparable scientific texts are available."

Andrew Luescher, Director, Animal Behavior Clinic, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University

Product Description
Handbook complete in three volumes. Volume one covers origins and domestication, development of behavior, neurobiology of behavior and learning, sensory abilities, biological and dispositional constraints on learning, classical conditioning, instrumental learning, aversive control of behavior; learning and behavioral disturbances, and human-dog companionship.

Saved: Rescued Animals and the Lives They Transform

Karin Winegar, "Saved: Rescued Animals and the Lives They Transform"
Da Capo Press | 2008-10-27 | ISBN: 0738212768 | 240 pages | PDF | 3,2 MB

Phil, ailing and unemployed, took an orphaned fawn into his trailer and now walks the woods with the devoted stag. -I don-t know what I-d do without Li-l Buck,- Phil declares simply. -I guess I-d be crazy.- Walt, a retired pipe fitter, says, -Animals...take your heartache away. I lost my boy to drugs and my horse saved my life-just through the therapy of riding.- Don and Lillian devote their time advocating for animal rights and bringing home lost animals. According to Don, -Emotionally, it-s an endorphin rush to be with [the animals]. On the metaphysical level, they give us meaning in life.- With these and many other compelling, heartfelt stories, Saved, in the words of Rita Mae Brown, -proves once again that love rescues us all.-


Apes of the World: Their Social Behavior, Communication, Mentality and Ecology

Russell H. Tuttle, "Apes of the World: Their Social Behavior, Communication, Mentality and Ecology"
William Andrew | 1986-06-01 | ISBN: 0815511043 | 421 pages | PDF | 8,2 MB

The first major and most comprehensive synthesis of results from ecological, naturalistic behavioral, comparative psychological and humanoid language research on apes since the classic work, The Great Apes, by Robert M. and Ada Yerkes in 1929. Based on more than 1,360 references from scientific journals, monographs, symposium volumes and other public sources, the book contains a wealth of current information on the taxonomy, ecology, postural and locomotive behavior, natural communications, anmd social behavior of the apes. Topical discussions in the book are organized to show the extent of progress, including the development of new research questions, and the way our views of apes have changed as new information has become available since 1929.


El Encantador de Perros

César Millán y Melissa Jo Peltier "El Encantador de Perros"
Santillana | ISBN: 9788403099357 | 2007 | PDF | 255 pages | 11.2 Mb

¿Su perro le está volviendo loco? ¿Es agresivo, nervioso, asustadizo o demasiado irritable?
Los perros son nobles y generosos con nosotros, pero ¿qué es lo que les damos a cambio? Un sitio donde dormir, comida, afecto… ¿Es suficiente para ellos? ¿No podríamos ir más allá, ver qué sucede en el interior de sus mentes, de sus corazones, y averiguar lo que necesitan realmente?
César Millán le ofrece las técnicas prácticas necesarias para entender cómo ve el mundo su perro, cuáles son sus necesidades para una vida pacífica, feliz y equilibrada.
El encantador de perros lo ayudará a comprender lo que sucede en la mente del mejor amigo del hombre y a desarrollar una relación plena y positiva con él.
Número 1 en ventas de la lista del New York Times.

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The Zebrafish: Genetics and Genomics

H. William Detrich, "The Zebrafish: Genetics and Genomics"
Academic Press | 1998-12-15 | ISBN: 0125441622 | 396 pages | PDF | 6,8 MB

This is the second volume of a two-volume, comprehensive treatment of the methodologies used in researching the Zebrafish, an emerging vertebrate model system. The text includes discussions on development, genetic methodologies, and model applications.

The Zebrafish is a two-volume compendium of laboratory protocols and reviews that focus on Danio rerio, the tropical, freshwater fish that has emerged as an extremely powerful molecular-genetic model system for analysis of vertebrate development. Accessible to novices and "old hands" alike, these volumes summarize all aspects of zebrafish cell and developmental biology and provide a comprehensive reference to current genetic and genomic approaches.

Volume 59: Biology describes the embryology of the zebrafish, presents methods for cell culture and for the study of gene expression and function in development, highlights cellular techniques for analysis of morphogenesis, and concludes with protocols for the study of, and descriptions of mutations that perturb organogenesis. Volume 60: Genetics and Genomics, presents strategies and methods for genetic screening to obtain developmental mutants and techniques for mapping mutations and cloning of the causative genes.

Key Features:
* Details state-of-the-art Zebrafish protocols in a single-source reference
* Presents methods and reagents in user-friendly format
* Delineates critical steps and pitfalls of he procedures
* Illustrates techniques with full-color plates
* Summarizes many new and interesting developmental mutants
* Includes appendices with strain information and a compendium of Zebrafish World Wide Web sites
* Relevant to clinicians interested in vertebrate models of human congenital diseases


Beautiful Jim Key: The Lost History of the World's Smartest Horse

Mim E. Rivas, "Beautiful Jim Key: The Lost History of the World's Smartest Horse"
Harper Paperbacks | 2006-04-01 | ISBN: 006056704X | 368 pages | PDF | 1.1 MB

Beautiful Jim Key -- the one-time ugly duckling of a scrub colt who became one of the most beloved heroes of the turn of the century -- was adored not for his beauty and speed but rather for his remarkable abilities to read, write, spell, do mathematics, even debate politics. Trained with patience and kindness by one of the most renowned horse whisperers of his day -- former slave, Civil War veteran, and self-taught veterinarian Dr. William Key -- Jim performed in expositions across the country to wildly receptive crowds for nine glorious years, smashing box office records, clearing towering hurdles of skepticism and prejudice, and earning the respect and admiration of some of the most influential figures of the era, from Booker T. Washington to President William McKinley.

This is the remarkable true saga of a truly exceptional animal -- and the no less exceptional man who led him to greatness.

Pamper Your Dog : 130 Recipes for Your Canine Friend

Pamper Your Dog : 130 Recipes for Your Canine Friend by Michelle Johnston
Publisher: James J. Jones (July 31, 2008) | 143 Pages | ASIN: B001DKCD9W | PDF | 1.5 MB

The cookbook that your dog and dogs everywhere have been waiting for has finally arrived. Pamper Your Dog unleashes 130 recipes for tasty treats and meals for your canine friend that are sure to have your dog salivating. You cook for yourself and your family, so don't ignore your most faithful of friends. Pamper Your Dog will show you how to prepare tasty and healthful treats and main meals for their dogs without a lot of cost or work.

Biscuits, Cookies, Stew, Treats, etc.

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(Duden) Kennst Du das?, Tiere

(Duden) Kennst Du das?, Tiere
Bibliographisches Institut & FA Brockhaus AG | 2006 | ISBN: 3411704411 | 34 pages | PDF | 7,2 MB

Ein anderes spannendes Thema behandelt der Band 'Was ist das? Tiere'. Hier gibt es Tiere aller Arten zu sehen, Haustiere und die Tiere des Urwaldes. Die faszinierenden Farbfotos sind nach Gruppen geordnet, die einen ersten Zugang ermöglichen: Neben Tieren mit Streifen finden sich z. B. auch große, schnelle, stachelige oder gefleckte Tiere auf 17 Doppelseiten versammelt.

"Factscope" Series by Saddleback Educational Publishing

Earth / Animal World / Plants / Human Body
Saddleback | 2006-11-08 | ISBN: 978 1602915985 | 4x66 pages | PDF | 37 MB

With bright, vibrant colors and amazing photography, these six 64-page visually stunning books invite students to explore and discover the world of science. Key facts and terms are described on each page. “Factoscope” boxes highlight important points of text. Colorful photographs are labeled for easy identification.


* Key science terms are highlighted on every page
* Dramatic full-color photographs
* Important text is bulleted


* Four-color dramatic covers
* Each book contains an index
* Text is evenly spaced for easier reading

Birds: Their Habits and Skills

Lesley J. Rogers, Gisela Kaplan, "Birds: Their Habits and Skills"
Allen & Unwin Pty. | 2002-04 | ISBN: 1865083763 | 252 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

An unusual collection of curious facts about our feathered friends, this book describes the fascinating behaviors and physiology of birds of all shapes and sizes-from the birds in cities to the wild birds in rainforests, deserts, plains, and coastal regions. Topics discussed include bird evolution and why some came to be flightless, why some birds have well-developed senses and memory, the wide diversity of courtship rituals and territorial displays, and the art of nest building. In short, Birds explains why these creatures do the things that they do, so that people can more fully enjoy and understand the birds they see every day. Supplemented with arresting photography, this is a marvelous companion for the curious birdwatcher, the serious student of biology, and for any nature or bird lover.

Maran Illustrated Dog Training

maranGraphics Development Group, “Maran Illustrated Dog Training”
Course Technology PTR | 2005-03-16 | ISBN: 1592008585 | 256 pages | PDF | 18,2 MB

Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics Group, Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Dog Training is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers—from individuals picking up their first puppy to those who are looking to eliminate their pet’s annoying behaviors. Instead of describing the myriad ways to perform each task, Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Dog Training shows the reader the best way, while the full-color photographs and clear, step-by-step instructions walk the reader through each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance the readers’ dog training experience. Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Dog Training is packed with essential information for teaching simple commands and performing the most impressive tricks. Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Dog Training costs less than the price of one private training lesson, and will be a permanent resource that can be accessed at any time.

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Michael Morrison, Bruce G. Marcot, R. William Mannan, "Wildlife-Habitat Relationships: Concepts and Applications"
Island Press | 2006-12-08 | ISBN: 1597260940 | 520 pages | PDF | 5,8 MB

Wildlife-Habitat Relationships goes beyond introductory wildlife biology texts to provide wildlife professionals and students with an understanding of the importance of habitat relationships in studying and managing wildlife. The book offers a unique synthesis and critical evaluation of data, methods, and studies, along with specific guidance on how to conduct rigorous studies. Now in its third edition, Wildlife-Habitat Relationships combines basic field zoology and natural history, evolutionary biology, ecological theory, and quantitative tools in explaining ecological processes and their influence on wildlife and habitats. Also included is a glossary of terms that every wildlife professional should know. Michael L. Morrison is professor and Caesar Kleberg Chair in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University in College Station. Bruce G. Marcot is wildlife ecologist with the USDA Forest Service in Portland, Oregon. R. William Mannan is professor of wildlife ecology at the University of Arizona in Tucson.


Guide to Antimicrobial Use in Animals

Luca Guardabassi, Lars Bogø Jensen, Hilde Kruse "Guide to Antimicrobial Use in Animals"
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell 2008 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1405150793 | PDF | 2 MB

The first book to offer practical guidelines on the prudent and rational use of antimicrobials in animals. Drawing on multidisciplinary expertise to offer independent scientific advice on a controversial area that is crucial to both human health and animal welfare. The earlier general chapters cover issues such as human health risks and the problems of resistance to antimicrobial drugs. The later specific chapters are dedicated to particular groups of animals.

* Has an emphasis on preserving the efficacy of antimicrobial drugs that are clinically important in human medicine

* Covers both companion animals and food animals, including aquaculture

* Suitable for veterinary practitioners working in small and large animal medicine, aquaculture and animal production, as well as veterinary students, academics and researchers. It will also be of interest to those more generally involved in veterinary public health and antimicrobial resistance.

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Do Tarantulas Have Teeth: Questions and Answers About Poisonous Creatures

Melvin Berger, Gilda Berger, “Do Tarantulas Have Teeth: Questions and Answers About Poisonous Creatures”
Scholastic | 2000-09 | ISBN: 0439095786 | 48 pages | PDF | 2,4 MB

The answers to hundreds of questions—about everything from bears to snakes, tarantulas to volcanoes— are here in these books for second and third graders. The questions are intriguing, and the answers are easy to understand and often quite funny. Full-page art shows the animals and environments in vibrant detail. Kids will love quizzing their friends and adults.

Scholastic Q&A: Do Whales Have Belly Buttons?

Melvin Berger, Gilda Berger, “Scholastic Q&A: Do Whales Have Belly Buttons?”
Scholastic Reference | 1999-08-01 | ISBN: 0439085713 | 48 pages | PDF | 3 MB

Provides answers to such questions about various species of whales and dolphins as "Do all whales have teeth?", "How long do most whales live?", "Why do dolphins whistle?", and "Can dolphins save humans?"

Scholastic Q&A: How Do Bats See In The Dark?

Melvin Berger, Gilda Berger, “Scholastic Q&A: How Do Bats See In The Dark?”
Scholastic Reference | 2001-10-01 | ISBN: 0439229049 | 48 pages | PDF | 3,25 MB

In this wonderful introduction to nocturnal animals, kids will learn hundreds of facts about creatures of the night. Readers will find out that each kind of firefly has its own special signal, that cockroaches have been on Earth since the time of the dinosaurs, and that a litter of 14 baby opossums will fit easily in a soupspoon!

Scholastic Q&A: Did Dinosaurs Live In Your Backyard?

Melvin Berger, Gilda Berger, “Scholastic Q&A: Did Dinosaurs Live In Your Backyard?”
Scholastic Reference | 1999-08-01 | ISBN: 0439085683 | 48 pages | PDF | 3 MB

Grade 3-5-Solid chunks of information are offered in these short introductions that answer questions related to their respective subjects. The questions are practical, down-to-earth, and have definite child appeal, such as "What happens when an enemy bites off a spider's leg?" and "Do spitting cobras really spit?" The first title covers the physical and behavioral characteristics common to all spiders, basic anatomy, senses, courting behavior, egg-hatching, special characteristics of about two dozen species, relationship to humans, etc. Tarantulas describes how poisonous animals use venom to capture prey or to defend themselves, hunting and feeding methods, physical or behavioral characteristics of abou- four dozen types, and more. Each title boasts vividly colored, realistic paintings of the animals discussed. Labels identify the creatures by common names. Both titles have lively, well-organized texts that offer up some fascinating facts, figures, and anecdotes. They may inspire students to read more detailed introductions to the subjects, such as Claudia Schnieper's Amazing Spiders (Carolrhoda, 1989), Sandra Markle's Outside & Inside Spiders (Atheneum, 1994), or Nathan Aaseng's Nature's Poisonous Creatures

Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones

Tom Lonsdale "Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones"
Publisher: Dogwise Publishing 2005 | 118 Pages | ISBN: 0975717405 | PDF | 1.3 MB

What your dog wants to eat. If dogs could talk what would they say is the best food to keep them in tiptop condition? Would they recommend a selection of cans and kibble or would they recommend a fresh rabbit and half a chicken?

In Work Wonders: Feed your dog raw meaty bones Australian veterinarian Dr Tom Lonsdale inspires us to see a dog’s dietary needs from a dog’s perspective taking into account Nature’s teachings, easily understood science and sound common sense.

Work Wonders provides essential information for dogs and their owners, veterinarians, educators and anyone interested in dogs, diets and health. Eight entertaining and informative chapters lead you through the practical essentials of dog feeding including how to find sources of fresh, healthy meat as well as how to safely store and prepare a diet of raw meaty bones. It’s easier than you think!

Tom Lonsdale’s 2001 landmark book Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health provides in-depth analysis of how commercial foods contribute to a range of pet illnesses including gum disease, immune disorders and cancer. Work Wonders is the ideal, practical sequel. Learn how easy it is to feed your dog what he really wants — raw meaty bones.

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Globetrotting Pets: An International Travel Guide

David Forsythe, "Globetrotting Pets: An International Travel Guide"
Island Publishing | 2003-03-01 | ISBN: 0972415602 | 416 pages | PDF | 2,3 MB

The book discusses how to make plans for entering foreign countries. Over 230 countries are listed in the book with their specific entry requirements for pets. Tourist offices and embassies in the U.S. are listed.
"Globetrottting Pets-An International Travel Guide" gives the reader specific information about traveling with pets to most countries of the world. The entry requirements for over 230 countries are included. This is an invaluable resource for any international traveler who wishes to take their pet along.

Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource - Reptiles (2 Vol. Set)

Leslie A. Mertz, Neil Schlager, Jayne Weisblatt, "Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource - Reptiles (2 Vol. Set)"
U·X·L | 2005-04-25 | ISBN: 0787694045 | 213 pages | PDF | 25,1 MB

Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Reptiles offers readers comprehensive and easy-to-use information on Earth's reptiles. Entries are arranged by taxonomy, the science through which living things are classified into related groups. Each entry includes sections on physical characteristics; geographic range; habitat; diet; behavior and reproduction; reptiles and people; and conservation status. Family entries are followed by one or more species accounts and a range map and photo or illustration for each species.

Zoonosis y enfermedades transmisibles comunes al hombre y a los animales

"Zoonosis y enfermedades transmisibles comunes al hombre y a los animales"
Publisher: Organizacian Panamericana de la Salud | 2003-09 | ISBN 9275319936 | PDF | 544 pages | 1.6 MB

En los Altimos aos las zoonosis y las enfermedades transmisibles comunes al hombre y a los animales han venido siendo objeto de una creciente atencin en todo el mundo. Las enfermedades humanas que tienen sus orgenes en animales infectados, como el SIDA o la enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, han puesto de relieve la necesidad de lograr una mejor comprensin acerca de las enfermedades de los animales. La facilidad y la velocidad de los viajes modernos contribuyen a la propagacin de enfermedades antes limitadas a zonas geogr¡ficas especficas, como ocurri recientemente con la muy publicitada epidemia de s­ndrome respiratorio agudo grave (SARS, por su sigla en ing©s). Las migraciones y el comercio de animales plantean una amenaza similar, segn qued demostrado en los Estados Unidos con los brotes de la fiebre del Nilo occidental y, ltimamente, de la viruela de los monos, dos enfermedades anteriormente desconocidas en el continente americano. Cada uno de esos ejemplos pone de relieve la necesidad de contar con informacin exacta y actualizada, como la presentada en la ltima edicin de Zoonosis y enfermedades transmisibles comunes al hombre y a los animales.

The Vicuña: The Theory and Practice of Community Based Wildlife Management

Iain J. Gordon, "The Vicuña: The Theory and Practice of Community Based Wildlife Management"
Springer | ISBN: 038709475X | October 23, 2008 | 256 pages | PDF | 2.5MB

The vicuña is one of the few success stories of wildlife conservation. The focus is now shifting from protection to sustainable use. Internationally, policy development has followed the community-based conservation paradigm, which holds that economic benefits from wildlife management practices bring greater commitment on the part of local communities to protect both the species and its habitat. This book takes the position that sustainability is not guaranteed by sustainable use, and that both education and regulation are required to prevent the proliferation of unsustainable practices.

The research from the countries presented in this book demonstrate the animal welfare, ecological, economic, social, and conservation trade-offs, which exist between different management systems. This links economics, social and conservation research to provide a unique insight into the viability of community-based wildlife management of a species which until recently was viewed simply as a conservation priority.

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Agriculture: The Food We Grow and Animals We Raise

Julie Kerr Casper, “Agriculture: The Food We Grow and Animals We Raise”
Chelsea House Publications | 2007-02-28 | ISBN: 0816063524 | 210 pages | PDF | 4,95 MB

This book explores one of the most important uses of the land: the production of agriculture. Readers will learn that farms and ranches produce much more than food; but scientists, farmers, ranchers, and other landowners haven't solved conservation problems--yet.

The Welfare of Laboratory Animals

Eila Kaliste "The Welfare of Laboratory Animals"
Springer | 2004-08-10 | ISBN: 1402022700 | 345 pages | PDF | 4,6 MB

Where there are no alternatives to the use of experimental animals in biomedical research, their welfare has to be ensured as far as possible. The aim of this book is to describe the current knowledge about the welfare of laboratory animals. There is previous literature dealing with the welfare of animals in general, as well as literature dealing with the maintenance and use of laboratory animals. This book brings together these two topics, focusing to the general and species-specific needs of laboratory animals in the light of their welfare. The book will provide material for researchers, lecturers, students and technical staff working with laboratory animals. The authors of this book are leading European scientists in laboratory animal science.

The book has two main parts: part one focuses on the general principles of laboratory animal maintenance and experimental use, as well as factors which have to be taken into account when good research is done with animals. The second part is species specific, concentrating on the species most used as laboratory animals. This part gives a comprehensive description of the welfare questions considered to be important for each species under laboratory conditions.

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Before You Get Your Puppy

Ian Dunbar, “Before You Get Your Puppy”
James&Kenneth Publishers | 2001-08-20 | ISBN: 1888047003 | 104 pages | PDF | 2,55 MB

When you choose a new puppy, you need to meet six developmental deadlines before your puppy is just five months old. "BEFORE You Get Your Puppy" covers the first three developmental deadlines covering the period of puppy selection until your puppy's first week at home.

1st Developmental Deadline: Your Education About Puppy Education - Before you search for a puppy you need to complete your education about puppy education. You need to know how to select a good puppy and how puppies work. Selecting a puppy is similar to selecting a car: Do lots of research beforehand and "test drive" a wide variety. But first, you need to learn how to drive.

2nd Developmental Deadline: Evaluating Your Prospective Puppy's Progress - Before you choose your puppy, you need to know how to assess your prospective puppy's current socialization and educational status. Regardless of breed or breeding, if socialization, housetraining, and basic manners are not well underway by eight weeks of age, the puppy is already developmentally retarded.

3rd Developmental Deadline: Errorless Housetraining & Chewtoy-Training Make certain that an errorless housetraining and chewtoy-training program is instituted from the very first day your puppy comes home.

Virtual Apprentice - Oceanographer

Don Rauf and Monique Vescia "Virtual Apprentice - Oceanographer"
Published by Ferguson Publishing | July 2008 | ISBN: 0816067627 | PDF | 65 pages | English | 5.22 MB

Oceanography is the scientific study and exploration of the global ocean in all its aspects. This “young” science has developed fairly late in human history (compared to medicine or mathematics, for instance). In fact, more people have traveled into outer space than into the deep ocean. The most exciting discoveries in oceanography are yet to come.
“Virtual Apprentice: Oceanographer” immerses you in the most mysterious environment on Earth. Join the scientists who explore this vast and largely unexplored frontier, whether from the deck of a research vessel or a computer lab on dry land.
Travel down into the deepest trench on the ocean floor and visit ghostly shipwrecks and weird “black smokers” towering above the seabed. Meet bizarre creatures that have adapted for life in different marine environments. Jump into the Virtual Apprentice experience for a day full of oceanographic challenges.
Discover how some oceanographers are trying to protect the ocean’s food supply while others are seeking alternative energy sources beneath the waves. Find out about the biggest challenges facing oceanographers in the coming decades, and learn what you can do to help preserve the oceans that sustain all life on Planet Earth.

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The Prehistoric Earth - March onto Land: The Silurian Period to the Middle Triassic Epoch

Thom Holmes "The Prehistoric Earth - March onto Land: The Silurian Period to the Middle Triassic Epoch"
Published by Chelsea House Publications | May 2008 | ISBN: 0816059594 | PDF | 193 pages | 7 MB

"March Onto Land" depicts life's migration from the sea to the land and the rise of the first terrestrial organisms. Following the appearance of the first land plants and terrestrial invertebrates, some animals with backbones ventured out of the water. After gaining a toehold on dry land, terrestrial vertebrates grew in number and diversity to become the most important large-bodied organisms on the planet.
The evolution of the amniotic egg gave vertebrates an adaptive advantage, allowing them to explore habitats beyond those of their water-bound amphibian ancestors. As a result, reptiles arose and rapidly diversified into a variety of distinct families, each with its own peculiarities.
Vertebrate groups explored in this full-color volume include early tetrapods, amphibians, and reptiles. By the Middle Triassic period, the evolutionary stage was set for the rise of many new and distinct species, including mammals and dinosaurs.

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The Prehistoric Earth - Time of the Giants: The Middle & Late Jurassic Epochs

Thom Holmes "The Prehistoric Earth - Time of the Giants: The Middle & Late Jurassic Epochs"
Published by Chelsea House Publications | July 2008 | ISBN : 0816059616 | PDF Format, pages | English | 5.04 MB

This fully illustrated book examines the scientific view of dinosaurs as living creatures. Once considered docile and inactive - like their distant cold-blooded reptiles relatives - dinosaurs are now thought to have been active, energetic creatures that used a variety of methods to maintain a constant body temperature.
The story of best-known dinosaurs is told in "Time of the Giants". The Middle and Late Jurassic Periods saw the largest land animals ever to walk the Earth - the sauropods. But the giants were not alone; other kinds of dinosaurs were diversifying rapidly as well. Most notably, predatory dinosaurs began their own trend towards gigantism, and the prolific development of plated and armored herbivores filled ecological spaces not tread upon by the long-necked behemoths. By the end of the Jurassic Period, dinosaurs represented extremism in the size of land animals with equally elegant metabolic and thermoregulatory mechanisms to maintain an active lifestyle. At the other end of the size scale, some small meat-eating dinosaurs, such as Archaeopteryx, developed powered flight and gave rise to birds.

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Go Facts Natural Environments - Forests

Ian Rohr "Go Facts Natural Environments - Forests"
Published by A&C Black Publishers Ltd | October 2008 | ISBN : 1408104849 | PDF | 28 pages | English | 5.33 MB

This book is part of a series of four full-colour information books on the theme of Animals. The books have been carefully created to make information accessible to young readers. Large, exciting photographs draw readers into the text and get them thinking about the topic. The books are ideal for school libraries and for topic work. They can also be used to supplement the Go Facts: Animals Starter Pack which includes a photocopiable Teaching Guide full of inspirational guided reading and guided writing lesson plans using the information books. The content, layout, language and writing style of the books will help pupils to learn and understand the structures and conventions of nonfiction writing.

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Go Facts Natural Environments - Grasslands

Ian Rohr "Go Facts Natural Environments - Grasslands"
Published by A&C Black Publishers Ltd | October 2008 | ISBN: 1408104830 | PDF | 28 pages | English | 5.19 MB

This book is part of a series of four full-colour information books on the theme of Animals. The books have been carefully created to make information accessible to young readers. Large, exciting photographs draw readers into the text and get them thinking about the topic. The books are ideal for school libraries and for topic work. They can also be used to supplement the Go Facts: Animals Starter Pack which includes a photocopiable Teaching Guide full of inspirational guided reading and guided writing lesson plans using the information books. The content, layout, language and writing style of the books will help pupils to learn and understand the structures and conventions of nonfiction writing.

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Go Facts Natural Environments - Mountains

Ian Rohr "Go Facts Natural Environments - Mountains"
Published by A&C Black Publishers Ltd | October 2008 | ISBN: 1408104806 | PDF | 28 pages | English | 5.17 MB

This book is part of a series of four full-colour information books on the theme of Animals. The books have been carefully created to make information accessible to young readers. Large, exciting photographs draw readers into the text and get them thinking about the topic. The books are ideal for school libraries and for topic work. They can also be used to supplement the Go Facts: Animals Starter Pack which includes a photocopiable Teaching Guide full of inspirational guided reading and guided writing lesson plans using the information books. The content, layout, language and writing style of the books will help pupils to learn and understand the structures and conventions of nonfiction writing.

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In Defense Of Animals: The Second Wave

In Defense Of Animals: The Second Wave By Peter Singer
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers 2005 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 1405119403 | PDF | 1.5 MB

In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave brings together the best current ethical thinking about animals. Edited by Peter Singer, who made "speciesism" an international issue in 1975 when he published Animal Liberation, this new book presents the state of the animal movement that his classic work helped to inspire.

Long hailed as a brilliant and controversial philosopher, Singer has assembled incisive new articles by philosophers and by activists. In Defense of Animals is sure to inform and inspire all who want to understand, or contribute to, the unfolding moral revolution in the way we treat animals.

DoWnLoAd FiLe

M.J.B. Vreysen: Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests: From Research to Field Implementation

M.J.B. Vreysen: Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests: From Research to Field Implementation
Pages:792 | PDF | Springer; 1 edition (December 4, 2007) | ISBN 1402060580 | 15.27 MB

Insect pests are becoming a problem of ever-more biblical proportions. This new textbook collates a series of selected papers that attempt to address various fundamental components of area-wide insect pest control. Of special interest are the numerous papers on pilot and operational programs that pay special attention to practical problems encountered during program implementation. It s a compilation of more than 60 papers authored by experts from more than 30 countries.

From the reviews:

"Area-wide management of crop pests gained credence in the recent past to the extent it gradually migrated from headline news to established practice. … With over 30 color illustrations and material never previously presented in a single source, the volume stands as a highly useful reference for the global IPM/crop protection community." (IPMnet News, Issue 160, 2008)

"Area-wide pest management is not a new or unfamiliar concept. Mosquito control, as practiced in many areas of the world, is probably the best-known example of area-wide control … . area-wide management has several advantages, most notably effectiveness and economy. … With over 60 separate articles, this volume has something of interest for everyone. … the editors did a wonderful job in editing, and each article reads crisply and concisely. This volume is highly recommended as a valuable reference for anyone interested in pest management." (John L. Capinera, Florida Entomologist, Vol. 91 (2), 2008)

"This volume brings together 66 papers by specialist authors, mostly those presented at the second FAO/IAEA International Conference on area-wide control of insect pests. The papers are arranged in 8 sections. … The book provides an excellent record of the need for very careful planning and research that is needed before attempting an AW-IPM programme and rightly points out that success cannot be taken for granted. … this book provides a useful compendium of current information." (G. A. Matthews, Crop Protection, Vol. 27 (7), 2008)

"Successful area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes require basic research, leading to technology/strategy development, feasibility studies and pilot trials before operationalization at full scale. ... The eight sections of the book discuss the above issues in detail ... . this is an invaluable book for proponents and practitioners of AWIPM programmes and graduate students venturing into this field." (Rajinder Kumar Saini, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Vol. 28 (2), 2008)

"This book portrays area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) as a sustainable form of insect pest management and highlights its potential in current and future systems across the world. ... is a quality product, well-produced, with numerous figures and colour images well-used throughout. ... I was impressed with the book. It is a wellintegrated compilation of international contributions that will serve as a useful compendium to scientists, students, and ... to policy makers also." (Olivia Kvedaras, Australian Journal of Entomology, Vol. 47, 2008)

If major advances are to be made in coping with most of the major arthropod pest problems, then the tactics and strategies for managing such insects, ticks and mites must change. They must change from the current, limited scale, reactive, broad-spectrum measures to preventive measures that are target-pest specific and rigidly applied on an area-wide basis.
